
Market Segmentation and Competitive Analysis


Added on  2023-01-11

6 Pages1504 Words69 Views
Running head: MARKETING
Market Segmentation and Competitive Analysis_1

Introduction................................................................................................................ 3
Market Segmentation................................................................................................. 3
Potential Market Segments........................................................................................ 3
Geographic Segment............................................................................................... 3
Demographic Segment............................................................................................ 3
Behavioral............................................................................................................... 4
Psychographic Segmentation.................................................................................. 4
Competitive Analysis.................................................................................................. 4
Resource Objectives and Value of company...............................................................4
Resources and Values............................................................................................. 4
Objectives............................................................................................................... 4
Effective Segment Criteria.......................................................................................... 5
Conclusion and Recommendation..............................................................................5
References................................................................................................................. 6
Market Segmentation and Competitive Analysis_2

The market segmentation was one of the best tool to analyze the demand and taste of the
consumers in a very effective manner. This tool helps the company to analyze the market and
before entering into any new market this tool becomes very effective. Marketing of any product
requires the targeted consumes to whom it should target. The company must ensure the market
they are targeting must but their product and will give a positive response. Mothercare is one of
the leading companies that are based in UK that deals with the baby products. The company has
planned for expansion of its business in Dubai. The country has a wide range of buyers of this
product and will help the company to increase their scope of business in international market. In
this report the detailed analysis will be done of the potential market that supports the
organization to overcome the challenges of shrinkage of the targeted market.
Market Segmentation
It is a requirement for the company that the company must identify the new market. The
company can use the tools such as behavioristic, psychographics, demographics and geographic
instruments. The geographic location can be used by the company to target the geographic
location, income, age with the take and preference that can target it in a more effective and
efficient manner. The company to know the residence of customers, age, and income can take the
help of geographical segmentation. The demographics of characteristics that are used to analyzed
and segmented market they need to target such as age, gender, marital status and income level
(Guido, Pichierri, Pino, & Conoci, 2018).
Potential Market Segments
Mother care market in the recent times has decreased and they are required to target the
new market that has the potential growth. The market like Dubai is very much familiar to the
product of the company and therefore it is required that the company must target the Dubai
market. The Dubai is called the hub of shopping malls and therefore the market of Dubai is best
suited market for the company (Lancaster & Massingham, 2017).
Geographic Segment
The geographic market of the Dubai is best in relation to the geographic segment. The
Dubai has various malls and the company can establish their stores in these malls such as Dubai
Outlet Mall, Ibn Battuta Mall and Dubai Mall. These are the top most malls of Dubai where the
most of the crowds visits this mall (Sudbury-Riley, 2016).
Market Segmentation and Competitive Analysis_3

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