
Marketing Research on Importance of Customer Feedback for Dominos, New Zealand


Added on  2023-06-07

22 Pages4608 Words412 Views
Marketing Research on Importance of customer feedback in improving the product and
services: Dominos, New Zealand
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Marketing Research on Importance of Customer Feedback for Dominos, New Zealand_1

1. Introduction
Customers are the biggest pillar of any business. The success of a business depends on
customer satisfaction and hence, measuring customer satisfaction is an important part of business
operations. Customer satisfaction can be assessed from the sales revenue and customer feedback.
At the same time, customer feedback in necessary to know about the needs and wants of the
customers, which helps the businesses to make changes in their business strategies or in the
product lines. Dominos, New Zealand will conduct a market research involving their customers
to bring changes and make improvements in their business. Dominos is the largest pizza chain in
New Zealand. In the year 2017, Dominos earned AUD 329,456 million revenue in the ANZ
region, which is a significant increase from AUD 267,958 million in 2016 (Dominos.com.au,
2018). The company wants to increase its market share amongst the growing competition in the
pizza and junk food industry. To retain its growing market position, the company needs to take
into account the customer’s perception regarding its product and services. Splitting the franchise
stores is one of the major business strategies of Dominos to increase its locations, which affects
its business in the long term (Mitchell, 2018). However, to sustain its leading position in the
market, the company needs to innovate its products and strategies. This research study will help
the company to focus on the tastes and preferences of the customers and how they can improve
its business performance and market share.
2. Marketing research objective
2.1 Problem and/or opportunity identification
The research study aims to identify the problems as well as the opportunities of Dominos,
New Zealand while improving its products and services by applying the method of customer
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feedback. As the competition is growing rapidly in the fast food industry, Dominos need to
improve its marketing strategy, and enhance the products or services to retain its position. Thus,
with the help of the market research outcome, Dominos will make strategic planning and
implement those to bring changes in its operations and product features.
2.2 Research purpose
The purpose of this research study is to recommend Dominos, New Zealand on changing
the business strategies for improving the products or services to increase its market share.
Customer feedback and suggestion is the most convenient method to know the customers’
perception about a product or service, since the sales value does not always reflect the real
picture of the market demand. Thus, this research study will be undertaken to provide a solution
to Dominos New Zealand on exploring and addressing the issues and opportunities in the
markets by adopting the customer feedback method.
2.3 Research Question
1) How Dominos, New Zealand can improve its products and services to improve its market
2) How much the customer feedback method is effective in changing business operations and
product features of Dominos, New Zealand?
2.4 Hypothesis
H0 (null hypothesis): Customer feedback is not effective for improving the features of products
and services of Dominos, New Zealand.
H1 (alternative hypothesis): Customer feedback is highly effective for improving the features of
products and services of Dominos, New Zealand.
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3. Research approach
Deductive research approach will be followed to conduct this research study. In the
deductive approach, research hypothesis is developed based on existing literature and theories
and it is tested to find out whether the theory holds true for the given study (Mackey & Gass,
2015). For the given study, the effectiveness of customer feedback for making improvements in
products and services will be tested and the outcome will be interpreted with the support of
consumer behavior theories. The factors of improvements in the products and services will be
derived from various previous literatures, which will help in interpretation of the outcome.
3.1 Research method
Research method refers to the process of data collection and analysis for the purpose of
addressing the research questions in the most appropriate, logical and unambiguous manner
(Neuman, 2013). Mixed research method will be used for this research study. The study aims to
explore two aspects of the topic. Firstly, it will examine the significance of customer feedback
method for improving the features of products and services of Dominos, New Zealand. Secondly,
it will explore the ways to bring changes in its strategies and in the products and services to
increase its market share. Thus, the topic has both qualitative and quantitative aspects.
Effectiveness of customer feedback will be examined using quantitative method and the factors
required for making improvements in the features will be explored through qualitative method.
Primary data will be collected for testing the research hypothesis and secondary data, that is, the
literature sources will be reviewed to create a foundation for the qualitative research study, that
is, to address the research question on the ways to improve the products of Dominos. Based on
the knowledge gained through literature review, the research instrument will be developed
containing the factors of products and services, on which feedback will be collected. Secondary
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data on the current market share and business strategy of Dominos will also be collected from
various news articles and Dominos website. Pragmatism research philosophy allows the usage of
mixed methodology to conduct the study (Goldkuhl, 2012).
3.1.1 Quantitative method
The research hypothesis, examining the effectiveness of customer feedback in
influencing the business strategies and products and service features of Dominos, New Zealand,
will be evaluated by using quantitative method. In the hypothesis, the effectiveness of customer
feedback is the independent variable and improvement in products and services is the dependent
variable. The relation between the two will be tested using appropriate statistical tools, such as,
correlation, regression, paired t-test, ANOVA, cross tabulation etc. Statistical software, such as,
SPSS will be used for conducting the quantitative calculations. The outcome will determine the
relationship between the independent and dependent factors.
3.1.2 Qualitative method
The research questions aim to explore the ways to make changes in the features of
products and services of Dominos to improve customer satisfaction and increase their market
share. These questions do not involve any dependent and independent variable and take an
exploratory approach. Thus, by exploring and interpreting various literature sources and
information from Dominos annual reports, market research studies and news articles, the relevant
factors will be proposed to answer the research questions, that is, to recommend the ways to
improve the business strategies and products. Interpretation skill of the researcher is most
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important for qualitative study. The outcome of the hypothesis test will be supported by the
outcome of qualitative analysis.
4. Data collection method
4.1 Survey
This research study will involve both the primary and secondary data. Primary data refers
to the information collected directly from the field of study through surveys, interviews, focus
groups etc. This data involves participants. Secondary data represents the information collected
from various authentic published sources, such as, books, journals, online publications,
government reports and websites, official websites, and news paper articles (Nassaji, 2015). In
this study, primary data will be collected through a customer survey. This method will be
followed as this is less time consuming and the data is easier to interpret. Survey method is
beneficial in reflecting attitude of the customers, satisfaction level, and many other purposes in a
simplistic way (Lampard & Pole, 2015). Informed consent from the participants must be taken
before conducting the survey. The questionnaire will be made with a focus on the demographic
information of the customers and specific questions on the issues with the products and services
of Dominos, New Zealand. The survey form will be created using Google form and that will be
circulated to the potential respondents via email. The questionnaire will contain both open and
close ended questions. The close ended questions will have answer options in a 5-point rating
scale, such as, the Likert scale. The responses will be collected in a MS Excel file. The data for
the close ended questions will then be converted into numeric values and appropriate statistical
tools will be applied on it to get the outcome. The responses on the open ended questions will be
collected in the same form, which will help to get a more detailed and in-depth idea about
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