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Marketing Essentials


Added on  2023/03/24

PowerPoint Presentation
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This presentation on Marketing Essentials focuses on the importance and value of marketing plans, marketing objectives and strategies, monitoring of marketing plans, concepts of segmentation, targeting, and positioning. It discusses how Starbucks uses advertising, distribution strategies, and pricing strategies to promote its products and services. The presentation also highlights the significance of marketing in selling products and services, introducing new products to the market, and increasing profitability. It emphasizes the use of marketing strategies such as advertising on TV or social media to enhance productivity. The presentation further explores the concepts of market segmentation, targeting, and positioning, and how Starbucks targets customers to cover the entire market. It concludes with the expansion plans of Starbucks in China and the key factors of promotion, people, process, and physical evidence.

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Marketing Essentials

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Starbucks is a brand of high quality goods and
services in the market. The company sells its
products and services at premium prices. The
company deals with the coffee. The company
gives first priority to the consumers and their
satisfaction. The coffee taste is appreciated by
customers. The article can elaborates
advertising, distributions strategies and pricing
strategies used by the Starbucks company.
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Importance and value of marketing
Marketing promotes the good and services of
Starbuck company .
For the organisations marketing is important for
selling products and services.
If company produces new product marketing
introduces them to the market.
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Marketing objectives and strategies
The main objective of marketing to provide
goods and services to the customer.
To promote products of organisation in the
To increase profitability with 25%.
Marketing process use the strategies for
making good productivity by advertising on
TV or social media.

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Marketing strategy includes advertisement,
promotion on radio, selling product as a free
sample and by other mouth publicities.
Marketing plan of the company is to
established our business in the China
The company is focusing on increase
productivity by 25%.
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Monitoring of marketing plans
The marketing plan introduces internal communications andThe marketing plan introduces internal communications and
increasesincreases profit. The marketing plan of Starbucksprofit. The marketing plan of Starbucks
company is to increase the number of enquires by 20 %company is to increase the number of enquires by 20 %
with in 2 years.with in 2 years.
The company also focuses on to increase sales by 30 % .The company also focuses on to increase sales by 30 % .
This can be done from best marketing objectivesThis can be done from best marketing objectives
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Concepts of segmentation
Starbucks needs to use market segmentation that
divide the customers in groups through their
Mainly there are four kinds of segments.
The first one is Demographic such as marital
status, age , gender, education and ethnicity.

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Second is Geographic, that includes country ,
states, city, region and neighbourhood.
Third is psychology , that includes personality ,
values, risk aversion and lifestyle. Forth is
behavioural, that includes products and benefits.
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Concept of targeting
There are several factors to analyse size and
potential growth.
It is related to the customers who owns the
market as there preference is must for the
company, who want to retain in the market for
long period.
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Starbucks is a company that targets the
customers in such a way that they covers the
entire market by giving primary priority to
the customers.

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Positioning refers to the place offered by a
customer to the company. So that the
company can fight competitions and define
its competitors by keeping their product on
top with the help of their existing customers.
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Place: Will expand into few cities of China
Promotion:these includes many communication tools
as its key factors like Social media
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People: Highly hostile employees will be employed.
Process: Fast delivery services.
Physical evidence: Ambience is expected to attract
large number of customers.

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Jones, R. and Rowley, J., 2011. Entrepreneurial marketing in small
businesses: A conceptual exploration. International Small Business
Journa. 29 (1). pp.25-36.
Clow, K. E. and James, K. E., 2013. Essentials of marketing research: Putting
research into practice. Sage.
Blythe, J., 2012. CIM Coursebook Marketing Essentials. Routledge.
Dibb, S. and Simkin, L., 2013. Marketing essentials. Cengage Learning.
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