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Telstra 5G Upgradation Project Analysis


Added on  2023/01/19

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This assignment provides a detailed analysis of Telstra's 5G Upgradation Project, including project proposal, scope, schedule, budget, risk analysis, and organizational structure.

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ITEC844 Assignment 1 Major Report: Project Analysis of Telstra
Name of the Student
Name of the University
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................5
Section 1 – Initial Investigation.......................................................................................................6
1.1 Chosen Company...................................................................................................................6
1.2 Background Information........................................................................................................6
1.3 Organisational Chart..............................................................................................................6
1.4 Area under Study...................................................................................................................7
1.5 System Vision Document......................................................................................................8
1.5.1 5G Upgradation Project..................................................................................................8
1.5.2 Telstra Locator Project...................................................................................................8
1.6 Work Breakdown Structure...................................................................................................8
1.7 Estimated Time and Cost.......................................................................................................9
1.7.1 5G Upgrade Project........................................................................................................9
1.7.2 Telstra Locator Project...................................................................................................9
1.8 Projects under Consideration.................................................................................................9
1.9 Risk Analysis Chart.............................................................................................................10
Section 2 – Detailed Analysis........................................................................................................10
2.1 5G Upgradation Project.......................................................................................................10
2.1.1 Project Proposal............................................................................................................10
2.1.2 Assumptions.................................................................................................................11
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2.1.3 Scope Definition...........................................................................................................11
2.1.4 Schedule........................................................................................................................11
2.1.5 Budget...........................................................................................................................12
2.1.6 Risk Schedule...............................................................................................................12
2.1.7 Project Organisation Structure......................................................................................13
2.1.8 Roles and Responsibility..............................................................................................13
2.1.9 Quality System..............................................................................................................14
2.1.10 Communications Strategy...........................................................................................14
2.1.11 Change Management Procedure.................................................................................14
2.1.12 Variance Request........................................................................................................14
2.1.13 Issues...........................................................................................................................14
2.1.14 Issues and Risks Logs.................................................................................................15
2.1.15 Gantt Chart..................................................................................................................15
2.2Telstra Locator Project.........................................................................................................16
2.2.1 Project Proposal............................................................................................................16
2.2.2 Assumptions.................................................................................................................16
2.2.3 Scope Definition...........................................................................................................16
2.2.4 Schedule........................................................................................................................16
2.2.5 Budget...........................................................................................................................17
2.2.6 Risk Schedule...............................................................................................................17

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2.2.7 Project Organisation Structure......................................................................................18
2.2.8 Roles and Responsibility..............................................................................................18
2.2.9 Quality System..............................................................................................................18
2.2.10 Communications Strategy...........................................................................................19
2.2.11 Change Management Procedure.................................................................................19
2.2.12 Variance Request........................................................................................................19
2.2.13 Issues...........................................................................................................................19
2.2.14 Issues and Risks Logs.................................................................................................19
2.2.15 Gantt Chart..................................................................................................................20
Section 3 – Conclusion and Recommendations.............................................................................20
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Executive Summary
Telstra is a major telecommunications company that operates in Australia. With the
constant development of technology, Telstra is also under constant technical development and
every year, Telstra conducts three or four technical projects. For this year (2018-19), Telstra has
been working on four different projects that will enhance and upgrade the services as well as
introduce new functions and features that will enhance the telecommunication experience of the
customers. For the purpose of this particular assignment, focus is mainly of two ongoing projects
of Telstra – 5G Upgradation Project and Telstra Locator Project.
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Section 1 – Initial Investigation
1.1 Chosen Company
The chosen company for this assignment is Telstra Australia.
1.2 Background Information
Telstra Corporation Limited is the largest telecommunication company in Australia. Not
only is provides services to millions of people in the country but also provides employment to
thousands of people residing in the country. The main strength of Telstra is that it is constantly
under technical development and growth that renders it very much attractive and interesting for
the customers (Snijder et al. 2015). While the results of the technical upgrades do affect the
pricing of the services, the customers are more than happy to pay as they have up to date and
reliable services from the company. Telstra also has partnerships with several handset
manufacturers and often provides discounts and offers for the users who purchase the handsets
along with a Telstra connection.
1.3 Organisational Chart
The organisational chart of Telstra is shown in the following diagram.

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Figure 1: Telstra Organisational Structure
(Source: Hartley 2018)
1.4 Area under Study
As discussed earlier, Telstra always has three or four projects running in every financial
year that are mainly focused on upgrading services or introducing new services and features. Due
to lack of scope for analysis of all the projects in this assignment, only two projects have been
chosen for the study – 5G Upgradation Project and Telstra Locator Project.
5G Upgradation Project – Every year, the wireless connection for mobile phones and
other devices are constantly upgraded to faster and better connections with new features and
services (Dalgleish and Thomson 2017). Currently, the fastest connection available in Australia
as well as other parts of the world is 4G. While the development of 5G connection has almost
neared completion, Telstra has taken the initiative to introduce 5G wireless connection in
Australia by upgrading the technical setup and towers that will support the fast 5G connection
( 2019).
Telstra Locator Project – Telstra Locator is an upcoming new technology that will help
to locate small objects and devices for using the phone (Telstra Exchange 2019). Telstra Locator
will come with a tag that can be attached with any object and if the user is unable to locate the
object, he can ring the tag with the phone and can find the object easily (Enfield 2018). The
development is in late stages and is expected to be released in the market very soon.
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1.5 System Vision Document
1.5.1 5G Upgradation Project
The capability of the project is providing the current fastest wireless network (5G) to the
users in Australia. The project will come with 5G powered sim cards as well as introduction of
new handsets that will support the 5G connection.
1.5.2 Telstra Locator Project
The capability of the project is providing the users with locator tags that can be wirelessly
connected with the phone. The tag can be used to track lost items if the tag is attached to it
1.6 Work Breakdown Structure
The work breakdown structures for the two chosen projects are shown in the following
Figure 2: WBS for Telstra 5G Upgrade Project
(Source: Created by Author)
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Figure 3: Telstra Locator Project
(Source: Created by Author)
1.7 Estimated Time and Cost
1.7.1 5G Upgrade Project
The estimated time for this project is 5 years.
The estimated budget for the project is $50 million.
1.7.2 Telstra Locator Project
The estimated time for the project is 2 years.
The estimated budget for the project is $10 million.
1.8 Projects under Consideration
As specified earlier, the projects under consideration for this assignment are 5G
Upgradation Project and Telstra Locator Project.

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1.9 Risk Analysis Chart
Figure 4: Risk Analysis Chart
(Source: Kneller 2017)
Section 2 – Detailed Analysis
2.1 5G Upgradation Project
2.1.1 Project Proposal
As per the requirement of the project, Telstra needs to upgrade the current network
infrastructure that will allow the company to provide 5G cellular services to the customers. In
order to upgrade the services, it is required to upgrade the network towers through which the
wireless connectivity is possible. While it will take some considerable amount of time upgrade
the towers to support 5G from 4G, it will also be worth it as the services will be faster, more
efficient and there will less loss of data and energy.
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2.1.2 Assumptions
For the project, it has assumed that 5G network can be implemented by upgrading
infrastructure and the towers. It has also been assumed that the customers will prefer 5G
connection and will purchase services even through the rates are increased.
2.1.3 Scope Definition
The scope of this project is to upgrade the 4G cellular network to 5G so that the smart
device users of the country are able to enjoy high speed 5G network connection. The project will
be executed in five main phases / deliverables – requirement analysis, planning, execution,
testing and deployment.
2.1.4 Schedule
Task Name Duration Start Finish
Telstra 5G Upgrade Project 1390 days Mon 3/3/14 Fri 6/28/19
Requirement Analysis and Specifications 105 days Mon 3/3/14 Fri 7/25/14
Project Planning 135 days Mon 7/28/14 Fri 1/30/15
Project Execution 1005 days Mon 2/2/15 Fri 12/7/18
Testing 115 days Mon 12/10/18 Fri 5/17/19
Deployment 30 days Mon 5/20/19 Fri 6/28/19
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2.1.5 Budget
The estimated budget that has been approved for the project is $50 million. The entire
budget will be utilized within the overall 5 years duration of the project.
2.1.6 Risk Schedule
While conducting a project of this scale, it is natural to encounter certain technical and
non-technical risks. However, it is important to identify these risks early and schedule various
management plans to mitigate such risks. Some of the possible risks for this project are as
Budget Overshoot is a possible risk that may arise due to unforeseen or unnecessary
expenses during the project.
Health Risk can occur in the project as the workers are required to work on the top of the
high towers of the network (Mitra and Agrawal 2015). Slipping and other major accidents can
occur anytime at these towers.
Customer Acceptability may be low for the 5G network due to very high data charges and
lack of sufficient upgrade over 4G network.
Based on the identified risks, the mitigation plans are as follows.
Prepare spending plan in the project and follow the same throughout the project.
Any additional expenses will require prior approval of project manager.
It must be ensured that the workers are well protected with gears and safety
equipments before they are allowed to work high up on the towers.

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Project Manager
Infrastructure ManagerNetwork Manager
Marketing Department
Place reasonable charges on the 5G network and perform extensive marketing
before implementation.
2.1.7 Project Organisation Structure
Figure 5: Organisational Chart for the Project
(Source: Created by Author)
2.1.8 Roles and Responsibility
As per the organisational structure, there are three main teams that working under the
three managers – network manager, marketing manager and infrastructure manager. The workers
will work under these managers as per the requirements of the project.
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2.1.9 Quality System
The project demands high quality network service that will provide uninterrupted supply
of 5G internet and cellular network connection. Interruption in network will result in
dissatisfaction of the customers.
2.1.10 Communications Strategy
In the project, it is important for the teams to communicate with each other in order to
ensure the project activities are executed in the right direction (Ridge 2018). Field workers and
the infrastructure workers are expected to communicate through telephone calls and the teams
will meet together at the weekend to discuss the progress of the project.
2.1.11 Change Management Procedure
Change management in the project should follow a particular procedure. When there are
changes required, the requirements are to be documented and forwarded to the project manager.
He will analyze the changes and their impacts on the project and will approve or disapprove the
changes accordingly.
2.1.12 Variance Request
While it is a large scale project, it does not require much change in project scope, budget
or time. This is mainly because the goal of the project is fixed and even if certain changes are
necessary, they can be requested through the submission of a project variance request containing
details of changes necessary.
2.1.13 Issues
Owing to the nature of the project, it is almost ensured that there will be some issues
occurring throughout the project. It is important to develop suitable plan to mitigate these issues
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accordingly. Some common issues include budget or schedule overshoot, technical issues,
communication issues and others.
2.1.14 Issues and Risks Logs
Risk log is a document that is used to create a list of the issues faced and a timeline that
can be followed for solving such issues. Risk log will be necessary for the project in order to
keep track of the issues and actions taken to mitigate such issues.
2.1.15 Gantt Chart
Figure 6: Gantt Chart of the Project

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(Source: Created by Author)
2.2Telstra Locator Project
2.2.1 Project Proposal
As per the requirements of this project, a device will be developed that can be utilized to
find a missing object within a certain range. Telstra Locator will come in the form of an object
tag that will be able to communicate with the user’s smartphone through the wireless network.
The user can use his smartphone to locate the tag that is attached to the lost object and he can
find it very easily.
2.2.2 Assumptions
It has been assumed that the device will be popular among users and will also be
affordable for most of the users.
2.2.3 Scope Definition
The scope of the project includes the development of the Telstra Locator device that will
be used for locating an objective within a certain range. For the initial scope, it is expected that
the locator will work through the Bluetooth technology and the tag can be located within a
certain range (Hu et al. 2015). However, after the completion of phase 1, further development
will be initiated so that the tag can be located through GPS and thus, increasing the range of
locating the tag.
2.2.4 Schedule
Task Name Duration Start Finish
Telstra Locator Project 584 days Mon 2/6/17 Thu 5/2/19
Document Page
Requirement Analysis and Specifications 30 days Mon 2/6/17 Fri 3/17/17
Project Planning 82 days Mon 3/20/17 Tue 7/11/17
Project Execution 360 days Wed 7/12/17 Tue 11/27/18
Testing 85 days Wed 11/28/18 Tue 3/26/19
Deployment 27 days Wed 3/27/19 Thu 5/2/19
2.2.5 Budget
The budget for Phase 1 of the project is set at $10 million and it is expected that this
project can be completed within the specified 2 years.
2.2.6 Risk Schedule
The main risks associated with the project are budget and time overshoot. These risks can
be solved by following predetermined plan and ensure sufficient approval before making
additional expenses or use additional time.
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Project Manager
Electronics Team
Electronics ManagerNetwork Manager
Networking Team
Marketing Department
2.2.7 Project Organisation Structure
Figure 7: Organisational Chart
(Source: Created by Author)
2.2.8 Roles and Responsibility
There will be three teams for the project – the marketing team will perform marketing of
the device, the electronics team will prepare the tag circuits and the networking team will
develop secure network for the tag.
2.2.9 Quality System
The quality requirements of the system include proper working of the tag locator within
the phone of the user (Hu et al. 2015). If the smartphone is unable to locate the tag accurately,
the locator will be deemed as useless.

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2.2.10 Communications Strategy
The teams will be working together in this project and hence, they are expected to
communicate with each other face to face throughout the project.
2.2.11 Change Management Procedure
Change management in the project should follow a particular procedure. When there are
changes required, the requirements are to be documented and forwarded to the project manager.
He will analyze the changes and their impacts on the project and will approve or disapprove the
changes accordingly.
2.2.12 Variance Request
Variance in the project can be requested through the submission of a project variance
request containing details of changes necessary.
2.2.13 Issues
Owing to the nature of the project, it is almost ensured that there will be some issues
occurring throughout the project (Tagalan 2017). It is important to develop suitable plan to
mitigate these issues accordingly. Some common issues include budget or schedule overshoot,
technical issues, communication issues and others.
2.2.14 Issues and Risks Logs
Risk log is a document that is used to create a list of the issues faced and a timeline that
can be followed for solving such issues. Risk log will be necessary for the project in order to
keep track of the issues and actions taken to mitigate such issues.
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2.2.15 Gantt Chart
Figure 8: Gantt Chart of the Project
(Source: Created by Author)
Section 3 – Conclusion and Recommendations
Finally, it can be concluded that both the projects of Telstra holds a lot of promise for the
faithful and potential new customers of the company. While it is expected that the service costs
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will increase due to huge investments in the project, the projects will also ensure the customers
get high quality services and suitable value for money.
It is recommended for Telstra to control the expenses and ensure the projects are
completed on time as requested. The service charges are requested to be kept within reasonable
limits so that the customers are not dissatisfied with the services.

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