
Operational Management of Tesco


Added on  2021-02-21

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Operational Management of Tesco_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................3P1 Role and characteristics of leader and manager......................................................................................3P2 Examples on way in which role of leader and function of a manager apply in different situational context.........................................................................................................................................................6P3 Application of different theory, model of approach, situational leadership and contingency................8P4 Key approaches to operation management and role that leaders and managers play........................10P5 Explain the importance and value of operational management to successfully meet business objectives..................................................................................................................................................12P6 Assess the factors within the business environment that impact upon operational management and decision-making by leaders and managers................................................................................................13CONCLUSION.........................................................................................................................................14REFERENCES..........................................................................................................................................15
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INTRODUCTIONTESCO is one of the largest retail chain in the UK. It serves wide variety of productsfrom grocery products to garments etc. There are number of competitors of the firm like Lidl,Aldi and Morrison. All these firms offer products at very low price which make competitionfiercer. It is the situation where leaders and managers both play crucial role. Leader and managerboth are different words and their meaning are also completely different but people often usethem interchangeably. In the current report detail discussion is carried out on manager andleaders. Both are compared with each other in terms of their characteristics and roles. Further,functions of managers which are planning, staffing, organizing, directing and controlling areexplained in detail. In middle part of the report, theories of leadership like situational leadershipand contingency leadership are explained in detail. Thus, it can be said that extensive research iscarried out on leader and manager in the current research study. At end of the research study,operation management approaches are explained and business environment is discussed in detail.In this way, entire research work is carried out. P1 Role and characteristics of leader and managerLeader and management both are different entities. Leader refers to those who lead entiregroup or workforce of the company. On other hand, there are managers who manage entireworkforce. They mainly ensure that all activities are performed in proper manner and if there isany issue it resolve that problem. Both manager and leader play different role in organization.Leaders ensured that business is on right direction and according to change in situationemployees are also changing their working style (Peus, Braun and Knipfer, 2015). On otherhand, manager play a role in the business where it ensured that path suggested by leader isproperly implemented by its department employees. Thus, it is clear that both manager andleader play different role in an organization. Difference in characteristics of managers andleaders is explained below.BasisLeader ManagerMeaningIt refers to the person whoinfluence its subordinates toensure achievement ofManager refers to theindividual who is mainlyliable to manage entire
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specific aim and objectives.business operations and toensure that everything isgoing according to plan.ApproachLeader set direction in whichorganization need to work toachieve pre-determined aimsand objectives. Leadersusually prepare plans andtactics which manager andtheir subordinates need tofollow at ground level toachieve set objectives.Basically, aim and objectivesand prepared by the leader bytaking into considerationmission and vision statementprepared since inception ofbusiness (Abdalla, 2015).Managers plan details underwhich it prepares a tacticsthat will be followed foreffective implementation ofplan prepared by the leader.Tactics ensured that withchange in condition effortmade at ground level will alsochanged in order to ensurethat plan prepared by leader isimplemented effectively.AttributeOne of the most importantcharacteristic of leader is thatit has power to forecast futuretime period. Leader have vastexperience because of whichthey receive intuitions aboutfuture time period. This is theone of the attribute whichbring them in position to leadothers (Gatenby, and et.al.,2015).Manager make use of theirmind in order to ensure thatwhatever decisions taken byleader is effectiveimplemented at workplace.Leader just prepare plan itdoes not know whether it willbe implemented easily ordifficulty will be faced ineffective implementation.Thus, manager main task is tomake use of its brain forproper implementation ofplan prepared by leader.
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