
Organizational Behavior: Culture, Politics, Power, and Motivation


Added on  2023-01-10

16 Pages5777 Words47 Views
Organizational Behavior: Culture, Politics, Power, and Motivation_1

TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
Organization’s culture, politics and power and their impacts.........................................................3
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5
Motivational techniques and process theories.............................................................................5
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8
Effective and ineffective team.....................................................................................................8
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................10
Philosophies of organizational behavior....................................................................................10
Organizational Behavior: Culture, Politics, Power, and Motivation_2

Organizational behavior refers to the study of individual behavior or the group behavior
to ascertain the attitude and perspective of employees working into organization. By knowing
this the organization would get to know about the behavior of employees and how they can
motivate them in into the workplace to perform the work with utmost motivation. Organization
itself knows that the when an employee performs his work with motivation it does it very well
but whereas when a person performs a work with unwilling attitude then he perform it for the
sake of finishing it. Therefore organizational behavior is very much mandatory to evaluate or
analyze. This report has taken an example of a company for reference purpose, Superdrug.
Superdrug is a multinational British Company which deals in beauty care and health care
products. It is a British Company which was founded in the year 1964. Ronald Goldstein was the
founder of the company (Carnevale, 2018). The company has expanded itself at around 796
locations which include the US, Ireland, Finland, Norway and etc.
This report discusses about the how the cultures, politics and power put impact upon the
organization. The report also includes the motivational theories which the organization uses to
motivate their workforce. Apart from this the report also talks about the difference between
effective and ineffective teams and also about the philosophies of organizational behavior.
Organization’s culture, politics and power and their impacts
Organizational culture: It is a framework which incorporates the presumptions,
structure, inward working, values, crucial, etc which an organization teaches into its business.
Organization culture has an extraordinary effect upon the conduct of representatives, it is a
shared perception among all the company. The organizational culture has the accompanying
Employee performance: An organization where the culture is solid, there workers feel
esteemed. They feel that the organization think about them as a major part into their tasks and
business exercises. For solid culture, the organization must have wide correspondence and
support. Through this the workers feels propelled additionally and believes that they have some
command over their employments. Superdrug is an organization which practice the solid culture,
it gives equivalent chances to each representative to develop by offering them profession
advancement preparing and programs or some other direction program to keep the workers
propelled. Through the employee performance, an organization can evaluate how they can bridge
the gap between the standard and actual goals. The organization also gets to know about the
areas where they have left behind or has not performed enough, and through this they can take
the necessary steps.
Organizational Behavior: Culture, Politics, Power, and Motivation_3

Impact on happiness: The organization where the culture is dull and one-sided there the
representative will be additionally very de inspired in playing out their work. A positive and
cheerful culture infers an organization where the representatives are especially fulfill with their
work and performs to their best, as for the situation with Superdrug Company. The
representatives there adoration to play out their occupations as a result of the positive culture the
organization has (Colarelli and Arvey, 2015). A worker execution can get improve through a
solid and helping culture. It likewise diminishes the weight for enrolling, recruiting and
preparing cost of organization.
Collaboration and development: Collaboration here alludes to the coordinated effort from the
workers sides. A positive and solid culture starts the endeavors and commitment from
representative's side without question. They embrace all the feelings and thought which prompts
the development for the organization.
According to the Charles handy there are four types of organizational culture, which are as
Power: In this type of organizational culture the power is concentrated in the hands of only few
people. These people take the control of overall organizational activities and they are people who
take the decisions whether small or big. These people delegate the responsibility to their sub
ordinates in such a way that those people have to follow their command and perform the task. In
the organization like SUPERDRUG, the company has a few number of people with whom all the
powers of whole organization is present. These people run the organization and considered as top
level management people according to the hierarchy.
Task culture: In this Superdrug forms a particular group which is responsible for completion of
some tasks. The team members also come together to solve some critical issue or problem, and
when the motive for the group gets complete the team will automatically would get disperse.
Person culture: This culture generally does not get follow into the Superdrug as in this culture;
the people or the employees consider themselves more important than the organization. It is just
an organization where the people happen to come together for work.
Role culture: The role and responsibility of employees are clearly defined into Superdrug, the
employees are performing their jobs and functions according to their stated roles and performs as
per that. The role of CEO of the company is different, the role of a manager is different and both
act accordingly.
The Superdrug has adopted the role, task and Power culture into their organization. All
these type of culture are practice by the company and the employees working there are very
much happy and satisfied from that type of culture.
Organizational Behavior: Culture, Politics, Power, and Motivation_4

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