
Gender Discrimination at Workplace


Added on  2023-01-10

24 Pages6952 Words23 Views
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Table of Contents
Title page.........................................................................................................................................3
Part 1 Research Proposal.................................................................................................................4
Research background.......................................................................................................................4
Problem statement/ rationale............................................................................................................4
Research aim and objectives............................................................................................................5
Research Objectives:..............................................................................................................5
Research question:..................................................................................................................5
Theory overview..............................................................................................................................5
What is the meaning of gender discrimination at work place?..............................................5
What is the negative impact of gender discrimination on the performance of organisation? 6
What are various ways which can be undertaken by an organisation to eliminate gender
discrimination in the organisation?........................................................................................6
Gantt chart........................................................................................................................................7
Methods of analysis/scope of work..................................................................................................8
Research aim and objectives..........................................................................................................11
Research Objectives:............................................................................................................11
Research question:................................................................................................................11
Literature Review...........................................................................................................................11
Gender discrimination in organisation.................................................................................11
Negative effect of gender discrimination in organisations performance..............................13
Various ways for eliminating gender discrimination...........................................................15
Research Methodology..................................................................................................................17
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Title page
Gender Discrimination at Workplace”
Student ID-
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Part 1 Research Proposal
Gender discrimination basically refers to not providing both male and female employees in the
organisation with equal opportunities. It becomes necessary for an organisation to make sure that
all the employees in the organisation are treated equally and fairly. It is often seen that there are
major differences in promotions, salaries and training and development programmes of employs
of different genders (Cavusgil, and et. al., 2014). It is necessary that Tesco make sure there is no
gender discrimination in the organisation so that the productivity of the organisation can be
increased by happy and satisfied employees. It is also seen that Tesco is a great supermarket in
United Kingdom which is employing a number of employees at its stores. Making proper
strategies to eliminate gender discrimination in the organization will help Tesco to improve its
brand image, goodwill, productivity, revenue, profits and so on.
Research background
The research on the topic gender discrimination in an organisation has been chosen by me
because it is a situation which is faced by a number of companies in today’s world. It is often
seen that the employs of different gender and have a conflict about not being treated equally
(Gadzekpo and Smith, 2020). Therefore, it becomes important for organisation to make sure that
employees of organisation are motivated and satisfied enough to achieve all their goals and
objectives in the organisation.
Problem statement/ rationale
It is often seen that there are a number of organisations in the market which practice gender
discrimination. Gender discrimination is a huge issue which is to be managed by every
organisation so that the working conditions in the organisation can be enhanced for the employs
of the organisation. Gender discrimination basically refers to not providing both male and female
employees in the organisation with equal opportunities. It becomes necessary for an organisation
to make sure that all the employees in the organisation are treated equally and fairly. It is often
seen that there are major differences in promotions, salaries and training and development
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programmes of employs of different genders. It is necessary that the school make sure there is no
gender discrimination in the organisation so that the productivity of the organisation can be
increased by happy and satisfied employees. It is also seen that Tesco is a great supermarket in
United Kingdom which is employing a number of employees at its stores. Making proper
strategies to eliminate gender discrimination in the organisation will help Tesco to improve its
brand image, goodwill, productivity, revenue, profits and so on.
Research aim and objectives
Aim of research: To analyse the negative effect of gender discrimination on working
environment. A case study on “Tesco”
Research Objectives:
To analyse the knowledge regarding gender discrimination in organisation.
To study negative effect of gender discrimination in organisations performance.
To study various ways for eliminating gender discrimination.
Research question:
What is the meaning of gender discrimination at workplace?
What are the negative impact of gender discrimination on the performance of
What are various ways which can be undertaken by an organisation to eliminate gender
Theory overview
What is the meaning of gender discrimination at work place?
According to Callaghan and Esterhuizen, 2020, gender discrimination in the workplace is
the treatment of indifference between the employees of different sex in an organisation. It
basically means unfair treatment to female as compare to male in an organisation or vice a versa.
This is the basic discrimination between the employees in an organisation due to their sexual
orientation. It is often seen that such discrimination in the employs reduce the productivity of
work and also disgrace the brand image of organisation.
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What is the negative impact of gender discrimination on the performance of organisation?
According to Danıelsdottir, 2020, there are a number of negative effects seen on
organisation due to gender discrimination at the workplace. The major negative effect is that the
motivation level as well as encouragement of employs is discouraged. This leads to negative
productivity in the organisation and the employees. It also reduces the turnover as well as profits
for the company. It is often seen that the employees remain demotivated and do not come to
work. This also increases the employs turnover in the organisation and employs absenteeism in
the organisation. All these leads to depletion in the market share of the organisation at the end.
This is inconsistent treatment of people dependent on their sexual orientation or sex. You can be
treated in a manner not the same as associates of the contrary sexual orientation in a way that
abuses the terms and states of the business .For instance, you can be gaining a littler
compensation contrasted with your partners regardless of you being at a similar degree of
capabilities in light of your sex, which is the reason we have sex separation positioned in our
rundown of the best nine kinds of work environment segregation. If a person is new to the
company and came from new country, then he is discriminated. For instance, an outsider with
equivalent capabilities as different representatives can be denied an advancement or get a littler
pay as a result of their nation of root, positioning national starting point separation among the
most noticeably terrible kinds of working environment segregation occurring in the country
What are various ways which can be undertaken by an organisation to eliminate gender
discrimination in the organisation?
According to Sheldon, 2020, gender discrimination is an issue which is needed to be
managed by every organisation in a proper way. It can be eliminated with the help of proper
training and development of employs as well as managers in an organisation. It is necessary that
proper strategies are created by the management of the organisation so that no manager in the
organisation can favour any of the employee. It is necessary for companies to make sure that
they are paying both male and female in the organisation equally as well as the opportunities for
growth and development of both the male and female are required. These are some of the ways
Tesco can use in order to make sure that they are eliminating gender discrimination from their
workplace. A person can be discriminated at workplace on the basis of his or her age. Most
organizations incline toward adolescents since they are youthful and fiery and can buckle down
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