
Organisational Behaviour: Impact of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation Theories, and Effective Teams on Performance - TESCO Case Study


Added on  2023-06-17

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and Creativity
Unit 12 Organisational
Organisational Behaviour: Impact of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation Theories, and Effective Teams on Performance - TESCO Case Study_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
P1 Potential impact of organisational culture, politics and power on individual, team
behaviour and performance.........................................................................................................3
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6
P2) Content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques...........................6
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
P3 Effective and Ineffective team...............................................................................................9
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................11
P4 Application of concepts related to OB.................................................................................11
Organisational Behaviour: Impact of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation Theories, and Effective Teams on Performance - TESCO Case Study_2

Organisational behaviour is determined as study of both individual and group
performance within entity. In this, formative study of human behaviour is done along with its
impact upon job performance, job structure, leadership, communication and more. For this,
different type of strategies, policies and plans are being framed with an aim to align individual
behaviour with objectives of organisation (Griffin and et. al., 2020). Present report has
been conducted on TESCO, respective entity is operating their business operations in retailing
sector and was founded in the year 1919. With having more than 6,800 shops Tesco offer their
products via convenience shop, supermarket, superstore, hyper store and hypermarket. In this
report formative discussion has been made on the manner in which organisation's power, culture
and politics influence team and individual behaviour and performance. Along with this, report
include contribution of process and content of motivation in accomplishment of organisational
goals. In addition to this, elements of effective team and application of philosophies and concepts
of OB in organisational context are also included in present report.
P1 Potential impact of organisational culture, politics and power on individual, team behaviour
and performance
Organisational behaviour is defined as a concept that included the manner in which
individuals behaves and interact within organisation. In context with TESCO, it has been
evaluated that executives of company developed strategies and policies through which they are
aiming towards evaluating individual’s behaviour to access their contribution. This lead them to
determine any variance in results that can further be managed with effective measures.
Mentioned below culture, politics and power impact upon employee performance is defined:
Organizational culture:
Handy's Culture Typology
According to Charles Handy it has been evaluated that four types of culture are affecting
behaviour of organisation:
Power culture:
This culture states that some employees are authorised to give their contribution in
decision-making that resulted in their higher efficiency and creativity. However, this sometime
Organisational Behaviour: Impact of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation Theories, and Effective Teams on Performance - TESCO Case Study_3

results in improper form of balance of power as selected individuals are entitled to take decisions
(Jacobs and Manzi, 2020). Further decisions get imposed on other without undertaking opinion
of others. Adaptability of this culture, makes employees de-motivated and also affects their
creativity and performance.
Role Culture:
This culture facilitate organisation to allot roles as responsibilities to every individuals as
per according to their talent and expertise. In addition to this, in this culture power is also being
allocated according to position that has been held by them. With the help of this culture TESCO
can increase their end outcomes efficiency.
Task culture:
Within this form of culture, different forms of team get formed to fulfil underlined
objectives in given time period. This culture within TESCO facilitate maximise active
participation of every employee. In this entity can also develop team that share mutual purpose
as to effectively accomplish organisational goals in stipulated time manner.
Person culture:
In this type of organizational culture, a person thinks that he/she is superior and dominant as
compared to others. Workforce in this work culture considered their interests only and
encouraged to have their own welfare rather than working for the organization. TESCO working
can be impacted negatively because employees have financial motive and there is no presence of
dedication towards the achievement of organizational goals.
According to the above evaluation it has been analysed that TESCO undertakes use of
role culture. This culture allows organisation to allot roles and responsibilities to team and
individual according to their expertise. It significantly increases their efficiency of work through
which entity assures higher profitability.
Organisational power
French and Raven's Power Types
Legitimate power:
This power basically sustains in top managerial executives hands like CEO and owners. It
has been seen that this power can reduce level of creativity among employees as their ideas and
opinions are not taken into consideration (Galli, 2020).
Reward power:
Organisational Behaviour: Impact of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation Theories, and Effective Teams on Performance - TESCO Case Study_4

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