
Motivation and Its Theories - Doc


Added on  2021-05-30

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Running head: MOTIVATION AND ITS THEORIES Motivation and its theories[Annotated Bibliography]Name of the student:Name of the university:Author note:
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1MOTIVATION AND ITS THEORIES1. Ganta, V.C., 2014. Motivation in the workplace to improve the employeeperformance.International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and AppliedSciences,2(6), pp.221-230.The author Ganta (2014) has covered the importance of employee motivation in thisstudy. The author of this study can be seen as over exciting for the concept and that is evident inthe author's work which also enables him to find the benefits of employee motivation and vice-versa. According to the author, motivated employees can yield a list of benefits for them and alsofor employers they are a part of. Motivated employees can efficiently utilize the potential theypossess. Nevertheless, they feel motivated to contribute to the team’s cause and also justify theirpresence in the company. However, Ganta (2014) can be observed as worried regarding a factthat employee motivation has often remained a challenge for leaders or the managers. It isalways challenging for managers to identify the factors of employee motivation as differentemployees have the range of choices for motivation. To some monetary values is the bestresource whereas many are satisfied just with recognition or they need a good workingenvironment. Employees, when not motivated, can look for actions which are not productivefrom the employer's perspectives. Such employees can be found as half-heartedly connected withthe project or they can also opt for a switch over to another job. Ganta (2014) has also identifiedMaslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s Two-Factor Model as the two best resourceswhich can be applied to the workplace to motivate the performance of workforce. 2. Njoroge, C.N. and Yazdanifard, R., 2014. The impact of social and emotional intelligenceon employee motivation in a multigenerational workplace.International Journal ofInformation, Business and Management,6(4), pp.31-35.
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2MOTIVATION AND ITS THEORIESNjoroge and Yazdanifard (2014) have also understood employee motivation as anessential element to success. In an unconventional way, the authors have identified the social andemotional intelligence as a good resource to help managers equip with skills that are immenselyrequired to deal with the diverse generations at the contemporary workplace. The authors havefurther emphasized on a fact that monetary values is an outdated concept and is not effective inregards to the multigenerational workforce. The multigenerational workforce needs more thanthis. There is a need for something that could promote employees who have engaged minds andcaptiveate hearts for the work they are put into. Managers, as opined by Njoroge andYazdanifard (2014), must get a hold of the multigenerational differences that exist in theworkplace. There are basically the three generations such as Baby Boomers, Boomers andMillennials exist in the workplace. The authors have identified a lot of differences in thedifferent generations in regards to work culture, style of working, honesty & integrity and more.For example, Millennials are very keen to look for better jobs unless and until they are notsatisfied with their existing employer. Baby Boomers are more supportive to change process thanBoomers and Millennials. Boomers are resistive to change process because they develop thetendency to stick around the ongoing process. Millennials being in the immature stage they tendto persist in their comfort zone and are not eager to any such change that can potentially troubletheir leverages. Social intelligence as noted by authors was being introduced by the psychologistEdward Thorndike in 1920. Daniel Goleman is remembered as popularising the emotionalintelligence. 3. Yidong, T. and Xinxin, L., 2013. How ethical leadership influence employees’ innovativework behavior: A perspective of intrinsic motivation.Journal of Business Ethics,116(2),pp.441-455.
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3MOTIVATION AND ITS THEORIESIn the opinion of Yidong and Xinxin (2013), ethical leadership and innovative behaviorcan help leaders to motivate the employees. The authors have found intrinsic motivation as thebest of factors of motivation due to its characteristic to produce a lasting impact on theemployee’s performance. Employees according to Yidong and Xinxin (2013) will be intrinsicallymotivated if they are working with the ethical leaders. Leaders must also have the essence forinnovation as it does not only help to find the innovative ways to lead the team but, also providesthe list of ways to positively influence the work behavior of employees. According to authorsYidong and Xinxin (2013), cognitive evaluation theory can be extremely effective in helping themanagers to become both innovative and ethical as well. Cognitive Evaluation Theory is apsychological theory which is specifically designed to explain the effects of externalconsequences on the workplace motivation. The various external factors which could effectivelyinfluence the intrinsic motivation in employees can be derived with the help of the CognitiveEvaluation Theory. One of the external factors can be the ethical and innovative work values inthe managers. Many employees are intrinsically motivated when they are under the supervisionof an ethical leader. 4. Ferris, D.L., Johnson, R.E., Rosen, C.C., Djurdjevic, E., Chang, C.H.D. and Tan, J.A.,2013. When is success not satisfying? Integrating regulatory focus and approach/avoidancemotivation theories to explain the relationship between core self-evaluation and jobsatisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology,98(2), pp.342-351.The authors Ferris, Johnson, Rosen, Djurdjevic, Chang and Tan (2013) have identifiedRegulatory Focus Theory as the most effective way to regulate the motivational work behaviorat the workplace. It is about the individual and its understanding of what needs to be the best setof actions leading to the set goal. The individual working in a firm used to have the certain set
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