
Observation of Relationship between Child, Parent and Educator at Early Childhood Education Centre


Added on  2023-06-11

8 Pages3254 Words71 Views
Section1: Ethics statement
Section 2: Introduction and context
Section 2.1: Introduction of child
Child: The name of the child is Charlotte and the age of the child is 2 years. Charlotte shows
active participation in all activities that has been entitled to her at the centre. Especially, she
is active in playing and recognising things. She likes to spend her time with her mother. Also,
the child likes to make discussion with her mother and educator. Charlotte is interested in
playing games that involves, jumping and running. Along with this, she likes to play in sand
as well. Thus, Charlotte likes to engage in all kind of activities.
Section 2.2: Introduction of Parent
Parent: Charlotte’s mother is a lead educator in childhood education centre. She comes at
workplace half an hour before so she can spend more time with Charlotte. Also, in lunch
breaks she spends quality time with her daughter. She is providing effective focus over
creating time for her child even in busy schedule. Break timings have been used by
Charlotte’s mother for spending quality time with her.
Section 2.3: Introduction of Educator
Educator: Rachel is 35-year-old female who possessed an early childhood education (ECE)
certification. She is the educator of child and she is playing vital role in the holistic
development of Charlotte. She is accountable for teaching Charlotte in best manner. Rachel
has effective bond with Charlotte’s mother as both of them are educator in the centre. Rachel
uses play based activities for gaining the attention of Charlotte and increasing effectiveness
of physical and mental aspects in her.
Section 2.4: Introduction of centre
Centre: Early childhood education and care services centre are responsible for assuring
holistic development of the child. This centre is aligned with developing child in all aspects.
Such as, social, physical, emotional and intellectual. The centre organizes physical activities
such as, riding toys. Also, activities which helps child to grow from social and emotional
aspects have been organized in the centre.
Section 3: Observations
Aim of the observation
The aim of the observation is to observe relationship between child and parent as well
as child and the educator.
Observation question
What is the relationship of Charlotte with her mother and Rachel (educator)?
Section 3.1- Observation in context of relationship between child and parent
Setting Anecdotal observation Interpretation
(Enjoying the activity) Here, the observation The child is experiencing
Observation of Relationship between Child, Parent and Educator at Early Childhood Education Centre_1

Charlotte is playing with
her mother by passing
indicates that- Charlotte likes
to play with her mother. She
is giving instruction to her
mother regarding “how to
pass the ball”.
effective development by
engaging in interaction with
her mother.
(Facial expression)
Charlotte becomes
happy after seeing her
When Charlotte’s mother
arrives in break. She becomes
happy and runs towards her.
Also, she starts passing ball to
her mother.
Charlotte likes to involve her
mother in playing. Also, the
child wants proper attention of
her mother.
(Expression of affection)
Charlotte started crying
when her mother talks
with other children at
Charlotte shows sad
expressions and starts crying
when her mother stops
playing and talk with other
Charlotte is highly obsessed
with her mother and wants her
Section 3.2- Relationship between child and non-parent
Setting Anecdotal observation Interpretation
(Expression of warmth)
Playing in the Sandpit
While making observation it
has been found that, Rachel
was filling sand in the cubes
and Charlotte was making
volumes from it.
This clearly depicts that,
Charlotte likes to play with her
educator and wants her
(Social referencing)
Charlotte is explaining
every detail to her
Charlotte is sharing even
small details with her
educator. It depicts that, she
likes to communicate with her
This scenario clearly depicts
that, Charlotte likes to inform
every detail to her teacher.
Thus, child trusts her educator.
(Positive language)
Appreciation from
Rachel makes Charlotte
Rachel says “Well done” to
her and this creates smile over
the face of child. Thus, she
likes to get appreciation.
This indicates affection
between Charlotte and her
teacher as she feels happy after
getting appreciation from her
Section 4: Summary and analysis of observation
In context of relationship between child and parents it has been analysed that,
Charlotte likes to get involved with her mother. Also, she feels sad when her mother gives
attention to other children. The child has effective connection with her parent. It has been
observed, when her mother was playing with her at that time, she started instructing her
mother. It has been observed that- child takes the ball from her mother and then again when it
was turn of her mother to pass the ball. Even at that time, the child took the ball and passed it
to her mother. Here, this clearly states that, child has effective relation with her mother. Child
was trying to instruct her mother as she wants to show her mother the actual way of playing.
Erikson’s theory is associated with the psychological development. The theory states that,
Observation of Relationship between Child, Parent and Educator at Early Childhood Education Centre_2

surroundings of social experience of child plays vital role in the development. (Maree,
(2021). This theory provides broad structure for enhancing the development in child. In
similar manner in case of Charlotte, while making observation it has been found that-
effective interaction of parent with child is initiating within playing. Also, Behavioural cue
that has been identified here in Charlotte indicates anger and sadness as she starts crying
when her mother did not play with her and talk to other children at centre. The facial
expression of Charlotte depicts that she is comfortable with her mother. Thus, this
observation states that there is effective relationship exist between Charlotte and her mother.
(Schneuer & et.al. (2018).
Also, in lunch her mother spends time with her. When her mother arrives during the
break she feels happy and this has been indicated by giving effective facial expression to her
mother. She waits for her mother as she is aware about the fact that her mother will come to
see her in breaks. This clearly depicts that child has sharp mind. Along with this it has been
identified that- there is an effective relationship exist between child and her mother. When
Charlotte’s mother starts talking with other children at the centre then, she starts crying and
feels sad. Thus, here expression of affection has been done by child. This clearly determines
that Charlotte is obsessed with her mother. From the observation it has been analysed that-
relationship between Charlotte and her mother is full of affection. Also, certain behavioural
cues has been evaluated in child that are indicating effective interaction between child and
her mother. Macrosytem Bronfenbrenner’s theory concerned with relationship between child
and parent states that, parents plays vital role in nurturing the development in child (Guy-
Evans, (2020). Same has been observed in the case of Charlotte. The interaction of Charlotte
with her mother has been found highly effective and this is making effective contribution in
the growth and development of child.
The observation in context of relationship between Charlotte and her educator Rachel
describes that, child has effective level of trust in her educator as she shares every detail with
her. It is highly important that child must possess trust towards her teacher as it helps in the
establishment of effective communication between the child and her educator.
Bronfenbrenner sates that involving child in outdoor activities assure contribution in the
development of child. Also, educator must get involved in such activities. The observation
has shown that, Rachel was playing with Charlotte and the child was enjoying game. Her
educator was filling sand in the cubes and Charlotte was making volume. In this manner,
Rachel contributed her efforts in creating effective relation. Also, it has been observed that
when the other children were moving towards Rachel for filling their cube. At that time,
Charlotte started running in fast manner so her cube can be filled first. This clearly depicts
that Charlotte wants attention of her educator as she has effective interaction with her. The
another observation in context of relationship between Charlotte and Rachel has been made
that, Charlotte shares everything with Rachel. For example: If Charlotte done her work then
she says to Rachel “I DID IT”. Also, she tells everything to Rachel about her meet-up with
the mother. Thus, Charlotte feels free in discussing anything with the Rachel. Also,
behavioural cues in terms of comfortable level in Charlotte with the Rachel has been
Charlotte feels comfortable with Rachel. The body expression of Charlotte indicates that, she
enjoys in context of spending time with her educator. Also, at the time of group playing,
Observation of Relationship between Child, Parent and Educator at Early Childhood Education Centre_3

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