
Transformational Leadership Assessment


Added on  2020-02-24

14 Pages3095 Words64 Views
Running head: LEADERSHIPLeadershipName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor note
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1LEADERSHIPIn today’s world leadership quality is a very important ability that is notsomething commonly found among all. In my opinion, it is seen that an organizationeither reach the height of success by the leadership of an extremely capable leader orthe reputation of an organization can be done and dusted by wrong strategies of aleader. It is a matter of fact that an effective leader can sort out all the issues that anorganization can possibly face and it can be said that with the help of a leader theworkers can become highly motivated and their level of commitment towards theorganization can get increased by the inputs of a capable leader (Vaccaro et al. 2012).The purpose of this essay is to highlight the fact that, what kind of a leader I am andwhat are the possible areas in which I should improve for the betterment of my workperformance to attain the goals. Thus it can be said that leadership quality is a muchneeded factor to successfully run an organization with a motivated and committedworkforce towards the organization. In my opinion, the scope of leadership can be referred to as a framework ofcompetencies which allows the leaders to lead just like coaches. This highlights theleaders on developing their workforce and the capability of the general workforce.There is a set of 38 competencies categorized into five parts that can be found amongthe greatest leaders in the highly successful organizations (Goleman, Boyatzis andMcKee 2013). These 38 competencies of the Scope of Leadership can move themanagers from the regular business sectors to the path of working with an intention todeliver the best results possible. The competencies of the Scope of Leadership allowmoving the managers from commanding, reporting, coaching, controlling andinspiring. These enable such a leadership ability and approach that allows the leadersto improve and leverage their asset, which is the workforce. This Scope of Leadership1
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2LEADERSHIPframework innovatively develops the mindsets of the leaders along with their abilityfor the development purpose of their people with an intention to foster teamwork andshow results. Leadership and theories of leadershipLeading people can be referred to as an art of motivating and influencing thegeneral workforce in a way that would allow them to achieve a shared goal. In myopinion a leader must be intelligent along with having high integrity and characterthat does the right things in a right manner. I believe that, it is a fact that in most caseseffective leaders has to work continuously and have a continuous communication withthe workforce in order to motivate them to make them more efficient at work. In thissection of this essay some leadership theories are given to support the beforementioned definition of leadership by me.Trait theory: In my opinion, trait theory highlights the qualities of the leaders that make them effective at the workplace. This theory does not establish the characteristics that is common between all the leaders as it can be said that great leaders does not have the same personality traits and they are significantly different from each other in many aspects. There are some traits like charisma, confidence; knowledge which is the most common among the greatest leaders of all time and relying on these traits might not serve the purpose of motivating the people in every occasion.Behavioral theories: Behavioral theories identify the specified behaviors of the leaders that allow them to achieve success (Batool 2013). In my opinion there can be some occasions where the leaders can portray task oriented or people oriented behaviors or may take decisions using the democratic, laissez-faire or authoritarian 2
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3LEADERSHIPstyles. It is also a matter of fact that various behavior styles of the leaders can producevarious results while applying them under different conditions. I think that the behavioral theories have missed the situational factors and the condition in which those behaviors should be demonstrated. I think that various limitations of trait theory and behavioral theory have led to the coin of Contingency theory and various developments of the contingency models. Contingency theories: Contingency theory explores that the effectiveness of leadership is directly related to the interplay of the behaviors, traits of the leaders and other situational factors. There are four models of Contingency theories and those are mentioned below (Clarke 2013).Fred Fiedler model: This model assumes that a team’s performance is highlydependent on the leadership style and the favorableness of the situation the team is working in. As an example, it can be said that, job-oriented leaders are seen performing better in a favorable condition and in some cases in most unfavorable conditions (Batool 2013).Hersey-Blanchard Model:This model suggests that the style of leadership must match with the maturityof the subordinate people. A leader might adopt styles like delegating, participating,selling and telling styles depending on the subordinate’s or the general workforce’slevel of maturity. When a leader deals with the new entrants in the organization, he orshe would be needing to adopt a telling style to guide them how to complete a taskand at the same time the leaders may employ the delegating style, interfacing with theindividuals at the higher level of ranks within the organization (Choudhary, Akhtarand Zaheer 2013).3
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