
Organisational Behaviour: Analysis of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation Theories, Effective Teams and Concepts in Marks and Spencer


Added on  2023-06-18

12 Pages3883 Words288 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Organizational Behaviour
Organisational Behaviour: Analysis of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation Theories, Effective Teams and Concepts in Marks and Spencer_1

Table of contents
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
P1. Analyze organization’s culture, politics and power and how it influences team behaviour
and performance..........................................................................................................................3
P2 Describe that how content and process theories of motivation, technique enable effective
achievement of goals in M&S.....................................................................................................5
P3 Analyse that how effective team as opposed to the ineffective team.....................................7
P4. Concepts and philosophies of organizational behaviour within organizational context and
given business situation...............................................................................................................9
Organisational Behaviour: Analysis of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation Theories, Effective Teams and Concepts in Marks and Spencer_2

Organizational behaviour is defined as the academic study of the organization and its
employees interact with each other in a significant manner (Buchanan and et.al., 2019). Marks
and Spencer is the British multinational retailer which specializes in food products, clothing and
home products.
The report will analyse Marks and Spencer culture, politics and power influence the team
behaviour, individual and their performance. Along with this, process theories of motivation and
motivational techniques will enable effective achievement of goals for the organization.
Effective team and ineffective team will be explained in detail with all essential information
provided on the scale of knowing all ways they both differ. Various concepts and philosophies of
organizational behaviour within the business situation and organizational context will be
explained. The organizational behaviour method and the performance of employees within the
organization were also evaluated and this created more of the value through which all the aspects
are taken into consideration.
P1. Analyze organization’s culture, politics and power and how it influences team behaviour and
Marks and Spencer’s culture, politics and power are explained below and how they affect the
team behaviour and performance is also explained below –
Culture of M&S and its Influence on Team Behaviour and Performance Every
organization has different culture. The main thing which is observed in the Marks and Spencer is
that the organization works on the formula of customer driven culture in which the organization
takes concern of the customers’ needs and requirements. The main effort is put by Marks and
Spencer in evolving and improving the services of customers by engaging in the market research
trends, providing training and employing the right individuals etc (Mowla and et.al., 2019).
Marks and Spencer follows this culture where their main focus is on the progressive stands of
how they engage their customers at large scale by following the trends which are running in the
market with the view of what customers are likely to buy from the organization. There is
diversity of work force in Marks and Spencer which helps the organization in retaining the
variety of talents to achieve the goals and objective at large scale. The culture influences the
Organisational Behaviour: Analysis of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation Theories, Effective Teams and Concepts in Marks and Spencer_3

team behaviour and the performance as the lot of employees and individuals work on different
beliefs and value systems which hamper the productivity of the organization at large scale. The
main thing which is observed is that the performance of the individuals affects the team
behaviour. When there is proper formation of culture in Marks and Spencer then the teams will
contribute in performing at high scale with knowing that the performance and productivity of the
organization should be higher.
Politics in M&S and its Influence on Team Behaviour and Performance – The politics is the
factor which is followed in every organization and this creates controversies in the industry in
which the organization is working. The same is with the Marks and Spencer which also follows
free trade and in importing and exporting its products and services which involves political
connections. Apart from this, the politics is also created in the workplace between the employees
and the individuals who are working together. Politics has negative impact on the environment of
the organization and this creates unhealthy business environment. The main thing which is
affected and hampered is the performance of the employees and the individuals as they get
involved in the politics which is been created depending on the behavior of the individuals or
employees (Swigart and et.al., 2020). This not only affects the Marks and Spencer’s progress and
success scale but also the individuals or employees or is working in the organization as their
performance is questioned. This also affects the team behavior in which the individuals are
working. When the employees are interested in creating value work then they are not involved in
the politics of the organization which is running within. But when the organization is taking
concern of how the things are taking turn and affecting the performance of the individuals and
the team behavior then they are more inclined towards improving and enhancing the problem and
solving it effectively and efficiently.
Power in M&S and its Influence on Team Behaviour and Performance – Power is the factor
of the organization which is originated from the reward power, hierarchal source and referent
power. Power has negative impact on Marks and Spencer as an organization and on its
employees’ at large scale. This creates problem and affects the productivity and performance of
the employees which is directly related to the success factors of how the organization deals when
such problems occur due to the power factor within the organization (Ang, 2018). All the
employees and the individuals have the right to take actions and work in the organization so that
there is no such problem of how the performance scale is low and why the employees are not
Organisational Behaviour: Analysis of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation Theories, Effective Teams and Concepts in Marks and Spencer_4

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