
Marketing Mobile Phones in India


Added on  2023-01-06

34 Pages11745 Words92 Views
Business DevelopmentMarketingData Science and Big DataLanguages and CultureStatistics and Probability
Marketing mobile
phones in India
Marketing Mobile Phones in India_1

This paper covers a evaluate of the definition of cellular marketing, summarizing their
traits compared to conventional advertising channels. Next, exclusive tactics and study’s findings
related to the acceptance and attitudes towards the cellular advertising are explored, as well as
some of the most applicable theoretical approaches on this location. Two factors of the manner
of reputation sticks out: perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Finally, a fixed of hints
is presented to direct future research efforts in the area of cell advertising. Wireless communiqué
devices for the loads generally called cell telephones which consist of gadgets which include
fundamental cellular phones, characteristic phones, smartphones and drugs top the list of most
preferred communication media now not simplest in evolved international locations, but even in
developing countries like India. The price of adoption of cell telephones through the hundreds as
a favored mode of communication is on an upward spiral across the globe and India is not any
exception. Mobile telephones have emerge as an imperative part of human being’s daily lives
and by using being their very nature they may be being carried by means of the human beings for
maximum of the time. This truth renders cell telephones to be one of the maximum efficacious
media to reach to a notably large range of customers with advertisements and promotional
Data was accrued thru the usage of an in depth quantitative survey (i.E. Questionnaire).
Respondents have been previous and current exporters. Five hypotheses were evolved to check
the connection between the barriers and export overall performance. The study performed an
empirical analysis with the use of a correlation and regression analysis which had been used to
check the hypotheses.
Marketing Mobile Phones in India_2

INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY.......................................................1
1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Background of the study........................................................................................................2
1.3 Problem Statement.................................................................................................................2
1.4 Research Aims and Objectives.........................................................................................2
1.5 Research Questions...........................................................................................................3
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................5
2.2 Theoretical Framework..........................................................................................................5
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................................................................8
3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................8
3.2 Research Design....................................................................................................................9
3.3 Research Philosophy..............................................................................................................9
3.4 Methodological choices.........................................................................................................9
4. RESULTS..................................................................................................................................13
Data Collection..........................................................................................................................21
Sampling Technique..................................................................................................................23
1.1. Ethical Considerations....................................................................................................24
Limitations of the Study............................................................................................................24
1.2. Purpose of the Study.......................................................................................................25
5. CONCLUSION..........................................................................................................................25
Marketing Mobile Phones in India_3

1.1 Introduction
Marketing indicates to the process and activity of advertising and endorsing a specific business
or connecting in the scale of the facilities and goods of particular business. Marketing is
comprehensive of actions such as market research as well as promoting (Obong, Mugonola and
Phillips, 2018). In a more intricate intelligence of the term, marketing indicates to the institutions
and procedures that are utilised for creating, delivering, communicating and exchanging several
kinds of offerings which have value for partners, clients, consumers and that have value for the
community as a whole (Menon, 2019). The particular actions that are commenced through a
business venture for selling a good or for involving in the buy of a commodity or set of products
are also defined as marketing. Purposes of a marketing plan to assist us coherent the
organisation’s vision, mission and values, consider enterprise’s marketing budget, business
model and value perspective that the firm will utilise and implement to promote its goods, and
the firm’s need to maintain it acceptable to assure that they accomplish their goals and objectives
effectively and invest their fund efficiently. The method developed at the time of study is unique
for several establishments (Hamad and et. al., 2018). Ventures can repeat the study in the future
utilising the same statistical tools developed through the research suggestions and
recommendations include of interpretation of meaningful statistical information and views or
responses of the researcher. Business research is a constant and ongoing process it does not end
with one study as business atmosphere is modifying exponentially.
The marketplace in India is ruled by means of mobile. For cell 840 million-plus customers,
unlike many other markets, cellular is turning into the dominant device for voice, for value-
introduced offerings, and increasingly for mobile Internet also. It‘s particularly similar to what
we noticed in Japan in 1999 wherein, due to the trouble of broadband and computing. There‘s a
whole host of services being created round cell (Hoang, 2020). An effective control of cell
offerings requires information of the elements that underlie the evolution of the marketplace.
Factors inclusive of market capability and timing and pace of adoption are of brilliant
significance for telecom operators for capability planning. Understanding the evolution of mobile
telephone marketplace and its likely destiny fashion is equally crucial for coverage makers. An
effective control of cellular services calls for an information of the factors that underlie the
Marketing Mobile Phones in India_4

evolution of the marketplace. Factors along with marketplace capability and timing and velocity
of adoption are of exceptional importance for telecom operators for potential planning (Štarchoň
and et. al., 2018). Understanding the evolution of mobile Smartphone market and it’s in all
likelihood future fashion is equally vital for policy makers.
1.2 Background of the study
The written report prepares a research proposal on the marketing strategy which can be execute
to market top mobile phone brands like Samsung and Apple in the nation of India (Sharma and
Goyal, 2019). The document describes the research aims and objectives, a literature review and
the methods that will implemented in reference to carry out the study are defined as are the
ethical components that will be taken into consideration at the time of executing the research.
1.3 Problem Statement
There is ample of information that is observed to exist on the market for mobile phones in India
and the literature on the marketing of mobile phones also talks about the tool and plan of actions
that are mace utilisation of for the same (Singh and Srivastava, 2018). However, there is little
defined in the existing literature on the approach that is taken through mobile phone businesses
and dealers regarding the marketing of top mobile brands like Samsung and Apple in India
(Sharma and Goyal, 2019). This gap is the review of literature is going to be tackled in detail in
the research project that is going to be undertaken shortly, on the subject.
1.4 Research Aims and Objectives
The aim of an investigation report is basically a fairly general, high level statement of what it is
that the firm wish to explore, while the objectives are more particular or centred questions that
will tackle several aspects of the goal (Issahaku, Abu and Nkegbe, 2018).
The key objectives of the research are as below:
To monitor plan of actions utilized for marketing of mobile phones in India.
To determine the methods and strategies that is utilized for marketing top mobile brands
in India.
To find out the key differences in the business operations of Samsung and Apple.
To find out the influence had on minimizing the sales of other Smartphone enterprises.
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To comprehended how top mobile organizations like Samsung and Apple mobile phones
can be endorsed on the nation of India with a comparison being offered of the marketing
tools utilized for both kinds of brands.
1.5 Research Questions
The key research questions for this specific study are as below:
What are the strategies used for marketing or promotion of marketing of mobile phones
in India?
What are the methods and strategies that are used for marketing top mobile brands in
What are the key differences in the business operations of Samsung and Apple?
What is impact had on reducing the sales of other Smartphone companies?
How will the country of Indian market top Smartphone brands such as Samsung and
Apple cell phones? How can I compare Samsung’s marketing with Apple’s marketing in
For instance, a process research project needs the investigator to plan, take action, measure
the outcomes of the activity and feed that information into the next cycle of planning, action and
assessment (Issahaku, Abu and Nkegbe, 2018). This cyclical approach does not provide itself to
the setting of a particular and quantifiable objective.
1.6 Hypothesis
Social media is the main strategy which is used for marketing of mobile phones in India.
Celebrity promotion strategy is the key strategy which is considered by top mobile brands
in India for marketing or promotion.
Business model is the main difference which can be analysed in the business operations
of Samsung and Apple.
Reduction in customer base is the main impact which had on decreasing the sales of other
Smartphone companies.
The marketing of Samsung and Apple can be compare on the basis of USP of the brand.
Summary and Conclusion
This chapter gave an introduction in to the existing study and the underlying background
of the study. It incorporated the current state of the execution of the mobile sector in India, and
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the relationship among that execution and likely barriers that exist within and outside the nation
(Mishra, 2018). This background led to the stated issue that is mainly the fact there is little data
on the topic in current literature that is the foundation and motive of this document.
Consumer behaviour
It is the study of how peoples, teams and companies choose, purchase, utilise and dispose
ideas, products, and services to fulfil their demands and needs (Agarwal, Sahoo and Agarwal,
2019). It mentions to the activities of the target audiences in the marketplace and the highlighting
motives for those actions. Customers assume complex purchasing power when they are highly
involved in a buy and perceive significant differences between brands. Consumers are greatly
involved when the commodity is expensive, risky, purchased infrequently and highly self
expensive. Consumer involvement is described as a kingdom of thoughts that motivates
customers to become aware of with product/provider offerings, their consumption patterns and
consumption conduct (Maheshwari, Seth and Gupta, 2018). Involvement creates inside
purchasers an urge to search for and reflect on consideration on the product/provider category
and the various alternatives before making selections on logo choices and the very last act of
buy. It is the amount of physical and mental attempt that a consumer puts into a purchase
selection. It creates inside someone a stage of relevance or personal significance to the
product/provider imparting and this ends in an urge in the former to gather and interpret
information for gift/destiny choice making and use.
Buying behaviour
It refers to the activities that are considered by target audiences before purchasing a good
and taking the benefits of the service. This activity may consider consulting search engines,
involving with social media posts or a range of other activities (Khou and Suresh, 2018). Buying
Behavior refers to the movements taken by way of customers earlier than shopping for a product
or service. This manner may additionally encompass consulting engines like google, attractive
with social media posts, or a diffusion of different moves. It is valuable for groups to apprehend
this manner as it helps businesses better tailor their marketing tasks to the marketing efforts
which have successfully motivated purchasers to shop for in the beyond.
Marketing communication
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Basically is it refers to the activity and process of creating awareness about the products
and services of a particular firm by using marketing strategies like advertising, direct marketing,
branding, packaging, printed materials and many more (Vincent and Evans, 2019). In India,
Mobile companies like Samsung and Apple etc. use advertising, online presence, branding, direct
marketing, sponsorship, celebrity promotion etc. are used by them.
Mobile phone marketing in India
In India, mobile phone companies use different marketing tools, techniques and channels
to marketing their products and services. Now these people highly use social media so
companies like Apple and Samsung use social media tools like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and
YouTube etc (Paranjape, 2018). Along with this, they consider TV ads, celebrity promotion and
many others marketing techniques to promote their products and services.
2.1 Introduction
It can be defined as the comprehensive summary of past study and previous research on a
particular subject and topic. The literature review surveys scholarly articles, books, journals, and
other sources that are reliable to a specific research area (Sinha and et. al., 2019). The review
should enumerate define, summarise, objectively measure and clarify this previous research. It is
often written as a part of a thesis, dissertation or a research paper in order to situate the work in
context of existing knowledge.
2.2 Theoretical Framework
The strategies used for marketing or promotion of marketing of mobile phones in India
According to Saini S. (2020), Mobile marketing is a new tool which developed in marketing
whether it is an online business or offline store. Actions associated to selling, buying and
promoting of any goods and facilities utilising mobile devices are categorised as mobile
marketing. There are several strategies which can be used for marketing of mobile phones in
India. Television is one of the main promotional tool and technique which is used in India in
term of promoting mobile phones so that people could aware with the new and existing
Smartphone’s which are offered by several mobile ventures like Apple, Samsung and many
more. Google Adword also assists promotions so that organisations can start campaign for
targeting particular mobile phones (Gaur, Sharma and Pandya, 2019). Company website is
Marketing Mobile Phones in India_8

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