
Organisational Behaviour Assignment Solution - A David & Co. Limited


Added on  2020-10-22

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Organisational Behaviour Assignment Solution - A David & Co. Limited_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1: Influence of organisation's politics, culture and power on team and individualperformance.................................................................................................................................1M1 Critically analyse how the culture, politics and power of an organisation can influenceindividual and team behaviour and performance........................................................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4P2: Motivational theories for achieving organisational goals.....................................................4M2 Critically evaluate how to influence the behaviour of others through the effectiveapplication of behavioural motivational theories, concepts and models.....................................5D1 Critically evaluate the relationship between culture, politics, power and motivation thatenables teams and organisations to succeed providing justified recommendations. ..................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................6P3 A team effective as opposed to an ineffective team:.............................................................6M3. Tuckman and Jensen's Model of Team: .............................................................................8P4 Philosophies and concepts of organisational behaviour........................................................8M4. Advantage and disadvantage of path goal theory of leadership: .....................................10D2. Critical evaluation: ............................................................................................................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
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Organisational Behaviour Assignment Solution - A David & Co. Limited_3

INTRODUCTION Organization behaviour deals with the overall behavioural environment of theorganization in which individual communicate and share their views with each other.Organizations are in need to build and develop their interpersonal along with employees skillsfor being effective. Organizational behavior deals with the study that focus on investigation ofimpact that groups, individuals and structure have on behavior within an organization.Organization behavior emphasis on how to improve productivity, increase employee satisfaction,increase employee citizenship and reduce absenteeism and turnover. This assignment is emphasison A David & Co. Limited that is producing different number of food products including freshvegetables, fruits, bakery items (Chiboiwa, Chipunza and Samuel, 2011). All this items aredelivered to various hotels, contract caterers and restaurants on regular basis. This projectscovers culture, politics and power which influence behavior of individuals in the organization.Moreover, this report includes various motivational theories that organization should implementto encourage and motivate employees to perform well. In addition, it covers various concepts andphilosophies of organization behavior that should be adopted by the organization.TASK 1P1: Influence of organisation's politics, culture and power on team and individual performanceIn today's time, organisation's culture, power and politics acts as important factor as itdirectly effect the functioning of company both in negative and positive manner. Power meansability of the managers to control and guide working behaviour of workforce to perform in rightway in right direction to reach desired goals and objectives. The main aim is to achieve theorganisational goals and objectives with limited resources in limited time. To change tobehaviour of workforce towards organisation power plays an important role.Influence of power on group and personPower plays an important role in influencing the behavioural of workforce. Thosemanagers who practises positive power are able to deliver best guidance to employees to reduceabsenteeism and enhance productivity level. Positive power generates confidence among theemployees as they get better suggestions and ideas to perform their tasks by the managers. Powerinvolves decision making of assigning roles and responsibilities among the employees at variousoperational level. Managers has power to recognize the efforts of different level of employees1
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