
Development Proposal Submission Guidelines


Added on  2020-02-24

35 Pages10219 Words76 Views
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Development Proposal Submission Guidelines_1

1. Introduction Page: 3
2. The Role of the Supervisor 3
3. The Business Development Proposal Seminar Programme 3
4. The Business Development Proposal Seminar Content 4
5. Structure of the Business Development Proposal 6
6. The Research Reflective Report 7
7. Module Descriptor SBLC7020 9
8. Research Ethics and Risk Assessment 17
9. Academic Regulations 19
10. Business Development Proposal Assessment Form 22
11. Research Reflective Report Assessment Form 29
Notice of Candidature Form and Declarations Statements 31
Disclaimer. 32
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This handbook sets out the procedures for the preparation and submission of the MBA Business
Development Proposal. It also includes a brief discussion regarding the related Research Methods
module, which is conducted in the second semester. If a successful submission is to be made within
the time available, regular attendance at seminars and scheduled supervisory meetings, and a strict
adherence to a clearly defined programme of work are essential. The procedures set out in this
document are intended to provide maximum support to the student so as to ensure the successful
submission of a Business Development Proposal that meets the University requirements. This
document should be read in conjunction with guidelines provided by The University of Wales Trinity
Saint David (See the current Academic Quality Handbook, http://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/academic-
The supervisors play a key role in the research and Business Development Proposal process.
They are a specialist in the subject area chosen by the student and are experienced in the
supervision of Masters Business Development Proposal Analysis. The student needs to have
a close and continuing relationship with the supervisor and use him/her as a source of
advice and support. The Business Development Proposal seminars and student-supervisor
meetings scheduled on a weekly basis in the third semester are aimed at supporting the
development of this crucial relationship.
Students will be assigned a Supervisor in the third semester. They are assigned a supervisor
with expertise in the research area that they have chosen. The supervisor is given a group of
students with a common area of interest.
Students have 7 seminars and individual student-supervisor meetings during the third
semester. Each session is of three hours duration. Attendance at these sessions is
compulsory and a prerequisite for submission of a Business Development Proposal.
Attendance is monitored by means of the standard attendance register currently in use for
all other courses.
The final Business Development Proposal seminar programme is scheduled in such a way
that 2 weeks before the submission deadline students are expected to provide their
supervisor with a full draft of their Business Development Proposal for review at this point
before the final submission. Their supervisor will then sign a Supervisor Declaration to
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verify that they have seen a final draft. (Students will be unable to submit their Business
Development Proposal without this document.)
The first hour of the Business Development Proposal Seminar should focus on
discussing issues of common interest to the supervisory group (e.g. How to carry out
and present the literature survey, how to present tables) and permit each student to
present their research progress. A presentation and report should be made every
two or three weeks. This enables supervisors to monitor progress, provide
objectives and motivation for students and minimise the risk of plagiarism. It will
also create a feeling of group cohesion by making them aware of the progress of
The second two hours of the three hour session is devoted to individual supervisory
tuition. These are scheduled so that each student knows the time at which they will
meet their supervisor each week. Because of numbers, each student will probably
receive an individual meeting of a minimum of 30 minutes in length on a fortnightly
basis. A record is kept by the student and supervisor of the content of the discussion
of each meeting, the agreed actions to be taken by the student before the next
meeting and the time of the next meeting. The Record Form is shown in Appendix B.
This form is completed at the end of each meeting and signed by the supervisor and
the student. A copy is kept in the Attendance Record Register.
Students who fail to attend the seminars will receive a warning after missing the first
seminar. If a second seminar is missed the student will be called in for a disciplinary
meeting and warning. If there are subsequent failures to attend (unless a medical
certificate is provided), the student may be suspended and required to repeat the
semester or asked to leave the School.
Monitoring of progress. Students are required to submit written work for the
supervisor’s approval in week 4 (2000 words) and week 8 (7000 words) of the
Business Development Proposal phase and this should be recorded on their
monitoring sheets in the Register. The staged submission of written work is an
essential part of the strategy to reduce plagiarism. In addition to assessing and
advising the student on the academic quality of their work, the supervisor is required
to check for plagiarism and report any cases to the Programme Leader.
The content of the Business Development Proposal seminars in the third semester may
follow the pattern below, although it may also vary depending on the needs of the particular
Session 1
Review of the relevant University Business Development Proposal Guidelines with emphasis
on Plagiarism, Citation and Referencing Guidelines. Students should be informed about the
importance of correct citation and referencing, and the consequences should their work be
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found to be plagiarized. Details of the submission process should also be explained during
this session. Introduction to the module to students and identifying as suitable business and
set-up relevant information (UK Government and similar websites for small businesses)
Alternative scenarios for the BDP
Session 2
Discussion / Explanation of a sample project. A presentation by each student of his/her
project. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion and supervisors comments
Session 3
Market Research - Primary and secondary (proper identification of customer market,
competition, sales potential). Strategy-Review of Models for Strategic Analysis. Appropriate
Business Models (business configuration that will enable achievement of results through the
selected strategy)
Session 4
Financial Feasibility; Sales Forecasts and profitability; Forecasting Sales; Cost-Volume Profitability
Analysis; Financial statements preparation; Planning capital requirements; Drawing up cash flow,
P&L, Balance Sheets; Investment Appraisal; Project Implementation Schedule
Session 5
Progress reports on the process of data collection. Discussion of problems encountered.
Session 6
Open sessions for review of students’ work and signing off.
Session 7
Open sessions for review of students’ work and signing off.
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Recommended Chapter Structure (to be preceded by a one page executive summary ). Use
this structure as guidance and together with the Marking Scheme/Assessment Form shown
in Section 10.
Chapter Word count guide (approx):
Introduction 2,000 words
Literature Review 4,000 words
Methodology 3,000 words
Data / Results analysis 3,000 words
Discussion, Conclusions
and Recommendations
2,000 words
Appendices Not counted
Total word count 13000 words (+ / - 10%)
You will need to consider:
The business idea -scenario chosen, aim, strategic fit, feasibility of idea and
important assumptions for success, brief implementation plan
The Business Idea explained - rationale for the business idea; scenario chosen; Aims
and objectives of the work: structure of the work
Primary and secondary market research - Feasibility (product/service,
industry/market, organisational, financial feasibility issues; Resource requirement
The Business Model – Strategic Analysis of the new business idea; identification of
sources of competitiveadvantage and sustainability ; selection of strategies for
success; development of appropriate Business Model
The Business Plan - Business Plan schedule......from raising capital...stage by
stage....setting out key events/ resource requirements for successful operation of
the Business Model; Discussion of critical success/failure factors
The Business Development Proposal Assessment Form is shown in Section 10
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The Research Reflective Report is designed to support the student’s self-critical
consideration of the research and related business skills. Students are expected to
demonstrate that they can:-
Reflect and comment critically on what they have learnt during the MBA programme
and during the process of conducting the research
Carefully consider the research which they have carried out and critically comment
on this
Discuss the relationship of the research, research sources and evidence, and
researching activities to the production of the dissertation
Critically comment on the key areas, examples, sources of the research
Consider the relationship of the research, and researching, to both the dissertation
and possible future employment opportunities
The Research Reflection Report is not only an academic exercise but also a piece of work
which the student may wish to use in future employment contexts to demonstrate the
ability to consider the importance of research and researching to:-
business planning,
business success,
organisational contexts
academic and business skills and the contribution which students can make to an
organisation as a result of developing these skills
The Research Reflective Report therefore aims to support the student’s ability to be self-
critical about their research. It also develops the students understanding and application of
the core concepts of business and academic skills while developing their ability to perform
more effectively within organisation in a real world context. The Report therefore
encourages reflection on:-
1) Research Processes
2) The research methodologies considered and applied
3) Research and researching as a problem solving process
4) The identification and discussion of key learning points which could be
applied to other situations.
5) The relationship of research and the dissertation to professional
development opportunities and career development intensions.
Things to think about when completing your Research Reflective Report:-
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The nature of your research and your Major Project
Why is it being done; why are you working on this subject and how significant is it to
you and to future employers?
Plan of your schedules
Have you managed effectively your research and Major Project schedules and are
they logical?
What resources (i.e. people, evidence, references, and ideas) have you used and
how are you using these? Why are they important?
Are the methods which you have used specified clearly, and are they sufficiently
rigorous? Are data/evidence/literature sources specified and available? Are you
conducting the research and the Major Project in a professional manner? What
analytical frameworks will be used to make sense of the work? Are these
Support and Barrier Issues
Have these been thought through by you? How any barriers to be/being overcome?
Anticipated Benefits to you and to a future employment organisation
What are they? – Knowledge? : Ideas? : Learning Experience? : Efficiency? :
Effectiveness? Financial?: Organisational?: Skills?
How will the project satisfy you?
How will the work contribute to your personal development? How wide a range of
skills and knowledge does it use from your programme? Will it demonstrate that
you have an understanding of your programme subject areas?
Major Project Conclusions: The conclusions which you are forming for your Major
Project – are they based on rigorous reasoning and argument?
Report Writing Skills
Write your reflections, critical views, clearly and simply.
The Research Reflective Report Assessment Form is shown in Section 11.
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