
Organizational Change Management - Role of Human Resource Development


Added on  2022-09-17

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Organizational Change Management - Role of Human Resource Development_1

The significance and role of Human Resource Development
(HRD) as an agent of organizational change management
Human resource management is the crucial aspect within an organization it is responsible
to manage the human resources, which are the most difficult asset of the company that needs to
manage and retain in order to effectively process the task and activities in the business (Bailey,
2018). The activities of the business are integrated with the innovation, which led to major
changes in the organization, which are generally resisted by employees of the company, which
need to be managed through effective change management that is responsible for the effective
implementation of change. The purpose of the essay is to provide with effective literature review
including the organizational change concept and role of management while implementing the
models. The discussion will also include the strategies, factors playing role in change
management. There has been various research conducted for the study of organizational change
management while understanding the key concept of this model to understand the role of human
resource development as the change agent (Green & Cameron, 2015).
There are various factors and forces identified by the scholars, which drive organizational
change. The internal factors identified are company’s mission, which provides purpose of the
company, which may be inclined towards innovation and change. One of the organizational case
or example of the force responsible for change is Philips, Amazon, and Samsung which are the
companies considering innovation and change as part of their mission statement (Ford, 2017).
Moreover, the leadership of the company is another change force, the reason being the leadership
styles like transformational leadership style implied by the leaders in the organization (Brenner,
2015). The external forces that are not part of the company but affect the decision making of the
company are economic opportunities. For instance, the free trade agreement among the nation
could provide the opportunity to enter into another market-leading to major change in the
organizational strategy, structure and goals (Kuipers & Higgs, 2014). Technological factors are
most significant factors responsible, due to increase in use of technology within the business and
digital use in the nation lead to technological innovation and change by the company for example
in retail industry after increase in e-commerce opportunity (Dewald & Osiyevskyy, 2015).
The role of management is very significant in implementing the change in organization.
The senior management is responsible for the communication, this includes making people
aware about the need for change well before the implementation of change so as to make the
employees mentally ready for change as the immediate change may lead with higher level of
resistance from the employees. The scholars have identified that the major role of line managers
are to advocate that includes providing support for the change. Line managers have big impact
on the views in their personnel (Ahlin, 2014). If one has a sturdy propose for a trade, the
employees will possibly comply with manager’s lead. In case manager is showing dedication to a
change through various phrases and movements, manager may construct choice in your
Organizational Change Management - Role of Human Resource Development_2

personnel. Second role includes role of liaison. Managers are an essential supply of comments to
the project crew and change promoters regarding development in enforcing an alternate (Pyka,
2017). The managers of impacted groups are not consulted at some stage in the plan and
implementation stages of a change, the challenged team is “flying blind” and do not need a
precise view of the way correctly in the change for being followed (Dustershoff & MacGregor,
2014). By means of appearing the Liaison function, manager can have a vast effect on
Reinforcement, assisting to make sure that the change will be persistent through the years. Third
role includes resistance manager, as the managers are directly in contact with the team members
and are able to make the employees comfortable with the change process and job description,
which will reduce the resistance from the employees regarding the process and management
(Brunes & By, 2012).
There have been various causes identified through research responsible for resistance to
change. According to the scholar, threat of power is one of the major resistance course. This is
resistance from the managers to implement change as this may decrease the power of the
managers due to transform organizational change. Another caused identified by the scholars
include losing control of employees; the process of change implementation may reduce the level
of control out employees by the managers (Doppell, 2017). This could be one of the reasons that
even manage can resist the change process as they prefer to enjoy controlling over people.
Economy factors could be another course for resistance to change, the change may reflect
through the employees change in salary, which may be increase or decrease as per the new job
description. What did sample it has been identified that while performing a particular job in a
business an individual may be only incentives due to his experience and use of knowledge at that
book which may not be seen as that in case after change will be implemented. It has been
identified that employees resist changing due to great of losing ocean of the salary (Dawson &
Andriopolous, 2014). Date of comfort is another major cause identified through research, which
was one of the major causes for resistance to change. It has been identified that personal
discomfort maybe one of the results from organizational changes that reflect in making job
description of employed difficult (Smollan, 2011). A new situation may be identified as per the
new job description like transfer employees which could lead to discomfort at the toss.
Relocation of resources or another course of resistance, which has been identified in north on the
employees, but the other stakeholders that is group, departments and individuals in the
organization. Due to organizational change, some departments may be allocated with more
resources than other may before this brings resistance from groups, individuals and departments
who are losing the resources in order to utilize a different department (Holt, Feild, & Harris,
The management could implement effective change process through one of the change
management approaches by Kotter’s. According to the scholar, the first step through this model
includes urgency creation (Norman & Verganti, 2014). As per this step, change can be
implemented successfully when each person of the company is willing to change as the change is
Organizational Change Management - Role of Human Resource Development_3

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