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Career Action Plan and Personal Analysis in Retail Industry


Added on  2023/01/10

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This report discusses personal analysis, career action plan, and CV for a manager role in the retail industry. It highlights the skills and knowledge required for success in the industry and provides strategies for improvement.

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MG410 Career

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Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
Personal analysis .........................................................................................................................1
Career action plan........................................................................................................................4
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................5
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Career action plan is defined as strategy and certificate of telling the skills, abilities,
achievement and further development of individuals. This is important for individuals and group
of people to identify the skills and capabilities of themselves by working properly. Individuals
are using career action plan for the purpose of identification of goals and specific task that is
required to be created, revises and save in order to developing skills and learning (Hartung and
Vess, 2019). In retail industry, there are more job opportunities as compared to previous timing
that helped me to improve my own knowledge and skills in such area. For acquiring and
retaining in retail industry it is needed to have different set of skills, management, and
capabilities which can help to accept the changes and improve the performance. This report is
based on my career plan where I have worked as a manager in retail organization and improved
my appropriate amount of knowledge. Furthermore, this report is going to focus on intelligibly
and skills in which I was lack and faced the problem to performing responsible role. This report
also included the personal analysis, career action plan and C.V. For specific job role.
Personal analysis
For working and managing a specific role at particular place skills and knowledge are
consider as vital requirement which is needed to understand what is happening and how it is. The
further action plans are formulated by person accordingly by analysing the situation and personal
skills. As population and competition are increasing where people are facing a tough competition
to find out the job according to their education, skills, knowledge, experience and other qualities
that can make complete personality and create a difference between others. While working in
retail industry, I realised that retail is an industry that has more demand in global market as it fill
the needs and wants of people by offering different types of products under a roof with retailing
prices (Gati,Levin and Landman-Tal, 2019) (Hasson, 2019). This attracts the customers more by
opening retail stores at various places and influencing people to buy the products as well as
services. While working in retail sector I noticed that occurrence of COVID-19 become a
challenge for all industries including retailing where businesses are closed and employment rates
also declined. In this situation, it became a difficult point for me to sustain in business and
manage the organisational sales as well as further activities. Due to Pandemic situation all
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businesses are affected since December 2019. This is important for people to find out the job
opportunities and perform well. In noticed that I was able to handle the role of manager in retail
sector positively where I analysed market for the purpose of identifying needs of people and
filling them appropriately. My skills such as management, team leading and communication
skills are very good that helped to manage the employees and provide them proper guidance to
work effectively. I was able to communicate properly with team people and share with them
information that can help to improve the business performance. I also directed to staff to take the
precautions in Pandemic while performing their roles and responsibilities. I enjoyed my job role
in retail organisation efficiently by managing all activities and functions that help to sale the
products and run a profitable business (Maree, 2019). While performing role and analysing the
personal skills I found that there is requirement of some skills and knowledge in context to
manager role are as defined:
Required skills and knowledge which make me more professional
Analytical skills - This is required skills that needed more to make a professional career
and becoming a professional person in retail sector. Good analytical skills are uses to analyse
own skills and market situation which can help to formulate strategies and planning in order to
improve the organisational performance and own experience. This skills will help me more in
retail sector as launching new products and services by conducting market analysis that may
support the business by offering products (Runhaar, Bouwmans and Vermeulen, 2019).
Observation skills – This is required skills in myself as I am weak in observing the
people and their needs. If my observation skill will be good then in can observed that how I can
fill the requirement and attain the individual goals by improving professional skills. In a retail
sector, as a manager this skills is required to observe other people and superiors that what are
their expectation and how to manage the assigned task.
IT skills – In changing environment, technology is changing where I noticed that I
needed to improve and required more technical skills that can help to identify what innovation
and technology can bring for performing well. As this skills can help me to launch the new
service and face the difficulties that may occur suddenly. For example, in Pandemic situation this
skill might be help me to solve the problem by working from home and managing all activities
through a system (Tawanwongsri and Phenwan, 2019).

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Decision making ability: In personal and professional working decision making is
extremely required skill that needed to analyse all aspects and opportunities then make right
decision. While making the career plan and performing role of manager in retail sector I analysed
that I required this skills because I take much time of understand and make decision due to which
business activities can be affected. Moreover, it is required in retail industry to make decision
regarding entering in to new market, developing products, launching new services and attaining
the business goals (Clevenger and et. al., 2019).
Therefore, the discussed above skills and knowledge are more required to complete the
my personality and role effectively. These skills and abilities are important that can help me to
perform role and control the all activities in relation to a sector. Having such skills will give me a
better placement and suggest to take right decision and maintain the sustainability.
Moreover, I noticed that I have some key areas that uses to focus on personal
development and managing the all performance and complete the role of manager that are as
Team leading – While working in retail sector I felt that in am much good in listening,
understanding and managing the people in any enterprises as a manager. This is needed
to organise and manage the people in their working as per their skills that can help getting
the work done. This is my strength that I am able to lead the team and also providing
right guidance to people for getting effective results.
Having good knowledge of MS word, Excel and access – As a manager I have good
knowledge about computer programme and other functions such as MS Word, Excel and
access that helped me to keep track record of activities and finance then right action is
made. Conflict management – Very less people is having these skills as it is need to perform
the role of manager and leader in any organisation. I noticed that I am good and more
comfortable to communicate with people so they can share their problems and get
optimum solution. As I always listen and try to understand first then take any action
which is beneficial for all (Lee, 2019) .
Weakness – Following weakness are presented in my personality such as:
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Presentation – I am weak in presenting my ideas and thoughts in front of all that is
counted as weakness. For improving this, I really need to focus on this, and start to share
the information with people.
Motivation skills – As employees are the part of organisation where manager need to
motivate the employees for their workings. I face the difficulties to retaining employees
as they feel demotivation that always be counted my weakness (Barrett, 2019).
Career action plan
Action plan is prepared by individuals who are weak in some activities. This plan is uses
to overcome the weakness and move in to strength that are as defined:
1 Presentati
on skills
Whenever I
something, I felt
hesitate and
I wants to
improve my
presentation skills
by interacting
with supervisor
and superior that
can make be
comfortable to
speak in front of
As a manager
this will help
me to develop
the organisation
and own skills
that complete
the personality.
2 Motivatio
n skills
I felt, employees
are not happy and
making decision
to leave due to
I need to interact
with employees,
analysing their
performance and
provide the
rewards and other
benefits that can
motivate them.
As a manager
this skill will
help me to
retain staff and
getting the work
done more
and senior
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From the action plan and personal analysing of my skills it has been concluded that skills
and knowledge is the key area for any person which can help to complete the personality and
operate the all functions. Action plan is needed to identify the weakness and ways to improve.
Therefore, this area helped me to improve my knowledge and skills by making action plan.
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Books and Journals
Hartung, P. J. and Vess, L., 2019. Career construction for life design. Contemporary theories of
career development: International perspectives, pp.91-104.
Lee, S. B., 2019. Scale-referenced, summative peer assessment in undergraduate interpreter
training: Self-reflection from an action researcher. Educational Action Research. 27(2).
Barrett, P. F., 2019. Developing early years teachers' Dialogic Reading (DR) skills through the
use of video enhanced self-reflection (Doctoral dissertation, University of Birmingham).
Tawanwongsri, W. and Phenwan, T., 2019. Reflective and feedback performances on Thai
medical students’ patient history-taking skills. BMC medical education. 19(1). p.141.
Runhaar, P., Bouwmans, M. and Vermeulen, M., 2019. Exploring teachers’ career self-
management. Considering the roles of organizational career management, occupational
self-efficacy, and learning goal orientation. Human Resource Development
International. 22(4). pp.364-384.
Maree, J. G., 2019. Group Career Construction Counseling: A Mixed‐Methods Intervention
Study With High School Students. The Career Development Quarterly. 67(1). pp.47-61.
Clevenger, M. R., and et. al., 2019. Career development strategies serving businesses and
corporations. In Business and Corporation Engagement with Higher Education.
Emerald Publishing Limited.
Gati, I., Levin, N. and Landman-Tal, S., 2019. Decision-making models and career guidance.
In International handbook of career guidance (pp. 115-145). Springer, Cham.
Hasson, G., 2019. Emotional intelligence: Managing emotions to make a positive impact on your
life and career. John Wiley & Sons.
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C.V. : This is document, prepared by individual for highlighting their professional and
academic skills in order to finding jobs. A C.V for role of manager in retail organisation has been

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For role of manager
Zoya Huda
Sunshine Street 207, West England
Mob. 9871417496
Professional Summary
I am positive, energetic, flexible making sure that all business objectives and functions
consistently will be met. I am much capable to managing people and performing all functions
accurately by formulating strategies and planning.
Academic Qualification
Central Birmingham University – MBA Degree 2008 – 20012
Aston College – HND 2005 – 2008
Graduated from Coventry School in commerce field
Work Experience
Company Name: Tesco June 2014 – Present
I worked in Tesco as a manager and leading team where I was responsible to perform all
functions, managing people, solving problems and increasing the organizational benefits.
Key skills and Competencies
Can communicate with staff and others effectively.
Resolving disputes and allocating the role between employees
Strong desire to learn new and grow own self
Leading team member at maximum level
Areas of Expertise
Managing and controlling quality.
Interpersonal communication
Handling situation
Formulation of strong strategies
Delegating work
The the above personal information are updated and valid to my knowledge.
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