
Marks & Spencer Marketing Strategy


Added on  2020-02-05

12 Pages3769 Words95 Views
Marketing report
Marks & Spencer Marketing Strategy_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION:..........................................................................................................................3customers’ needs and buying processes......................................................................................3Customers and prospects rate......................................................................................................4profile of the market segment.....................................................................................................6Positioning and marketing mix for the target market.................................................................8Brand equity by developing brand elements..............................................................................9CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
Marks & Spencer Marketing Strategy_2

INTRODUCTION:The international marketing define the place there foreign buyer and seller mid togetherand they sale the foreign product and exchange the rate of the product in the organisation. Themarket also determine the business to business seller and customer to business seller in theorganisation. The marketing report define the company data in the organisation level. The realworld organisation in Australian and international organisation there are top ten companydetermine the market product in the organisation (Dahl,Eagle, and Ebrahimjee, 2013). TheAustralian and international company consists the customer needs and wands for the product.The international company are Riot into, TELSTRA, WESFARMERS these are top company inthe Australian. The marketing report refer to the key product in the international organisation.The international marketing make the many objective and goal in the organisation. Theinternational marketing determine the smart objectives in the organisation. The smart objectivesdefine the specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed bounded project in theorganisation. The market report define the Marks and Spencer data of the customer andemployees.customers’ needs and buying processesCustomer needs and buying process of the product in the Australian and intentional organisationmay be define the process of the buying steps including the -Need recognition: the first process of the buying the product is identified the customer needsand wands. The need and problem recognition is the most important step to customer decisionmaking process in the organisation. The purchase is not be recognition without the customerneeds.Information search: information search is the basic need and process of the buying the productin the international level. The information searching process is determine the information of theproduct and services. The make the information process in the organisation. The customer find
Marks & Spencer Marketing Strategy_3

out the best solution including the internal and external factor in the organisation (Dill, and Mohr, 2010).Evaluation the alternatives: the alternatives is define the customer needs and buying ability ofthe product in the Australian organisation. The customer has many power that evaluating thedifferent and branded product in the Australian and international organisation. Company'sinternal and external factor influencing the customer attitudes in the organisation. Then thecustomer evaluate the number of the company and brand of the product in the internationalorganisation.Purchase decision: the process of the buy the product determine the purchase decision of thecustomer needs and wands related to the product. The purchase decision define the motivation ofthe employees and the customers. The purchases decision of the customer define the productlevel in the organisation.Post-purchase behaviour: The post purchase behaviour define the product capacity in theorganisation. The behaviour of the customer for the product evaluating the alternative stage ofthe product buying process. This stage provide the customer satisfaction (Hägele, 2006).Customers and prospects rateThe customer and the prospectors rate the company define the competitors on reputation,product quality, service and price in the organisation. The rate of the prospectors in theinternational organisation define the product quality and price of the product. The rate of thecustomers and the prospectors determine the competitors analysis in the marketing. Thecompetitors make the management strategies in the organisation. The competitors of theorganisation. Effective the strategies formulation and implementation. The rate of the customerproduct determine the competitors reputation in the organisation. The product quality is the veryimportant part of the company and the customer in the organisation. The quality of the productaffect the customer confidence of the customer in the international and Australian organisation. Major competitors: The main complicators in the Australian organisation are ENVATO andNITRO company. The ENVATO operate the gobble community for the market place. Thecompany produce the product in the in the organisation. The company provide the gamechanging services to the international customer. The company manufacturing the best product.The company NITRO company determine the productivity of the product promotion in theorganisation. The company suppository the leadership in the management process. The
Marks & Spencer Marketing Strategy_4

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