
Implementing Marketing Plan for Merlo Coffee


Added on  2019-11-26

18 Pages3479 Words509 Views
Running head:MERLO COFFEE MARKETING PLAN 1Merlo coffee marketing planInstitutionLecturerStudentCourseDate
Implementing Marketing Plan for Merlo Coffee_1

2MERLO COFFEE MARKETING PLANEXECUTIVE SUMMARYA Marketing Plan is the blueprint to devising effective marketing strategies. The marketsegmentation analysis identifies the potential buyers. It is vital for large firms like the Merlo coffee company to have their own marketing plans to counter competition from the direct competitors. This report therefore seeks to elaborate the background of Merlo coffee Company’s success in the beverage industry, establish their strategies, market demographics they intend to sell to, as well as the threat of competitors. The report also seeks to establish the role of social media in modern day marketing, keen look of the market using the SWOT analysis and PESTLE analysisas the external environmental factors that affects the business.
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3MERLO COFFEE MARKETING PLANTable of ContentsEXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................2Introduction...............................................................................................................................................4A Summary of the Company’s Marketing Strategies.............................................................................5Product strategy, Attributes, Packaging, and Labeling.............................................................................5Pricing strategies and placement strategies...............................................................................................5Promotional Strategies Facebook, twitter, Instagram and Snap Chat......................................................5The Market Analysis.................................................................................................................................6The Macro-environment...........................................................................................................................6The competition Analysis..........................................................................................................................8Budget required to implement the new campaign................................................................................12Implementation plan...............................................................................................................................12Conclusion and Recommendations........................................................................................................13References................................................................................................................................................14
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4MERLO COFFEE MARKETING PLANIntroductionA Marketing Plan is an extensive outline mostly inform of a document that contains a blueprint to marketing strategies of an organization. These strategies involve a wide range of marketing techniques from advertising campaigns, promotional gigs to any other significant marketing tools[ CITATION Wes10 \l 1033 ]. A marketing plan is a crucial pillar in maximizing sales. A comprehensive marketing plan gives the firm a clear route to correct decisions in regardsto choices of marketing channels[ CITATION And03 \l 1033 ].Correct channels of marketing leads to bumper sales and with increased sales, there are added profits for the company. Therefore, the role of a Marketing Plan in generation of sales is vital[ CITATION Arm15 \l 1033 ]. The plan details all trading activities that are involved in achieving specific marketing goals within a set period oftime. Merlo Coffee Company management understands the importance of having a marketing plan given the stiff competition involved in beverage industry. Having a clear blueprint to effective marketing is the key for the prosperity of the company.The Merlo Coffee Company OverviewMerlo Coffee firm was established over twenty years ago. The company targeted to servepassionately prepared roasted coffee to its clients. It framed its image as being “passionate’’ about serving freshly roasted coffee. The company has grown to fulfill its potential dated as backas 1958, when they first made their first espresso machine. The coffee firm is now one of the bestcoffee shops in Australia, with credits attributed to the shrewd marketing plan the organization has adopted. Currently, coffee from Merlo is sold in more than 1000 cafes, and in 12 of its company-owned BerMerlo Stores and torrefaziones (roasting houses), located all over the Gold Coast and Brisbane, Australia. Merlo’s marketing team consists of different managers including promotional managers, product managers, pricing managers and distribution managers.
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