
Organizational Behavior: Culture, Power, and Motivation


Added on  2023-01-12

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Organizational behavior
Organizational Behavior: Culture, Power, and Motivation_1

Organizational Behavior: Culture, Power, and Motivation_2

Organisational behaviour is the procedure that framework and determine the behaviour of human
being and individuals towards their overall performance in bid to achieve the goals and
objectives of organisation. Moreover, this process also tends to empowers the managers and
leaders in order to direct the whole business activities and operational activities in bid to develop
healthy relationships with many functional units of company to achieve sustainable growth and
success. Despite from this, the overall working culture of company plays an important role as it
both positively and negatively impacts the behaviour and performance of employees towards the
attainment of specific goals and objectives of company. In addition to this, motivation is the
another factor that is also considered as the important aspect as it enables the managers and
leaders to achieve high level of employees involvement towards the business activities that is
beneficial for the business in order to increase the performance and productivity of subordinates.
To carry forward this report, The Bloomsbury hotel is considered which is situated in a district of
London and considered as the fashionable residential area, as its location have various cultural,
intellectual and educational institutions. In addition to this, report is going to cover several topic
considering the behaviour of employees and team including the culture, power and politics of
company and how motivational factor helpful for them to inspire employees to meet desired
goals and objectives. Moreover, team development theories are discussed by applying various
philosophies with the help of behaviour of employees (McShane and et. al., 2018).
Organisational culture is the term that offers healthy and flexible working conditions to
employees to manage their work and also impact their behaviour towards the company. In
relation with this, it also includes various values, attitude, beliefs and experience of company
concerning their employees. Moreover, the culture of organisation considers insight, vision,
strategies, policies and language of company that impacts the members and each other
behaviour. In relation with this, to describe the various aspects of culture Handy’s model is
described in terms of The Bloomsbury hotel that are mentioned as under:
Organizational Behavior: Culture, Power, and Motivation_3

Person culture: According to this culture, most of employees that they are valuable and
company need them as they are more efficient than any other. In terms of this, employees
gets concerned only about themselves and focus on their own goals as they does not care
about their team members (Shier and Handy, 2016). Therefore, organization who adopt
this culture gets suffer because of its employees as their workers becomes quite self
cantered and selfish and keep themselves on priority instead of company.
Power culture: In many organizations the power and command is in the hands of peak
level management and higher authority. So, in this culture the decision making authority
and rights are in the hands of higher authority as they have full control over the plans and
strategies of company. In terms of this, all the critical decisions are taken by top level
management and if The Bloomsbury hotel opt this culture then it negatively impacts the
behavior of its employees as they start feeling worthless which tends to demotivate them.
Task culture: Companies who are developed to attain their targets will follow this culture
as here, teams and groups are developed by determining the interest of employees that
leads to progress the performance and efficiency of employees (Thigpen and Handy,
2018). As per this culture, teams are developed by those employees that are focused
towards their particular skills. In terms of The Bloomsbury hotel, if they opt this culture
then it put positive impact on the performance of team to enhance the sales of company
by maintaining the healthy relationships with employees. Here, employees have high
level of coordination and cooperation feeling.
Role culture: Here, the task and work is assigned to employees after determining their
skills and knowledge. For this, several departmental units are developed in the form of
team to attain the specific goals and objectives. In terms of this, divisional structure is
suggested and best suited for organizations. In terms of The Bloomsbury hotel role
culture is recommended to them as it is best suited for hotel because of its various
divisions and large employee base.
Therefore, by considering the above discussion it is summarized that in terms of Bloomsbury
hotel task culture is best suited for the hotel as because of this, it leads to develop proper
coordination and cooperation among the individuals that leads to bring success for company. So,
this culture is more beneficial for the company in order to attain overall progress and success
within the dynamic business environment. In this context, organization who is developed to
Organizational Behavior: Culture, Power, and Motivation_4

prominently achieve their goals and targets leads to adopt this culture which is depicts that
company create teams by determining the roles and skills of individuals which matches with the
project and for this behavior also plays significant role in order to develop guidance and
coordination among the team (Lut, 2016).
Organisational powers describes that the prominent abilities of the system and structure of
an organisation by which the company use all the available resources in more effective way to
develop and improve the functioning of company. It describe the ability of employees to get
things done in more prominent way to control them and make workers to perform task in more
effective manner. In relation with this, kinds of power that manage things and influence the
behavior of subordinates are discussed as under (French and Raven's Five Forms of Power.
Reward power: This type of power depicts that the leaders and manager recognize and
give reward to their employees by considering their skills and performance. This type of
power is useful in bid to encourage employees as it positively influences the working
style and manner of employees in more effective way as it helps in attaining better results
to gain best position in company (Rhodes, 2018). In relation with The Bloomsbury hotel
its manager uses this power to motivate their employees towards the attainment of
prominent results for the benefit of company in terms of achieving personal objectives.
Coercive power: This kind of power is just opposite to the reward power as it demotivate
employees in terms of their working and makes them believe that they have weak points
and need to develop their skills and knowledge to match the requirements of company. It
is considered as the style that force employees to perform those in which they does not
have much interest and tends to negatively impact the working manner of employees
(Lam and Xu, 2019). If The Bloomsbury hotel opt this power, then it leads to negatively
impact the performance of employees and tends to develop dissatisfaction among them.
Organisational politics influences the working manner of employees in both positive and
negative manner as if the manage use this kind of power the it becomes in the favour for
company and employees both and if they misuse it then it tends to negatively impact the
functioning and working style of company (Eldor, 2017). In relation with this, various types of
organisational politics are discussed as under:
Organizational Behavior: Culture, Power, and Motivation_5

The weeds: It is the type of three dimensional and dynamic kinds that grows
mechanically considering the environment of organisation within the employees. It
becomes more favorable for the organization and also helpful in bid to develop the
healthy relations with each other. In relations with this, if leaders ignore this factor and
does not get monitor by others then it becomes very dangerous for an organisation.
The rocks: This type of politics takes place among the employees who tie the knot with
high level of teams and keep employees more strong in power with them. In relation with
this, it develops on the basis of prominent interactions and formal authority considering
the roles and specialist individuals (Jain and Ansari, 2018).
The high grounds: It is determined as the functional politics that is helpful for the
structure of an organisation and the control system as it offer prominent incentives and
keep the organisation in more observance. For this, the managers of The Bloomsbury
hotel can become the part of the head of politics as for this, they need some specific plans
and prominent rewards for their employees relies on the overall performance and task
that leads to develop motivation and job satisfaction among employees.
Sum total of culture, power and politics in the company influences the working manner of
employees of The Bloomsbury hotel as it is the part of individual level and team. In terms of this,
these elements directly influence the behavior and believe of employees and if individuals are
not happy and dissatisfied with the culture of company then it negatively impact their
performance and operations of company (Samaila, Uzochukwu and Ishaq, 2018). Therefore, all
these factors directly and indirectly impact the operational level of The Bloomsbury hotel and its
Each and all business, power, culture and politics plays a significant role as it directly
impacts the overall performance of team associates and the decision making competencies of
company. In relation with The Bloomsbury hotel, they need to enhance their overall productivity
and overall performance of subordinates. In terms of this, they can adopt role culture to enhance
the productivity and overall performance of employees to delegate the roles and responsibilities
on the basis of their interest and abilities. In terms of The Bloomsbury hotel they need to make
suitable efforts towards the development and motivation of their employees and also offer them
Organizational Behavior: Culture, Power, and Motivation_6

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