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Development of Online Cash Market Platform - Team Charter and Responsibilities


Added on  2023/06/08

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The paper focuses on the development of an online cash market platform named i-corp. It covers the team charters, responsibilities of the team members, project objectives, team rules, communication plan, and learning cycle. The primary objective is to develop a user-friendly application that can handle transactions with ease. The team comprises a project manager, system analyst, and resource manager. The communication plan includes informing the project plan to the client, checking the project approach plan, and checking the updates of the project.

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The GLoblex Solutions Corporation which is one of the leading corporation which was instituted in the year of the
2013 was by the merger of two organizations namely the BT & Sins Farming Equipment and Riverina Precision
farming. The aim and objective of the organization is to implement a plan on developing a online cash
market platform named as the i-corp. The paper aims to create a online application that can run with help
of the web browsers. The paper focuses on development of the team charters, responsibilities of the team
members and others.
Part One
1. Project Name/Team: Please Insert
Team Name: Please Insert
Email Role
1 x Please Insert Please Insert Project Manager
2 y Please Insert Please Insert System Analyst
3 z Please Insert Please Insert Resource Manager
2. a. Project Description
The globlex solution in order to develop the online application have given the responsibility to the virtucon private
limited. The organization needs to deliver the project on time and fulfill all the requirements of the I-crop solutions.
One of the major requirement of the project is to deliver the solution in such a way that it helps the organization not
only to manage the application but also help the GLoblex in the selling process of the grains and buying of the other
products. The application must be able to handle transactions with ease and there needs to proper payment options
for the same. The client will also needs a online mobile platform that can help with the development of the
customers. Further the application must be available to the global citizens and issues related to slow internet must
be dealt with care.
b. Project Objectives
The primary objective of the organization to develop a new and developed online system that can help in the
processes like the sealing, buying and managing the in house grains and other items. The main aim of the system is
to develop a system that can easily handle these kind of the transactions with ease. The mobile platform will help in
the easy transactions of these systems. The most important thing that is needed to be understand is that the
application that is developed must be easy for the users to use and there must not be any always while the
transaction processes are on. The primary objectives are:
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1. In order to develop an application I-crop that can help the customers to buy and sell crops.
2. The application must be user friendly and easily used.
3. TeamCharter
x y z
Role(s) Project Manager System Analyst Resource
The project manager is Accountable
for relating the appropriate project
management standards in the
project (Marchewka, 2014)
1. Checks the
1. Checks for the
resources of and
allocates the same.
TO look after the entire project. 2. collection and
reporting (Harrison &
Lock, 2017)
2. Assigning job
roles to members.
3. Reporting problems 3. Handling the issue 3 Allocation resources
1. Project management skills 1. Skills and
knowledge about the
required systems
and software
1. Knowledge about
the intangible assets
2.Requirements understanding
(Uhl & Gollenia, 2016)
2. Knowledge about
the ability of the team
Document Page
4. Team Rules & Expectations
Team Rules Team needs to chart a planned approach of implementation of a project
Team needs update project progress (Ma Prieto & Pilar Perez-Santana,
Team will maintain a structure communication plan

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experience) There should not be any team conflict (Binder, 2016).
The project is needed to be delivered on time and with claritty
Values Sharing information with the team.
Assuring questions when there is doubt
Code of
Ethics Trustworthiness, accountability and equality must maintained in project
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Name Signature Date
1. x Please Insert Please Insert
2. y
Please Insert Please Insert
3. z
Please Insert Please Insert
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Part Two
1. Meeting Minutes and Outcome:
Role recognize the job requirements Date/Time&
Meeting must be done in order to understand the process. X y z
Scribe The purposes of the app is discussed.
Outcome of the meeting:
1. To be able to understand the working of the applciaiton.
Role The system requirements must be understand. Date/Time&
The hardware and the software requirements are to be understood.X y z
Scribe The resources are to be understand.
The executing plan is understood

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Outcome of the meeting:
1. Required descriptions for the development is understood.
Meeting 3
Role discussing the resource requirement and plan Date/
The meeting is done to understand the requirements. X y z
Scribe A plan for the resource management is made and techniques to
implement it is introduced.(Pritchard, 2013)

Outcome of the meeting:
1. The meeting will help in the better understanding of the resources how these can affect the
2. Team Learning Record
What we know What we think we
What we don’t
The requirements
The project objective The scedule
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Project requirements Details of the system requirements Implementation
Team member skills User requirements information Sales statistics
Objective of the
Budget of the project (Pearlson, Saunders & Galletta,
2016). Sales forcast.
Learning Cycle
Development and
Reflect and
Learn: Learning
Plan: Needs
to be made
according to
Act: Evaluation of
scope according to
Document Page
of resources
Reflect and
Learn: Individual
Skills. Learning
Plan: Resources
Act: According to

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Part Three
Communication Plan:
Objectives 1. Implementing the project Objectives according to plans.
2. Being a part of teams of developing staterges. (Heldman, 2018)
Audience 1. Project Manager
2. Project Team
3. GLoblex
4. Virtucon
Document Page
Information to
Location Purpose Mechanis
Who What When Where Why How
1. Project Manager Progress of
the project
Weekly Project Site Informing the project
plan to the client
2. GLoblex Objectives
of the Project
Monthly Project Site Checking the project
approach plan
3. Virtucon Project Progress
and Project Plan
To check the updates
of the project
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Part Four
The project is one of the most important thing that is needed to be understand in this project is to
requirement of the client. I have understood what is need to be done and how this effects the working of
the organization is also well understood. In order to make the task there is a need to maintain all the
aspects of the organization so that there are some of the major results regarding the same. I need to
manage the team properly so that there is no problem regarding the results of the system. Thus in order to
enhance the system task there needs to be done in a proper manner.
The primary aim of this assignment is to develop an application which can help the organization in the process of the
selling of the grains, managing. This process needs to be done in a very specific manner so that there are no
chances of any problem related to these. Further their needs to be a proper options for the process payment so
that there is no problem for the global customers. Also there needs to be a proper system for the process of the
maintaining the website.

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