
Organisational Behaviour Assignment : Ryanair


Added on  2021-01-02

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentHealthcare and Research
Organisational Behaviour Assignment :  Ryanair_1

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INTRODUCTIONScrutiny of organisations and accumulation of individuals within them together formsorganisational behaviour. It is defined as examination of demeanour of individualistic andorganisation. Basically, it is acknowledgement of people and way in which they react withinworking premises (Ashenden and Sasse, 2013). This report is based on Ryanair which is Irishlow cost airline with its headquarter in Swords, Dublin. It was started as first European airlinewhich offered low cost and low fare approach. This report deals with organisational culture,nature of power and political behaviour with its impact on behaviour and performance of staff.Moreover, process and content theories of motivation are evaluated by which Ryanair can attainsuccess. Apart from this, different teams which operate within Ryanair are explained, teamformulation theories are used. Path goal theory is evaluated by which performance of team canbe improvised. At last, barriers for executing new organisational structure are identified.TASK 1A) Analysis of organisational culture, power and political behaviour of management of Ryanair.Organisational behaviour is defined as complete perceptive of behaviour of individual inan organisation. Organisational behaviour assists Ryanair to enhance performance level ofmanagement as well as motivate employees by which relationship between employees andemployers can be enhanced. Ryanair has opted for Handy culture in their working premises bywhich they can overcome certain issues which creates impact on functioning of organisationeither directly or indirectly. Organisational culture:Organisational culture is defined as the underlying assumptions,beliefs, values and the way of interaction which contributes to unique psychological and socialenvironment of an organisation (ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE., 2019). This culture involves vision,values, systems, norms, assumptions, habits, language and symbols. This is important forcompanies to have positive work culture at the workplace for better functioning of the company.It comprises of various predictions which are related with values, belief and behaviour ofindividual within organisation. Culture of Ryanair comprises of ways in which interaction occursamong their employees and shareholders. It consists of mission, vision, norms and values. Handyculture comprises of four components, they are described below:1
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Power culture:In this culture power is possessed by few persons only within workingstructure of Ryanair. Like in this power is with board of directors, MD and CEO. Within Ryanairthese people are responsible for making decisions and these are made swiftly But still littlebureaucracy exists.Task culture:Within Ryanair, it comprises of flexible activities with horizontal nature.Management of Ryanair takes vantage of this culture for accomplishment of different taskswithin desired time frame. By this they can gain profitability and productivity in terms of overallorganisational performance.Person culture:In this type of culture, individuals consider themselves as superiorswithin organisation. This is not adopted within Ryanair as each individual has their own set ofroles, responsibilities and according to them they carry out their functionalities. In this culturepower is possessed by each individual which makes it difficult to get on mutual decision. Role culture:In this organisation carry out their functionalities on basis of certain set ofrules. In this each individual within Ryanair has knowledge of what they have to do in terms oftheir role within organisation. Power depends upon position which individual holds withinorganisation.The corporate culture adopted by Ryan Air is the role culture. In this company, the roleand function of employees id divided on the basis of hierarchy. The top level management, themiddle level management and lower level employees are given tasks according to theirresponsibility and role. In Ryan Air, organisational culture is divided into three level- surfacemanifestations and values. Surface manifestations are considered as visible elements likephysical objects or behaviour pattern that can be felt. The organisational values provide directionto employees and guides them to achieve goals and objectives of the company. Management of Ryanair has executed Charles handy culture in their working structure sothat they can make trenchant decisions. Furthermore, it will aid management to allocateresponsibilities, power and roles according to their knowledge.Nature of Power: According to French & Raven, there are five forms of power. These powersshows ways in which leadership and success is affected within organisation. These powers are:Coercive power:In this power, individuals are forced to do tasks against their. If suchkind of power is possessed by employers of Ryanair then there will be bullies, despots anddictators. This can also lead to physical harm which can hamper image of Ryanair within market.2
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