
Organizational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation, and Teamwork on Workplace Behaviour


Added on  2023-06-05

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Organizational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation, and Teamwork on Workplace Behaviour_1

MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Analyze the influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour of others in
organizational context..................................................................................................................3
Evaluate how to motivate individuals and teams to achieve a goal............................................6
Assessing the advantages of working in a team and identifying the skills, experience and
knowledge mandatory in a team in order to fulfil its organizational functions...........................8
Benefits of working as a team leader and a member and examining how are the conflicts dealt
and roles developed during the difficult times in a team.............................................................9
Critically evaluating development theories in order to discuss the team effectiveness towards
achieving the goals of the company...........................................................................................10
Determining the relation between two organization behaviour models and team effectiveness
in context to Unilever.................................................................................................................11
Analysis with critical reflection on the value and relevance of effective team working for
influencing behaviours in the workplace...................................................................................12
Organizational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation, and Teamwork on Workplace Behaviour_2

Organizational behaviour is a study which express the human behaviour at the workplace
and describes how people interact with each other. To run any business or organization, the
management is having a responsibilities and duties to understand the environment of the
workplace and create a surrounding which can encourage the employees to perform the tasks in
appropriate way and can achieve the results accordingly (Kaur, Malhotra and Sharma, 2020).
Unilever is the multinational organization which is headquartered at London, united
Kingdom where they are required to understand the role of organizational behaviour. Also, it
highlights different areas such as job performance and satisfaction, encourage innovation and
even leadership management. The current report will illustrate the concept and significance of
the organization behaviour and establish the purpose of organization culture and motivation at
the workplace which puts the impact over the organizational performance. Also, different models
and theories of the motivation and culture will be performed and will discuss the power, culture
and politics with relevant examples (Hosseini, Arabi-Jeshvaghani, Akbarzadeh and Habibi,
2020). In second part, it will demonstrate the benefits of team working and different theories of
organizational behaviour and group development theories over the organization.
Analyze the influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour of others in organizational
Influence of culture on Unilever organization
Organizational cultural classification includes several components such as that of power,
task, role, and person.
Power culture
As per organizational culture expert Handy, the power culture that persists in any
organization mostly works in the form of a complex and continuous circle – one that is capable
of impacting different people in various ways. In the context of the UK based Unilever
organization, it can be said the power culture of the place includes resource controlling team and
the HR department of recruitment and salary that exerts a heavy pressure on the employees
(Meng and Berger, 2019).
Task culture
Organizational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation, and Teamwork on Workplace Behaviour_3

This element of organizational culture as seen and observed in the Unilever consumer
goods organization is either job or activity oriented in nature. Here a lot of project based
departments work in cohesion along with the core emphasis of the management team on the
work completion deadline and structural designs of the assigned workforce personnel. Some
business records also state that Unilever's task culture approach at times also focuses on
changing its short term objectives where new tasks are allotted.
Role culture
The major vertical segments and sections of the business organization of Unilever like
associated retail businesses, service sector company shareholders, social media teams, etc.
require an ideal and virtue based culture to function. In such a scenario various departmental
teams and cliques of the company are given specific roles to complete such as taking strong-
headed decisions, formalization of workplace communication that seem to have some
detrimental effects on the performance behaviour of workers (Van der Lippe and Lippényi,
Person culture
The person culture attribute of workplace cultural influence consists of unusual instances
of leading lives where in place of focusing on the larger benefit of the entire Unilever firm, the
company individuals instead emphasize on their own selves. In such a work culture the important
aspect of team working and helping nature along with a cohesive workplace structure gets lost
and it ends up negatively affecting several employees and staff members. At times interpersonal
relationships are destroyed and the senior management' control mechanisms become active.
Influence of organizational motivation
The Unilever firm could try to improve its organizational environment to satisfy its
employees through motivation. Several motivation practices influence and improve
organizational culture in the following ways :
Builds strong employee relationship
Motivation is very necessary to build strong employee relationship for a healthy
environment. The growth of the organization is depended on the employees work. If the relation
between the employees and their higher authorities is not good it will affect the growth of
company (Elvie, 2019).
Help to increase business growth
Organizational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation, and Teamwork on Workplace Behaviour_4

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