
P2 Process and content theory of motivation


Added on  2021-02-19

14 Pages3953 Words38 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
P2 Process and content theory of motivation_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1
TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................1
P1 Organization's power, culture and politics.............................................................................1
TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................4
P2 Process and content theory of motivation .............................................................................4
TASK 3 ...........................................................................................................................................5
P3. make an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team. .................................................5
TASK 4 ...........................................................................................................................................8
P4 Concept and philosophies of organizational behaviour.........................................................8
P2 Process and content theory of motivation_2

Organizational behaviour referred to the process of analysing the individual and group
performance within an organization. It is defined as performance monitor tool for companies
which helps in measuring human resource actions. HR is the key source for organization and it
provide assistance in accomplishing the goals and objectives. Organizational behaviour is very
important for all companies by this the managers can easily define employees behaviour and
pattern. This assignment is related to Dr. Martens, a footwear and clothing brand was founded by
Klaus Martens in 1947, headquartered in UK. This report will cover about the organisation’s
culture, politics and power influence on individual performance. Further will be defined about
various theories of motivation which help in achieving effective goals of the firm. Philosophies
and organisational behaviour will also be explained in context of a specific situation(Bakotić,
P1 Organization's power, culture and politics
Organizational culture define values, beliefs, expectations, assumptions, and ways of
interacting which contribute to the social and Psychological environment of an organization.
Companies culture can be analysed by looking at employees attire and arrangement of activities
within an company. Organizational culture plays an important role in developing polices and
procedures that are used by employees of the firm in an structure, for effective functioning of
business operations and activities. The main purpose of this culture is to attain companies aims
and objectives efficiently. Dr Marten's culture define the values, philosophy and beliefs that help
in guiding and leading the employees. Favourable culture of an organization helps in effective
working pattern of individuals and minimises conflicts. When an organization properly follow
the culture then it help in increase of employees performance and productivity of the firm(Bester,
Stander and Van (Zyl, 2015)
Handy's culture model
This culture was developed by Charles Handy and Roger Harrison in a practical way
which define different culture within an organization.
Power culture: This define the power in one hand, in some organizations only few
people have power in their hands and are considered as the most important people at workplace.
P2 Process and content theory of motivation_3

They have the privilege to develop strategies and plan for other employees, in such culture the
subordinates follow the instructions of managers. Here in Dr Marten's the employees have no
liberty to express their views which in turn demotivate them for effective working and this will
show a negative impact on the organization which results in failure.
Role culture: This define role and responsibilities delegated to the employees as per their
skills and specialization, qualifications and interest where they can give their best efforts. This
culture help the organization in achieving best from workers. In Dr. Martens the employees give
their best efforts through role culture by doing specialised work as per their interest. Role culture
will have an positive impact on the organization because workers will willingly complete the
assigned task(Boddy, 2015)
Person culture: This culture define the employees interest over organization. In person
culture the employees are more concerned about self and work for the sake money not for
organization welfare and do not get attached towards company. If in Dr. Martens the employees
and managers will follow power culture then organization can eventually suffer and it will
impose a negative impact on organization because in this culture they will only focus on their
interest and profit.
Task culture: It define that to achieve goals and solve critical problems some individuals
with common interest come together and form teams. In Dr. Marten's task culture, every
individual have to equally contribute to accomplish tasks effectively and efficiently this shows a
positive impact on organization by accomplishing the task together.
Organizational power
Power refers to the ability of individuals to make things done through others according to
their perspective. The organizational power is beneficial for managers where they assign task and
activities to the employees under their guidance to accomplish the goals and objectives. For
better understanding the management of Dr. Martens use theory of French and Raven’s power
which describe various form of power such as:
Coercive Power: It define the managers ability to force the employees for follow the
order by threatening and punishment. This type of power in the management of Dr Martens will
impose a negative impact on the employees performance because of manager's fear and
threatening(Burrell and Morgan, 2017)
P2 Process and content theory of motivation_4

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