
Essentials of Marketing Analysis


Added on  2020-06-06

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Marketing EssentialsProject
Essentials of Marketing Analysis_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Key roles and responsibilities of marketing function............................................................1P2 Roles and responsibility of marketing related to organisational context...............................5M1 Roles and responsibility of marketing in context to marketing environment.......................6M2 Significance of Interrelationship among marketing and other organisational units.............7D1Key elements of marketing function......................................................................................7TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7P3 Ways in which firm uses elements of marketing mix for obtaining success in the business7M3 Various tactics applied by organization..............................................................................10TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................10P4 Marketing plan.....................................................................................................................10M4 Coherent evidence based marketing...................................................................................15D2 Strategic marketing plan......................................................................................................15CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................16
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INTRODUCTIONMarketing is a term which study the exchange relationship and it is an effective processof promoting various goods or services across international boundaries in order to fulfils the needor demand of millions of buyers. Along with this, it also signifies the method by which anenterprise may deal with their desired customer at marketplace (Babin and Zikmund, 2015). Infact, major objective of marketing team is to maximize the sales of an association by adoptingvarious tools or techniques. Coconut bliss is an organization whose main objective is tomanufacture healthy or fruitful items for enhancing the human body. However, main motive of acompany is to design their products free from harmful or dangerous raw materials and produce itwith the use of natural substantial. Thus, this assignment is mainly segmented into three differentparts for highlighting the method by which selected association operate their business forattaining their organizational objectives. Initially, report will throw lights on essential roles orresponsibilities of marketing team with the help of useful methods in order to promote itemsacross international boundaries. Additionally, it also highlight obligation of team in widerorganizational context by considering relevant information or data. Role of 7 P'S are alsooutlining in this project by comparing it with their competitors and prepare an impressivemarketing plan for accomplish their business activities in an effective manner. TASK 1P1 Key roles and responsibilities of marketing functionMarketing department of coconut bliss plays a very eminent role in maximizing theirsales by promoting their goods or services across international boundaries with the help ofsuitable methods. Coconut bliss is an association whose main objective is to offer healthy foodsor products to domestic and foreign customers with the help of useful method of sellingdepartment. In fact, it has been observed that marketing act as a lifeblood for success ordevelopment of an association due to their efficient roles and obligation toward attainment of setobjectives (Brassington and Pettitt, 2013). Along with this, it is also responsible for enhancingthe growth, maximization of profitability by satisfying needs or desires of different customers.Basically, managerial team of coconut bliss trying to accomplish their assigned task in aneffective manner by considering necessary facts or figures. Apart from this, initially they aregoing to forecast the demand of their products at local and national marketplace to make their1
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plans accordingly. Thus, major job of marketing team is to identify the consumer needs, choice,current trends and preferences in order to design their items as per their demand. Hence, some ofthe major roles or responsibilities which is played by marketing team of coconut bliss isdescribed as follows:- Identification of customer taste:- First and foremost duty of team is to determine thechoice or preferences of local as well as foreign customers in order to fulfils their needsor demands as per their desired (Caragher, 2016). Coconut bliss offers healthy itemswhich are beneficial for patients and normal human beings due to which number ofcustomers get attracted towards it. Hence, identification of clients is profitable forassociation in various manner such as it assist production team while designing of goods.It means selling group act as a indispensable for success of an enterprise because it helpsother departments while performing their business operations. Assessment of current trends:- Secondly, they are responsible for determining the recenttrends and required to study strategies which is implemented by their competitors in orderto design coconut items accordingly. In fact, it is also useful in accomplishing setobjectives or goals in minimum duration because it helps an enterprise during planingprocess. For example; if marketing managers of a company get updated about currentmarket strategies or trends which is used by society then it may help them while makingpromotional plans as well as guide their manufacturing department to modify existingproducts as per customers demands. As a result it help an enterprise in generatingmaximum revenue. Market research:- According to this obligation, marketing team is liable for accumulatenecessary information or data which is used by enterprise while designing their strategiesor promotional schemes in order to capture attention of millions of customers. Researcherteam aids in identifying objectives, available opportunities and understand therequirement of entire society (Charles, JOSEPH and CARL, 2011). Basically, it isindispensable for every small or large enterprise to implement investigation departmentfor identifying customer demands, understanding the choice of clients of various agegroups, getting aware about strategies of competitors and collected several othernecessary facts or figures which is used by association during decision making process. 2
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Promotion of goods or services:- Production department is liable for designing necessarygoods or items which is further promote by marketing department with the use of varioususeful modes. For example; giving advertisement in television, articles in newspapers,pamphlets, magazines and social media. Thus, it has been observed that due to emergenceof modern equipments most of the individuals are addicted towards social sites andaccomplish their day to day work with the use of internet (Dibb and Simkin, 2013). Itmeans adoption of internet services is one of the useful and most appropriate mode ofpromotion because of their maximum benefits. For example; consume minimum timeperiod, maximum number of consumers get attracted including foreign clients also,immediate respond and so on. Maintain business relations:- Sales men or middle men or entire team of marketing isliable for creating a positive connection with competitors as well as various customerswhich is beneficial for their image. If an association get succeeded in gaining the trust orloyalty of numerous of clients and rivalries then they can easily continue their businessfor long run by establishing their goodwill at marketplace. Marketing team of coconutbliss is trying to make effective relation with their partners, shareholders or customers forachieving their short term and long term vision. Hence, marketing department of referredcompany plays a very vital role in creating a healthy or friendly relations by propercommunication process. 3
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(Source:- Role of marketing, 2017)Product development:- Apart from all the above one of the major role which is played bymerchandising team is that they always try to present their products in positive manner infront of overall society. Along with this, it also highlight benefits or advantages ofoffered items for maximizing their sales in a minimum time period (Durmaz, 2011).However, they also trying to enhance the quality or features of products by packing it inan effective manner with the use of various additional items such as shiny papers, ribbonsand so on. Thus, by doing all these things marketing team may improve or develop theoffered products externally which may capture the attention of different customers. Conduct events or sessions:- One of the major or essential role which is accomplished byselling team is that they need to conduct or plan impressive sessions or promotionalprogrammes by implementing campaigns for maximization of sales. In fact, campaigningevents are very useful technique which is adopted by marketing department of a coconutbliss because products which is offered by this enterprise are very healthy in nature andmostly demanded by travellers whosoever are roaming from one place to another. Alongwith individuals living away from their family also requires these kinds of foods formaintaining their health. 4Illustration 1: Role of marketing
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