
LO1 1 P1 Influence of organisation’s culture, politics and power on individual and team


Added on  2020-10-22

13 Pages4096 Words450 Views
Leadership Management
Organisational Behaviour
LO1 1 P1 Influence of organisation’s culture, politics and power on individual and team_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1LO1..................................................................................................................................................1P1 Influence of organisation’s culture, politics and power on individual and team behaviour..1LO2..................................................................................................................................................4P2 Content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques in the organisation................................................................................................................................................4LO3..................................................................................................................................................7P3. Developing and Effective team........................................................................................7LO4..................................................................................................................................................8P4. Concepts and philosophies of organisation behaviour with organisation and businesssituation..................................................................................................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
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INTRODUCTIONOrganisational behaviour is a type of study and application of the knowledge on how thepeople in an organisation works together and how people act within the organisation. Presentstudy is based on the “David & Company Limited” is an American food flavour company whichprovides full range of fresh fruits, vegetables, ready prepared products and bakery items. The itwill outline the influence of the culture, power and politics on the individual and team behaviourand their performance. The it will further highlight the content and process theories ofmotivation and different types of motivational techniques which helps in effective attainment oforganisational objectives and goals. The it will also flash light on the team and effective teamand the difference between the effective and ineffective team. Lastly the it will outline thedifferent concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour.LO1P1 Influence of organisation’s culture, politics and power on individual and team behaviourThe organisation and its working are affected by the culture, power and politicsprevailing within the organisation. Culture - Culture refers to the assumptions, underlying beliefs, values, social andpsychological environment of an organisation. For explaining the impact of culture on individualand team the model used is Charles Handy Model which is explained below:According to Charles Handy model, there are four types of cultures followed by anyorganisation. Power culture- The first culture is the power culture. Here the power remains in hands of afew people only and they are only authorised to take the decisions. These individuals furtherdelegate the responsibilities to the other employees. The employees have no option other thanfollowing their superior's instructions. The employees do not have the option of expressingtheir views and ideas instead they have to obey their employers. This use of power will affectthe employee negatively because employees are not puppets and they wish to work accordingto their comfort. If the employees are not free to express their views then it will lead tointense dissatisfaction and may lead to high labour turnover (Pavalache-Ilie, 2014).If the power is used positively, then the employees will have liberty in working andexpressing their views. This will positively impact the employees because they will feel happy1
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and satisfied working in the organisation and this will lead in the increase in the commitmentlevel of employees towards the work and the organisation.Role culture- It is a type of culture in which every employee is delegated roles andresponsibilities according to their specialization and interest to extract the best out ofthem. This type of culture is highly job oriented. This culture is known for its roles, rulesand regulations, agreements, obligations etc. If the roles are clearly defined in theorganisation then it will affect the individual and team performance positively becauseeveryone knows beforehand what they have to work and how (Nortilli and Wong, 2014).Similarly, if the roles are unambiguous then it will negatively impact the performance ofindividual and team.Task culture- The task culture depends on the unifying power of the group to improvethe efficiency and to help the individuals to identify objectives of the organisation. It canbe referred to as a team culture where the outcome of the team's work is prioritized overthe individual objectives. As the focus of task culture is to work in a team it positivelyaffects the working of employees. This is so because employees feel good working aspart of team. The coordination between the employees increases and as a result of this theefficiency and productivity of employees increases and the result thereof is improvementin the individual and team’s performance and behaviour.Person culture- In this type of culture individuals are more concerned about themselvesrather than the organisation. Here the employees have complete independence are highlyeducated and can work with their own expertise. The organisation following the personculture is people focused, value oriented and geared towards meeting the individualemployee's self-actualization needs. This culture helps employees to meet their personalgoals and to grow on personal level.Power- It is the capacity of a person to affect the behaviour of the subordinates. The power has avery close link with the performance and behaviour of the individual and the team. It is evidentwith help of the model Five Forms of power by French and Raven which is explained below:Coercive power- It is based on the idea of coercion which means that employees areforced to do work against their will (De Board, 2014). It involves the use ofthreatening the employees by way of transferring, firing, demotions etc. so thatemployees do work out of fear of losing the job. This type of power negatively2
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