
Organisational Behaviour | A David & Co Limited


Added on  2021-01-02

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Organisational Behaviour | A David & Co Limited_1

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INTRODUCTIONOrganisational behaviour is the process of studying the behaviour of the individuals inthe organisation. This process is considered with the efforts and attempts made to evaluate thathow the performances of employees are affected when working in groups or without them. Theaffect in the process directly impacts on the performance of the organisation, that is why the needarise to formulate a proper communication process. The report is constructed on A David & Co.Limited the company is the producer of food products and offers a wide range of varietyproducts like fruits, vegetables, dairy and bakery products, etc. the company is engaged in givingservices to hotels, restaurants and caterers in their operating area on daily basis. The report willdiscuss the culture, politics and power which influence the behaviour of employees in theorganisation. Further, different motivational theories that an organisation can follow to promotethe employees. The various concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour that can alsobe applied by organisations are explained in the report. TASK 1P1:The organisation politics, culture and power are one of the important factors which canhave a great impact in influencing the performances of the organisation either in positive ornegative manner. Power can be described as the capability a manager possess to instruct thework force to work in a certain direction and to influence them to achieve the desired objectivesin the predetermined time. Power has a impactful affect in changing the behaviour of theworkforce in the organisation. Influence of power on the performance of team and individualThe power directed in a positive manner by the managers to lead the employees inachieving the organisational objectives with proper training and guidance will increase theproductivity of the employees (Chiboiwa, Chipunza and Samuel, 2011). It will motivate theemployees and will increase their confidence level in following a proper curse of action for theassigned task. To achieve all this a manager is required to take several decisions of assigningduties appropriately, giving rewards and recognition for the good performances. These decisionsalso helps in eradicating the problems of employee turnover ratio, high retention, etc. Use ofpower in a negative aspect will make a negative impact on the performance of the employees. In
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this scene it is obvious that A David & Co. Limited will have a skilled and efficaciousmanagement which will encourage the use of positive power to inspire the employees. In relationto the organisational power, there are different theories which can be adopted by the A David &Co. Limited to influence the behaviour of the employees and they are as follows:Legitimate power:This power is concerned with responsibility which is presented to anindividual accordant to the position one possess in an organisation. For instance, thepower attained by Jon Evans the managing director of A David & Co. Limited isauthorized power that allow the person to have dominance to put control over itsemployees and instruct them. This power will have impact in a effective way on the teamand individuals as instructions will be delivered from one place so, it will be clear andwill lead to increase the productivity overall. Reward Power: It mentions about the power which is allotted to a individual withcertain responsibility of distributing rewards, appraisals, planning training anddevelopment programs for the betterment of employees, etc. In A David & Co. Limitedsuch power is authorised to the Board of Directors and with their permissions managersof different departments can proceed this functions. It impact on the team and individualin positiver manner and will motivate them to improve their working style and willmaximise the profitability for the organisation. Coercive power:This power is allocated to the individual to carry out the functionsrelated to giving punishments, terminations of employees in the organisation. In A David& Co. Limited these powers are with the CEO and managers. The use of this power israrely exercised due to valuing workers to work harder to achieve the organisationalobjectives (Francis, O’Connor and Curran, 2012). It will make the teams and individualsto work in discipline manner and will help the organisation to achieve the task inconstructed period of time. Expert power:This power is assigned to a person because of having satisfactoryknowledge and specific skills in peculiar department. In A David & Co. Limited suchpower is functioned by the managers of the respective departments and these powersleads in dealing them with the uncertain situations and form correct judgement to bringout the maximal output from the workers.It will help the team and individual in taking
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required advice from the authorised person and will help the organisation to solve thebarriers in the path. Referent power: This power is assigned to an individual to influence the operativebehaviour of the employees in the organisation. In A David & Co. Limited this power isexercised by the leaders to convey the employees towards the desired goals of theorganisation and influence them to work accordingly.It will impact the employees andteam in fulfilling their needs and requirements with the help of leaders and will worktowards the accomplishment of desired goals. Influence of politics on performance of team and individualHelpful in developing social awareness, network ability and sincerity:Businesspolitics assist the organisation to gather the knowledge of the workers and their working behaviour which allows them to formulate plan of action to motivate the employees to executetheir actions for the organisational objectives. It also results in creating the healthy competitionsamong the workers, manager are able to obviate the communication gap within the organisationwhich helps in holding better relations with the employees. This will help A David & Co. limitedto get attached with its workforce in a positive manner and will lead to low turnover and highretentions in the organisation. This will impact as a positive manner on the team and individualas it will improve their working abilities and skills to work properly and it will lead to thesuccess for the organisation.Reduce the productivity of employees: Politics also has negative impact on theperformance of the employees it is discovered that the workers occupied in organisationalpolitics are concentrating less on the assigned task that is resulting in disadvantage forthe company. They are more fascinated in criticizing others due to which their executionand productivity level in the work reduces. It will have a negative impact on the team andindividual as these activities will distract them and will result out in creating losses in theorganisational performances.Influence of work culture on the performance of individual and teamOrganisation culture defines the values and beliefs that a company follows in its businessoperations. The influence of culture can be defined by the help Handy's model of organisationalculture. This model directs the company to follow particular culture with clear beliefs, values,and norms. The models consists of four categories which are as follows:
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Power culture:This culture power is allotted to the superiors who have the centralizedcontrol on the workers. In A David & Co. Limited only a few associates are having thispower by which they influence the performances of their employees.Its impact will makethe working behaviour of team and individual in effective way and will help the companyto improve its growth. Role culture:It is accompanying with the roles and duties that workers holds in theorganisation and in its different activities. In A David & Co. Limited, administrators playa essential role in distributing duties to their workers on the ground of their ability andknowledge that will increase the productivity of the organisation.The impact of thisculture on the behaviour of employees and team will positive as the duties will be clearlyassigned and it will improve the productivity in achieving task. Task culture: It primarily concentrates on determining and giving motivation to theemployees to work as per the requirements to complete the allotted task in moreefficacious and economic manner. A David & Co. Limited encourage team spirit as theprecedence and demand from the employees to work together by avoiding each otherimperfections. To increase the productiveness of the employees the managers of A David& Co. Limited should distribute the staff in the form of teams as it will impact inaccomplish the desired outcome within constricted time period and will result on theperformance of both the organisation as well as the employees. Person culture: It focuses on acknowledgement of workers by giving them properchances to display their ability and skills. It allows managers of A David & Co. Limitedto take the employees into confidence and motivate them to contribute with new andinnovative ideas and proposals. By which, the organisation can easily accomplishcompetitive advantage in the market and the working behaviour of the individual andteam will in positive direction. The company follows task culture as it helps in achieving the desired objectives in wellconstructed period of time.
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