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Marketing Essential


Added on  2023/01/16

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This document provides an overview of marketing essential, including a comparison of two popular brands based on the elements of the marketing mix. It also includes a marketing plan for an organization, focusing on objectives, vision, mission, STP analysis, SWOT analysis, and marketing mix analysis. The document is suitable for students studying marketing or related subjects.

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Marketing Essential

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Table of Contents
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3
P3 Comparison based of organisation on element of marketing mix.....................................3
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7
P4 Produce a marketing plan for a organisation.....................................................................7
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Marketing is one of very important activity which is performed in every organisation and
which helps in achievement of increased amount of sales (Babin and Zikmund, 2015). This is a
tool which is very important for smooth running of various other functions in a organisation.
This is a very important component which is helping in creation of increased sales for a company
and this functional department forms various attractive strategies which can be adopted and then
sales can be achieved in specified time period. This report is based on two very popular brands of
UK which are Tesco & Asda. It includes description of seven important aspects of marketing
mix and then a marketing plan is formed which can help Tecso in achievement of various
organisational objectives.
P3 Comparison based of organisation on element of marketing mix
Marketing mix is one of very commonly used techniques which helps in understanding of
various aspects which are related with how a company can form various different strategies with
help of different aspects which a re part of this marketing tool. There are seven basic elements
which together constitute a marketing mix (De Mooij, , 2018). A comparison is made below of
two companies which is related with these seven aspects used by two brands which are Tecso &
Elements of Marketing Mix Tesco Asda
Product Tesco is a brand which is
having huge range of offerings
of products. They are catering
to needs of various segment of
customers and there is no
specific segment which has
been targeted by tesco. They
are dealing in products such as
Asda is one of leading retail
brands which is offering
products which are unique and
at same time varied. This is a
supermarket retail business
and is a mobile phone
company which is based on EE
network financial services.
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bakery products, frozen
products, pet care products,
home appliances and many
other varieties. Which helps
them in satisfying needs of
their target segment.
They are having wide variety
as they dealing in grocery
products to electronics and
clothing. This brand is into
retail selling and also has a
online presence. They have
developed doorstep service for
delivering their merchandise
and has a large category of
30,000 products in one of its
stores which is largest amongst
all their stores.
Price Tecso has a strategy which is
related with cost leadership
and they are having a pricing
strategy in which they are
willing to offer goods at lower
price and at sane time they are
willing to offer high quality in
their products (Dwivedi,
Kapoor and Chen, 2015). They
have a unique programme also
known as Brand guarantee in
which they offer their
customers a guarantee that
they will not get such quality
products at prices at which
Tecso is providing.
This is related with pricing
strategy adopted by ASDA.
This is a very popular brand
and they are having a pricing
strategy so that they are bale to
provided products at lower
prices but they do not make
any compromises on quality of
their products.
Place Tesco has a distribution
strategy in which they are
ASDA has its presence on
several locations. They also

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having a wide presence all
over world such as there are
6900 stores which are present
in 11 countries across globe.
They are having large
supermarkets which are
dealing in groceries and
smaller range of non-food
items. Tesco express are also
smaller stores which are
dealing into high margin
products & various essentials.
have adopted a 'niche store
technique' in which company
is willing to increase their
profitability. In UK there are
many large hypermarkets such
as Asda Walmart super centres
which has a sales area of
approximately 90000 square
Promotion Tecso also has a advertising
strategy and promotional
strategy which that have
adopted to attain a
competitive position (Fan,
Lau, and Zhao, , 2015). Such
as they are indulged into
various television
advertisements, hoardings and
charitable events. They are
having large promotional
measures in form of
promotional discount such buy
one and get one free. They
have loyalty card for their
regular customers which is
commonly regarded as 'Tesco
clubcard' which is helping this
brand ns segmentation of their
ASDA has a pricing strategy in
which they are focussing on
discounts and various
promotional schemes. They
are willing to improve
perception of their customers
by using a reproach of value
pricing and value promotion.
Which means that each
promotion activity of this
brand has a main focus to
make their customers realize
what is overall value which
they are getting from a
particular product which they
purchase from this brand. This
helps them in creation of large
base of customers based on
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customers and then targetting
them. Such owners of card get
points which can be reddened
at their wish so that they are
able to avail discounts.
Physical Evidence This is related with proof that
authentic products are
provided to customers. Logo,
labels, colour and equipments
are evidence which is used by
Tesco as a physical proof for
their customers. This helps in
experiencing tangibility by
Tesco (Keegan, 2017).
Strength of this brand lies on
their large size, number and
location which ave been
divided into various
categories. This is supermarket
division which is catering to
needs of small segment and
was formed in year 2009. they
are having a general
merchandise store which is
Asda Living and this is linked
to Compass group which is
operating various coffee shops.
Major business is to provide
retail product related to health
& beauty services clothing,
electronics, home wares etc.
People Tesco is a leading brand and
there are many people who are
given employment by this
brand. Anyone who is willing
to work with this brand has to
undergo through a selection
process, policy selection &
careful job is very necessary
Asda is having its focus on all
their stakeholders as they
believe tat it is because of
these stakeholders that
company is bale to function in
a smooth manner. There are
approximately 1,80,000
employees and theer are
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for this organisation. There are
around 480,000 employees
who are working in this
company across globe. There
is a policy of diversity which
is encouraged in this
organisation (Layton,, 2015).
millions of customers who are
related with this brand. They
have also adopted a people
strategy in which this company
is focussing on providing
training to their staff members
so that high quality products
can be offered to their
customers. This leads to
delivering of prompt services
and benefits from investing of
financial resources by this
brand in training of their staff
Process Tesco is a organisation in
which they have a unobjective
which they have to achieve
that is designed in a way so
that there are minimal
restriction and policies which
are kept by them this leads to
reduce rigidity and increased
Originally a food seller Asda
was a brand dealing in food
product but alter this company
became a retailer as they
started product related to
household goods. They also
started their financial services
and various different segment
such as insurgence, travel
money supermarket chains etc.
Above discussed is the marketing mix of two popular brands which is of great help in
deciding their future marketing strategies. This helps in making a detailed analysis of these two

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P4 Produce a marketing plan for a organisation
A marketing plan is helpful in achievement of a certain objective e which have been set
by any organisation (Mogos, 2015). These are generally short term objectives which are meant to
be achieved in a particular specified time period.
Executive summary: Tecso is a multinational brand which is having presence in many parts of
world. This is a type of business which believes in having long term success and this is because
of a core vision of this brand which is having a major focus on formation of effective strategies.
Marketing Objective: Marketing objective of Tesco in present scenario is “To increase their
market share by 10 percent by end of year 2020”
Vision: Vision of tesco is “ have a growing business with innovative and modern ideas”
Mission: Tesco has a mission “Building value on their products sop that they can increase
satisfaction level of their customers”
STP analysis:
Segmentation: The company have a strong customer relationship and loyal customers. The
company segmentation is divided in demographic, geographic, psycho graphic and behavioural.
Targetting: The company is basically focuses on the requirements of customer instead of
something different (Ryan, 2016). It focuses on Mass marketing strategy in order target large
audiences at a particular time. In addition to this, it focuses on to give its services to more and
more customers.
positioning: Tesco has adopt low price strategy in order to position its brand in the mind of
customers positively. It uses a statement “ cheapest rates everyday” in its advertisement as this
gain the eyes of more number of peoples which directly affect on its sales in a positive way.
SWOT analysis:
Strength Weakness
Tesco is one of the largest retail
organisation globally and has won
awards for outstanding customer
experience as well as shopping
The company is not able to place its
position in the market of japan which
declines its profit level as well as its
market share.
The company faces high credit and
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The company uses innovative
technologies to perform its operations
which declines its cost & raises its
profit level.
Tesco has high market presence and
market share which build positive
image in the mind of consumers that
leads to increase in number of loyal
debts which adversely affect on its
financial profits. In addition to this, the
managers of Tesco follows Low cost
strategy due to this also it profitability
In 2018, the company starts to give
points to customers on their shopping
without noticing it to customers. It
makes customers angry and reduce the
number of loyal customers of Tesco.
Opportunity Threat
Tesco recently launched Jacks which is
a discount store and gains growth in the
market. This acts as an opportunity for
Tesco to fight against with its rivals
that is Lidl & Aldi in the market.
The company can increase its market
presence by acquiring with shops where
it is not performing (Smilansky, 2017).
Tesco can increase its business by
offering its products online and to give
home delivery.
The company have the opportunity to
expand its operation in countries like
Turkey, Indonesia and many more.
With the exit of European union, the
company profitability and value goes
down which is a threat for Tesco.
Competitors such as Lidl, Wlamart
impose a threat for company as declines
its profits as well as market position.
Legal matters, government regulations,
credit crunches, tax matters impacts on
the performance & operational
efficiency of Tesco adversely.
Marketing mix analysis
Elements of marketing mix Tecso
Product it is the largest organisation and basically
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dealing with products such as financial
services, clothing, food, electronics and many
more (Yasmin, Tasneem, and Fatema, 2015).
In addition to this, the company also provides
various range of brands to the customers. The
company recently expand its business by the
help of online marketing as it starts offering
home deliver delivery to customers which
upgrade its sales and profits.
Price The company follows low pricing strategy in
order to attract large number of audiences and
to earn high profits. The company offers low
price but maintain its quality so that they can
build loyal customers who can increase its
sales in future also (Tan and Sousa, 2015).
Due to its pricing strategy the company is now
leading in the market. With this, the company
have club card process due to which customers
can gain points on their purchasing.
Promotion The company advertise its product on social
media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube,
Instagram and on many more applications. The
company emphasise on its advertising “ Low
pricing” with an aim to attract large number of
people. It also advertise attractive offers such
as half price, buy two get one free and so on.
The company have both option for payment
that is offline as well as online which is easy
and convenient for customers and saves the
time of customer.

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Place The company head office in Chestnut, England
. The company has presence in greater than 50
countries due to which its market share and
market reputation is increased. The company
has offline and online distribution channels
which enables them to reach customers at
anywhere and everywhere. Its offline stores are
Tesco Metro, Tesco home plus. Tesco
Superstore, Tesco Express & Tesco Superstore.
It has its own website which deals with online
customers and increase its sales.
Physical Evidence The higher authorities of company believes
that spending high amount on the furnishing of
its outlets is not too worth as it believes in
maintaining and cleaning of stores. The
company website is also easy to use as well as
to operate for customers. They placed good
offers for customers which makes its financial
conditions strong.
process The company focuses on matching with the
demand and supply. It always ensures that
service as well as product is available online or
offline to customers. In addition to this, it also
focuses on making its customers satisfied as
well as happy as it provides speed billing
services to its customers (Vinerean, 2017).
Tesco can achieve it by solving the issues of
customers rapidly and to hire the competent
manpower in the company.
People The main reason behind its success is its
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employees and its sales Team. The company
organize loyalty programs such as Save as you
Earn, Colleague card and so on. This will assist
company to highly satisfy customer which in
turn leads to customer loyalty. In addition to
this, its manpower is highly talented and
competent which contributes towards its
success and attainment of its goals within time
Financial Budget:
Monitoring & Controlling: This is related with how effectively all the objectives which have
been decided by a organisation. In this it is ensured that all activities have been done and there is
no loopholes which are there in the plan (West, Ford and Ibrahim, 2015). This is very important
to check overall effectiveness of various activities which are part of a particular marketing plan.
Controlling activities act as a check on aspects such as resource are being used in a optimum
manner, there have been no delay in achievement of targets and such other related objectives.
From above made analysis it can be concluded that marketing is a function which is
playing a very important role in all organisation. They are helping brands in building a strategic
position in target market to which they are catering to. Strategies are formed by marketing
department in every organisation with help of tools such as marketing mix. This helps in creation
of business plan in which various objectives are laid down and to be achieved by a organisation.
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Books & Journal
Babin, B.J. and Zikmund, W.G., 2015. Exploring marketing research. Cengage Learning.
De Mooij, M., 2018. Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes.
SAGE Publications Limited.
Dwivedi, Y.K., Kapoor, K.K. and Chen, H., 2015. Social media marketing and advertising. The
Marketing Review, 15(3), pp.289-309.
Fan, S., Lau, R.Y. and Zhao, J.L., 2015. Demystifying big data analytics for business intelligence
through the lens of marketing mix. Big Data Research, 2(1), pp.28-32.
Keegan, W.J., 2017. Global marketing management. Pearson India.
Layton, R.A., 2015. Formation, growth, and adaptive change in marketing systems. Journal of
Macromarketing, 35(3), pp.302-319.
GREEN MARKETING. Calitatea, 16(S1), p.274.
Ryan, D., 2016. Understanding digital marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the digital
generation. Kogan Page Publishers.
Smilansky, S., 2017. Experiential marketing: A practical guide to interactive brand experiences.
Kogan Page Publishers.
Tan, Q. and Sousa, C.M., 2015. Leveraging marketing capabilities into competitive advantage
and export performance. International Marketing Review, 32(1), pp.78-102.
Vinerean, S., 2017. Importance of strategic social media marketing. Expert journal of
marketing, 5(1).
West, D.C., Ford, J. and Ibrahim, E., 2015. Strategic marketing: creating competitive advantage.
Oxford University Press, USA.
Yasmin, A., Tasneem, S. and Fatema, K., 2015. Effectiveness of digital marketing in the
challenging age: An empirical study. International Journal of Management Science and
Business Administration, 1(5), pp.69-80.
(Babin and Zikmund, 2015) (De Mooij, , 2018) (Dwivedi, Kapoor and Chen, 2015) (Fan, Lau,
and Zhao, , 2015) (Keegan, 2017) (Layton,, 2015) (Mogos, 2015) (Ryan, 2016)
(Smilansky, 2017) (Tan and Sousa, 2015) (Vinerean, 2017) (West, Ford and Ibrahim,
2015) (Yasmin, Tasneem, and Fatema, 2015)
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