
Assessing the Effectiveness of Training and Development Program at Niru and Co.


Added on  2019-09-30

21 Pages4622 Words420 Views
Assessing the Effectiveness of Training and Development Program at Niru and Co._1

Table of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................2Organizational Context....................................................................................................................2Factors affecting Learning and Development Requirements..........................................................4Culture and Structure.......................................................................................................................6Adding Value...................................................................................................................................8Cost Consideration...........................................................................................................................9Learning Requirements Analysis...................................................................................................11Design............................................................................................................................................13Delivery.........................................................................................................................................17Evaluation......................................................................................................................................17Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................19References......................................................................................................................................202
Assessing the Effectiveness of Training and Development Program at Niru and Co._2

IntroductionIn this paper, we will study about the scenario of training and development developed for theNiru & Co. The organization wants to give training to its new recruited employees so that flowand consistency of their work can manage effectively. The training and development program forNiru & Co. employees is created for improve their skills and knowledge and enhance theirproductivity. This has been done under the light of certain facts and development theories whichprove helpful in enhancing the quality of training program for the company. Niru & Co. is apopular company which is established during 2011 ("Niru Pillai | Niru & Co. | ICLG ICLG -International Comparative Legal Guides", 2017). The main motive behind the development oftraining and development program for Niru & Co employees to provide the highest quality oftraining in products, services, and tools that will permit the organization further to excel and staycompetitive in the market. With the help of training and development program the staff membersof Niru & Co. able to prepare the future leaders and members that prepared with the right skillsets and tools or technologies to be self-motivated towards the achievement of greater outcomes.The trainees that will target under this program is newly recruited individuals. On the other hand,it is decided that the training program will finish at the cost of $ 11,600. Apart of this, the rolesand responsibilities of training program conductors will determine as per the trainingrequirements. Therefore, the program will prove quite beneficial for the Niru & Co. to growfurther and gain significant competitive advantages over their competitors. 3
Assessing the Effectiveness of Training and Development Program at Niru and Co._3

Organizational ContextNiru & Co. is a reputed organization that gains popularity due to its specialized expertise inniche areas of the law like reinsurance, insurance, intellectual property and commercial or civil.The main motive of the organization behind its quality services is always to offer personalizedpartner level service in an affordable or effective manner. It mainly operates both litigation andadvisory work in its practice areas. It delivers the best customer experience due to which it ableto establish itself in the eyes of its customers ("Niru Pillai | Niru & Co. | ICLG ICLG -International Comparative Legal Guides", 2017). One of the important hallmarks of the companyis that it mainly focuses more towards its original core staff members who have been with theorganization from its beginning. They served as the back bone of the company in order to getsignificant success. Therefore, the training and development learning program for the companywill prove effective for retaining the new employees as well as the older ones. MissionThe mission statement of the organization is to offer the personalized partner level services inaffordable or effective manner. The organization carry or accomplish this by organizing a largerange of training, and learning programs to ensuring that each and every employee will get thebest environment to fulfill their needs and requirements.ValuesThe company mainly concentrates on the values of integrity and customer experience in itsworking. The core value of integrity helps the company in managing the staff in right directionand enhance their productivity as well ("Niru Pillai | Niru & Co. | ICLG ICLG - International4
Assessing the Effectiveness of Training and Development Program at Niru and Co._4

Comparative Legal Guides", 2017). On the other hand, best customer experience value improvesthe working of the company by ensuring its credibility.Horizontal IntegrationNiru and Company can formulate the horizontal integration of the development program bybeing in line with its objectives as well as the motives of the staff members. Such horizontalintegration comes with the best environment and growth opportunities for the company as wellas the staff members ("Niru Pillai | Niru & Co. | ICLG ICLG - International Comparative LegalGuides", 2017).Factors affecting Learning and Development RequirementsThe PESTLE and SWOT analysis of the company highlights the different aspects for the Niruand Co. which needs to consider while implementing the training and development program forthe efficiency of employees (Anderson, 2016). The following is SWOT analysis factors thatinfluence its learning and development requirements.SWOTStrengths WeaknessesGood ReputationLong Serving StaffStrong Relationship with ClientsPeriodic Internal update trainingprovidedAttentive GuidanceNot up-to-date with the latesttechnologyLots of Manual Filing /Take up spaceOld Furnishings / equipmentOpportunities Threats5
Assessing the Effectiveness of Training and Development Program at Niru and Co._5

Firm LocationWord of MouthExperience in the field of differentpractice areasMore mid-small Legal Firm makingthem known through social mediaRegular Training to keep update to date– Staying Competitive ("Niru Pillai |Niru & Co. | ICLG ICLG -International Comparative LegalGuides", 2017).Modern & Efficient processTechnologically advancedFrom the SWOT analysis, it can be considered that the strengths and opportunities will influencethe learning and development requirement of the company in a positive manner (De Silva, 2015).It is because strengths will help the company in coming with best learning and developmentsolution with integration of its core strengths. For example, attentive guidance will help thecompany in enhancing the effectiveness of the training and development program. On the otherhand, the weaknesses, and threats will tell the areas where the company requires hugeimprovement. Such improvement will further improve the training and development programefficiency which further comes with the best solution.PESTLEPolitical Stable Democratic governmentMixed Economy The Presence of rules and regulationson the national, regional, and local6
Assessing the Effectiveness of Training and Development Program at Niru and Co._6

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