
Organisational Behaviour of BBC - Doc


Added on  2020-09-17

15 Pages4296 Words29 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentLanguages and CulturePhilosophy
Organisational behaviour
Organisational Behaviour of BBC - Doc_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK...............................................................................................................................................1P1 Organisational culture, power or politics that influence individual as well as teambehaviour ...............................................................................................................................1TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3P2 Various motivation theories or their process for effective achievement of bbc goals......3TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7P3 Effective team as opposed to ineffective team..................................................................7TASK 4............................................................................................................................................9P4 Philosophies of organisational behaviour in BBC............................................................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
Organisational Behaviour of BBC - Doc_2

Organisational Behaviour of BBC - Doc_3

INTRODUCTIONOrganisation behaviour is the core element for growth and development of company. It isthe study of way how employees are interacting with each other within company. In anyenterprise, it is important to maintain positive working environment by understandingorganisational goals and objectives clearly (Adeniji, 2011). There are so many philosophies andmodels of organisational behaviour which can be adopted by any company to maintain healthyrelations between employees and manager. This project report is about organisational culture,policies and power which can affect the performance as well as position of company. Alsodiscussed about organisational cultural and behaviour and their impact over the employeesperformance within the BBC company. As, in today's time every company is known for itsstrong and healthy working environment not for its building or structure. There is so manymotivational theory used by BBC company to motivate employees to achieve organisationalgoals and objectives.TASKP1 Organisational culture, power or politics that influence individual as well as team behaviour In today's scenario, every organisation focuses on achieving their goals and objectiveswithin specific period of time. There are so many people that come together in organisation whobelong from different castes and culture to attain common set of goals. Organisational behaviouris a wide term which helps the manager to understand behaviour of individual and the way theyinteract with each other within organisation. If there are any conflicts arise between employeesand staff then there should be strong management plan to resolve them. Organisational cultureplays an important role in all operational activities or tasks to achieve desired result incompetitive business market place (Bagozzi, 2011). The high authority considered all values andbehaviour of employees and staff at work place while taking any important decision. In BBCcompany, manger do harassment and bullying with their employees which increase turnover ofemployees and also reduce profit of company. Culture of organisation should be positive andthere should be healthy working environment so that employees can perform well in their work.As, organisational cultural and values impact on employees behaviour which can effect theirperformance so, its a responsibility of manager to conduct training for employees to enhancetheir knowledge and skills. 1
Organisational Behaviour of BBC - Doc_4

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