
Organizational Culture of JD Wetherspoon assignment


Added on  2021-02-19

11 Pages3170 Words130 Views
Leadership ManagementK12
Organizational Culture of JD Wetherspoon assignment_1

Executive SummaryThis study has covered various aspects of Organizational cultures adopted by JDWetherspoon PLC for better working of the pub. The theories and models embraced by the pubfor free flow of communication which helps in better understanding of human behaviour at eachlevel, so that the decision-making process becomes easy. And also the ways through which it canmotivate their employees so that they can work efficiently and help JD Wetherspoon to grow inthe market.
Organizational Culture of JD Wetherspoon assignment_2

Table of ContentsExecutive Summary.........................................................................................................................1INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................2MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................2Different Theories and Models from Secondary Research..............................................................2Model for Organizational Culture................................................................................................2Communication Models...............................................................................................................2Theories of Motivation................................................................................................................3Discovery from Theories.................................................................................................................4Findings on Primary Research.....................................................................................................4Importance of Organizational Culture along with Communication............................................6CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................91
Organizational Culture of JD Wetherspoon assignment_3

INTRODUCTIONOrganizational culture is the set of beliefs values which are adopted by an organization inregard to various factors such as the customs, traditions, history, market and technology which isbeing continued from years and accordingly it governs the employees. It strongly influence theemployees of a company which is reflected in their performance.This report shows the study of overall culture of JD Wetherspoon through a research atprimary as well as secondary level of the organization. In this, the various theories and modelsare adopted such as Transaction and Interaction Model for communication to reduce theambiguities. Also, Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Herzberg's Two Factor Theory isalso being embraced to motivate the employee to the fullest so that they efficiently contribute inthe progress of the pub. This report also highlights the drawbacks and benefits of the theories onthe culture and profitability of the company.MAIN BODYDifferent Theories and Models from Secondary ResearchModel for Organizational CultureIt consists of the beliefs and assumptions and the way of dealing with different situationsthrough interaction and creating a positive environment. The model for organizational cultureexplained by Edgar Schien is a practical tool which can be adopted by Wetherspoon, whichcovers the behaviour, opinions of the employees. And, through a study I found that it also covers the scope of mission and vision of thepub and ways to fulfil them, which will be beneficial for the company in long-runprogress(Alvesson and Sveningsson, 2015). It has three levels which are Artefacts and Symbolswhich includes the basic clothing and other tangible components,Espoused Values which Ibelieve is the most important stage which includes the ultimate objectives, strategies, goalsframed and adopted for growth of the pub and Basic Underlying Assumptions includes the self-evidence behaviour of the pub which extremely hard to adopt but proves to be beneficial in thelong race for growth.Communication ModelsThe communication model helps in better flow of communication throughout theorganization and by keeping all the components in order it helps the communication simple andwith no ambiguity.2
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