
Organizational Behavior: Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power


Added on  2023-01-12

14 Pages5094 Words96 Views
Organizational Behavior: Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power_1

LO 1..............................................................................................................................................................3
P1 Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and team behaviour
and performance.....................................................................................................................................3
LO 2..............................................................................................................................................................5
LO 3..............................................................................................................................................................7
P3 Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team.........................................7
LO 4..............................................................................................................................................................9
P4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour within an organisational context and
given business situation...........................................................................................................................9
Organizational Behavior: Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power_2

Organizational behavior refers to the behavior of employee in group and at a workplace.
Organizational behavior refers to the study of human nature and behavior which does affect the
working and activities in an organization. Business culture and environment are the major factors
which puts impact upon the organizational behavior. Business culture refers to the norms,
structure, values, mission, and vision and so on which a company follows. Whereas business
environment refers to both internal and external environment which affect the working of
organization. Internal environment includes employees, customers, culture, structure and so on.
These factors can get control by the organization (Wagner and Hollenbeck, 2014). External
factors are the factors which a company cannot control they work independently for example
political, economical, social, technology, environmental and legal factors. For reference purpose
this report has taken an example of a company, Superdrug. Superdrug company is a British
multinational company which deals in health and beauty products. The company was founded in
the year 1964 by Ronald Goldstein and Peter Goldstein. The company is location in around 796
locations and serves the countries like United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, Finland and Norway.
This report discuss about how an organization gets affected by polities, culture and
power. Along with it this report includes many approaches and process theories which an
organization can use to motivate its employees. Apart from this the report also includes now a
effective team can contribute into the objective of an organization.
LO 1
P1 Organisation culture, politics and power
Organizational culture is a system which includes the assumptions, structure, inner
working, values, mission, vision and so forth which an organization inculcates into its business.
Organization culture has a great impact upon the behavior of employees. The organizational
culture has the following impact:
Performance of employees: An organization where the culture is strong, there employees feel
valued. They feel that the organization consider them as a big part into their operations and
business activities. For strong culture, the organization must have wide communication and
reinforcement (VanStelle and et. al., 2012. ). Through this the employees feels motivated also
and thinks that they have some control over their jobs. Superdrug is an organization which
practice the strong culture, it gives equal opportunities to every employee to grow by offering
them career development training and programs or any other orientation program to keep the
employees motivated. Whereas the weak culture would create an unhealthy environment into the
organization, it will also increase the employee turnover ratios, confusion among job role and
Organizational Behavior: Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power_3

Impact on happiness: The organization where the culture is very dull and biased there the
employee will be also very de motivated in performing their work. A positive and happy culture
implies an organization where the employees are very much satisfy with their work and performs
to their best, as in the case with Superdrug Company. The employees there love to perform their
jobs because of the positive culture the company has (Tankebe and Meško, 2015 ). An employee
performance can get improve through a strong and helping culture. It also reduces the burden for
recruiting, hiring and training cost of company.
Collaboration and growth: Collaboration here refers to the collaboration from the employees
sides. A positive and strong culture initiates the efforts and contribution from employee’s side
very much. They undertake all the opinions and idea which leads to the growth for the company.
Cultural theory:
Power culture: In this the power is accumulated by some few people only. This this type of
culture the power is into the hands of top level management people and they generally takes the
decisions without taking the suggestions from the middle level or lower level of management
Role culture: This type of culture is very much in controlled. Here the rules and roles which the
person needs to perform is clearly stated. The power is determined by the position which the
person has into the organization.
Task culture: In task culture, the teams are formed by the organization in a view to determine or
achieve a specified task or goal. The formation of such team is very much temporary and the
team gets dismissed as soon as the objective gets accomplished.
Person culture: In this type of culture, the person working considers themselves as on priority
and take himself as a superior from all, even the organization. In this the individual happens to
work with each other.
The organization super drug follows the role and task culture in their organization.
Politics refers to the behavior in which people self- served themselves to increase the
probability for obtaining any kind of positive outcome in company. These people serve personal
interest only. Politics puts a bad impact upon the performance and behavior of employees in the
following ways:
Decrease in overall productivity: Politics lower the performance for organization. An
employee which thinks that any sort of discrimination has been done with him or he has been
witness any sort of politics around him then ultimately it would lead to de motivation among the
behavior of employees (Pinder, 2014).According to a common observation which was made
upon politics, it has been observed that the people who majority of them paid less attention
Organizational Behavior: Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power_4

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