
Developing an Information Governance Policy for PFJ Bank


Added on  2019-09-30

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COURSEWORK ASSESSMENT SPECIFICATIONModule Title:Leadership for a Digital Age Module Number:Module Tutor Name(s):Academic Year:2018-19% Weighting (to overall module):100% Coursework Title:ReportAverage Study Time Required by Student:Approximately 50-55 study hoursDates and Mechanisms for Assessment Submission and FeedbackMechanism for Submission of Work by Student:The report must be submitted Turnitin on Module Blackboard site. Date by which Work, Feedback and Marks will be returned to Students:Within twenty working days after the submission date. Mechanism for return of assignment work, feedback and marks to students:Formal feedback will be made available via Blackboard following completion of all reviews and internal moderation of results. Learning Outcomes tested in this assessment This assignment will assess the following learning outcomes: 1.Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of key concepts, models and theoriesrelating to leadership and practice and critical appreciation of the uncertainty andlimits of this knowledge2.Critically analyse the relationship between technical leadership and businessperformance.3.Demonstrate the ability to convey and translate technological concepts and data intoformats and business cases that are of value to strategic decision-makers
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4.Critically appraise the ethical, social and legal concerns and incorporate goodpractice into technical leadership practice in diverse environments and/or teams.General InformationThis assignment constitutes 100% towards the final mark for this module. Any queries relating to this assignment should be directed to Module tutor.Type of the submission requiredThis is an INDIVIDUAL piece of work contributing towards the module assessment.Deliverables should be assembled into a single report document, which includes (criticalappraisal, research, and snapshot evidences of tasks carried out and justification oftechnologies used). Submission will be in the form of a MS word report (4000 words). Formative FeedbackThere will be an opportunity for formative feedback during the semester. You are advised tostart working on this assignment as early as possible so that you can seek clarification fromthe module tutor regarding any questions you might have during the semester. Note thattutors will not predict your grade, and you should not take the lack of comment on anyaspect of your work as indicating that it is correct. You should make every effort to takeadvantage of formative feedback as tutors will not comment on draft work at other times.Remember that you will get more useful feedback from us by asking specific questions thanjust presenting us with your documentation and asking, ‘Is this right?’The actual word count is to be declared on the front of the assessment submission. Under the word limitNo Penalty: In not making use of the full word count,students may have self-penalised their work. If studentshave been able to achieve the requirements of theassessment using fewer words than allocated, they will notbe penalised.Up to 10% over word limitNo Penalty: Situation flagged by tutor in feedback but over-run is tolerated and no deduction is made from the finalmark.More than 10% over theword limitThe marker will stop reading when they judge that theword count exceeds the recommended word count bymore than 10% i.e. for a 3000 word essay, the marker willread only the first 3300 words and will indicate on the textwhere they stop reading. The content following this point will not be read and a mark
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will be awarded only for the content up to this point.Assessment In 4000 words you are required to carry out an analysis of yourself in order to assess yourrelative strengths and weaknesses as a leader in the digital age. You should assessyourself with regard to a number of leadership models and frameworks and discuss theimportance of self- awareness and continuous professional development, demonstratingcritical reflection. Assessment Criteria/Marking Scheme:The assignment relies upon understanding of network and computer security design. Withineach marking section clear guidance is given for how high marks in each category can be achieved. You are advised to submit a report in word format.DescriptionMarksSection 1: Self Analysis – 30% (suggested word limit for this section is 1200 words)Critically review various leadership models/theoriesand conduct a thorough self-analysis,using a range of diagnostic tools and frameworks (available on the blackboard),to demonstrate acritical understanding of the relationship between digital technical leadership and enhancedbusiness performance and transformation. Include a summary of your overall leadership strengths and areas for development in thecontext of digital technical leadership.30Section 2: - Leadership Capabilities and Behaviours – 20% (suggested word limit for this section is 800words)Provide examples of the leadership capabilities and behaviours that can be applied to themanagement of geographically dispersed teams, and evaluate how your examples can beapplied in your practice or within a role to which you aspire to which requires this competence.20Section 3: - Business Transformation – 20 % (suggested word limit for this section is 800 words)Identify and critically evaluate a contemporary issue from your professional practice orresearch and provide an evaluation as to how digital technical leadership can enhancebusiness transformation and performance of this issue.20
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Section 4 – Personal Development Plan – 30% (1200 words)Complete a personal development plan identifying a range of personal development objectivesthat would evidence your ability to demonstrate the competences to be an effective leader inthe digital age. You should draw on your findings in the earlier sections to contextualise andjustify how these objectives will enable you to be an effective Leader in Digital Age to yourcurrent role or role to which you aspire to. This plan should set out objectives for your future approach to leadership with a range oflearning activities, success criteria and timescales.30Total100Grading GuidanceFail: A fail submission will show lack of understanding of deliverable. There will be cleargaps in the response across the listed tasks, some of the areas are not covered or coveredin limited detail at the descriptive level. There will be inadequate evidences of design, andtesting of a network and computer security. Design will be either incomplete or below theexpected standards, there will be no enough evidence to show steps taken for design andwork lacks critical evaluation of the design principles and ethical considerations. Incompletesubmission.Pass:A Passsubmissionwould showeffective use of appropriate research of designprinciples, technologies and a working design should include effective use of hardwaredevices, configuration evidences and problem solving. The assignment should also includeevidence of research and understanding of network design principles, securityimplementation and critical thinking. Commendation:A commendation submission would show significant evidence ofresearch, critical thinkingand understanding ofdesign and security. This includesdemonstrating in-depth design and configuration understanding, decision making, creative,critical thinking, problem solving and methodology. Report should also include criticalappraisal of the research and social, ethical considerations and must include evidence ofreferencing and appendix.Distinction:A distinction submission would show an optimised design addressing securitychallenges, critically evaluation of the technologies, security controls and social ethicalconsiderations related to compliance. The report includes evidence off design
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