
Organizational Behavior Topic 2022


Added on  2022-09-26

14 Pages3054 Words23 Views
Organizational Behavior
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author Note
Organizational Behavior Topic 2022_1

Story 1
The first area that I would like to keep in concern of the discussion is the one of the
Organizational Behavior that has been the concern of the article in this section of the
The topic has been chosen particularly because I have felt a close relationship with the
values on which the ideals have been intrinsically lined upon. The values and the aspects of
the organizational behavior that has allowed me to work with the attribute in detail include
the ideal of a good workplace and a sound working environment.
It has been noted by most of us in this respect that the organizational culture is the
primary reason behind instigating a sound environment in the workplace that has been
concerned in the part of the discussion (Wagner and Hollenbeck 2014).
I have been born up and brought up in a joint family, where the neighborhood was
comprised of multiple people from different cultural backgrounds. I grew up interacting and
communicating with them. My growing up in a diverse background made me realize how the
accumulation of diversity and the differences in society or a collection is important. I
remember incidents where people were in a tussle with others, just because their inter-
community and interpersonal interaction had not been set properly.
Now when I have grown up and I reflect upon the areas it makes me realize how
important the values of differences and the interaction were. I can relate the values learned in
class with the values of the outer world. (DuBrin 2013).
The ideas that have been narrated so far had been my primary reason behind
discussing the implication of the organization behavior on the culture of the organization and
why the cultures are practically important and connectable to my life in general.
Organizational Behavior Topic 2022_2

As a college student who is preparing to find themselves in the field of the
organization, indulging in a job, it is expected by all that the culture of the organization
would be positive enough to boost the productivity of the people concerned in the case. I had
also aspired for the interpersonal skill in the sphere where I would find myself in the latter
part of my life.
If I get a chance to go back to the past, I would have liked to enhance my
interpersonal interaction and the values that could have been utilized to bring out
effectiveness in the community understanding to incorporate the same in interaction with a
varied community.
Since I am a person of interpersonal values it can be noted by us pretty well that the
interpersonal values are intrinsic in our understanding of the implication of the relations that
we are capable of establishing with the people around us in the course of our lives. I have
always felt that the relationship between the individuals of the workplace is closely linked to
the job satisfaction of the individual and the degrading level of the stresses along with the
higher rate of the turnover of the employee who are trying to establish themselves in the areas
Organizational Behavior Topic 2022_3

Story 2
The next attribute that I would keep in concern of my discussion is the one of the
Attitudes and the job satisfaction that has been intrinsically linked with each other,
particularly in terms of the organizational culture and undoubtedly they have a greater impact
on the life of the people in general. The implication of the Attitude can be noted in the fact
that they foster the idea of the way people feel and the people react to that in particular,
however, on the contrary, it can be noted that the statement involved in the expression of the
attitude is closely linked to the people, object and the events that are associated with it in its
full force.
I remember my childhood days where the people had been bullied and the bullies
were encouraged for their attitude. They were applauded and praised for their action and that
boosted the bully in them. At that time, it all appeared fun and casual. Looking back at those
days make me feel that the attitude of the people surrounding the bullies enhanced their
negative attitude and allowed them to foster the attitude in them.
Attitude is linked to the way we feel and which in turn shapes the way we behave to
changes that have been present in our surrounding environment. It has also been noted by us
that the behavior and the feeling are further linked to cognition, both in terms of the reaction
of the individuals to the development that has happened or taken place in the respect.
According to Festinger, it has been noted that the cognitive development of the
individual is linked to the way we interact and behave. Negative attitude is thereby linked
with the dissonance of the individual in terms of the cognition that has taken place. It refers to
the incompatibility of the individual in their respective domain where they are functioning
with their effectiveness. The consistent link has been established between the functioning of
the both (Warrick 2017).
Organizational Behavior Topic 2022_4

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