
Research Project on Customer Satisfaction in Ryanair Airlines


Added on  2023-04-10

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Research Project on Customer Satisfaction in Ryanair Airlines_1

TASK 1............................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Formulating and recording possible research project outline specifications by including
possible aims and objectives, literature review and resource implications............................4
1.2 Identifying the factors contributed to the process of research project selection..............5
1.3 Undertaking critical review of key references about ‘customer satisfaction’ and ‘influential
factors on customer satisfaction’............................................................................................5
Factual insight of customer satisfaction.................................................................................5
Worth of upholding the fulfilment level of customers in the airlines industries of UK.........6
Such persuasive means that directly tends to impact upon the satisfaction level of customers in
the airlines industries of UK...................................................................................................6
1.4 Producing a research project specification.......................................................................6
1.5 Providing an appropriate plan and procedure for the agreed research specification........8
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................8
2.1 Matching resources efficiently to the research questions or hypothesis..........................8
2.2 Undertaking the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification
and procedures........................................................................................................................9
2.3 Recording and collating required data..............................................................................9
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................11
3.1 Using appropriate techniques of research evaluation.....................................................11
3.2 Interpreting and analysing the results in terms of the original research specification by using
‘Frequency’ and/or ‘Percentage’ calculations......................................................................12
3.3 Making recommendations and justify areas for further consideration customer satisfaction in
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................19
Covered in poster..................................................................................................................19
Research Project on Customer Satisfaction in Ryanair Airlines_2

1.1 Formulating and recording possible research project outline specifications by including possible
aims and objectives, literature review and resource implications
Aim of the study-
"To determine those influential factors that directly impacts upon the satisfaction level of
customers- A survey on Ryanair Airlines".
Objectives of the research-
It is principally on the footing of above proposed intent of the study that has successively stated
certain impelling objectives to provide a directional basis of interrogation to the surveyor, as
mentioned below-
To explore the factual insight of customer satisfaction in the airline industries of UK.
To illustrate the worth of upholding the fulfilment level of customers in Ryanair Airlines.
To discover such persuasive means that directly tends to impact upon the satisfaction level
of customers in Ryanair Airlines. To recommend certain extensive strategies to intensify the fulfilment level of the customers
aligned with Ryanair Airlines.
Literature review:
Resource implications: This section holds an introductory logic of description where it has
defined the implicated resources undertaken by the researcher to carry out the projected
investigation with a due consideration of achieving its affiliated goals and objectives. The surveyor
in the present research work has therefore referred to distinct set of resources to conduct a
progressive study (Flint, Blocker and Boutin, 2011). These means are the monetary sources, human
resources, time and sources of data collection, etc. With which, the researcher has pertinently
carried out the study with a different association of each of the resources. It is where the available
funds has assisted to abide by some prompt requisitions of contacting the respondents of the survey
by calling them via telephonic means within a stipulated period of time to accomplish the entire
These responders have in turn depicted to be the manpower resources as another aided mean
to conduct a smooth evolution of this investigation. Apart from this, there together existed both
primary and secondary sources of data collection that has largely supported the researcher to attain
the projected targets of the study (Deng, Lu, Wei and Zhang, 2010). It is where the primary sources
are referred to the targeted set of responders with yet another implication of secondary sources in
which the surveyor has referred to certain genuine publications to interrogate the pre-established
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information. It is however with a prime assistance of authentic books, journals, magazines,
governmental reports and online periodicals, etc.
1.2 Identifying the factors contributed to the process of research project selection
This unit has specifically defined such imperative factors that have chiefly backed up the
researcher to conduct the investigation in a guiding manner. With an analogous reference to which,
there existed varied such constituents that have greatly contributed the surveyor to elect a specific
research topic. In context to which, a leading cause behind carrying out this research work with a
particular subject matter for determining the influential factors that directly impact upon the
satisfaction level of the customers associated with the airline industries of UK has depicted a
principle interest of the investigator (Kriz, Gummesson and Quazi, 2013). It is mainly with a prime
consent of resolving the pertinent issue of dissatisfaction in today’s modern set of customers where
most of the organisations are not enough competent to fulfil their contemporary preferences. For
which, interrogating in this concerned arena is evident to bring some liable consequences in the
customer service department of airline industries in UK. Wherein, the present study is especially
based on the Ryanair Airline of UK where it has been chosen with yet another factual intent of
outlining the realistic status of customer service measures adopted by them. It in turn is proven to
enlighten some significant facts and findings to make definite strategies in order to justify the
changing needs and demands of the consumers.
1.3 Undertaking critical review of key references about ‘customer satisfaction’ and ‘influential
factors on customer satisfaction’
This section has referred to critically analyse distinct set of views conferred by different
authors on an analogous theme of customer satisfaction in the airline industries of UK. Wherein, it
has argued upon divergent elements of this term customer satisfaction as outlined below-
Factual insight of customer satisfaction
It is in accordance to the conferred statement of Schiff (2015), in context to which the
realistic concept of customer satisfaction lies under the undertaken measures of the establishments
as a mean of fulfilling the liable needs and demands of their consumers. This requires them to make
an intensive research of their pertinent set of market in order to acknowledge its on-going trends
and employ accordant measures to serve their clients and users. Flint, Blocker and Boutin, (2011)
has hereby argued with yet another proposal of using advanced measures as a mean of servicing
their clients where today’s contemporary set of users are evident to content with new technical
measures occupied by the companies. This in turn is also proven to give a contending advantage to
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the ventures with a special consent of serving their customers with a modernised outlook of
gratifying them.
Worth of upholding the fulfilment level of customers in the airlines industries of UK
Deng, Lu, Wei and Zhang, (2010) has hereby enlightened a need base concern of the airline
industries in UK to increase their profitability scale. In context to which, fulfilling the prevalent
preferences of their customers is the most commendable measure that will also benefit them to
combat the intensive state of competition in the market. Flint, Blocker and Boutin, (2011) has
hereby defined yet another considerable outlook of the entities where they should hereby adopt
dome prominent methods to continually observe the satisfaction level of their consumers by taking
feedbacks from them. Into which, the service users can also propose certain advices to them by
together bestowing their acquired experiences.
Such persuasive means that directly tends to impact upon the satisfaction level of customers in the
airlines industries of UK
It is in accordance to the presented standpoint of Yoshida and James (2010), where there
exists discrete influential means that tends to impact upon the fulfilment level of the customers.
These are certain dependable measures that can be identified after carrying out a prompt
investigation to address the distinct viewpoint of different type of consumers. Yoshida and James
(2010) has hereby depicted budget to be the most important concern of most of the customers where
the adopted pricing strategy of the firms largely affects their buying decisions. Schiff (2015) has
hereby claimed yet another influential tact of quality to directly impact upon the purchase decision
of more number of customers where quality commodities are proven to have a superior level of
price that is afforded by a large number of service users.
1.4 Producing a research project specification
This section has referred to yet another most essential requirement of this study where it has
outlined the likely measures of investigation that has been undertaken by the surveyor. Wherein,
these implicated specifications have provided a guiding context of research work to the investigator
with some adopted means as described below-
Research philosophy- It is referred as the most efficient way to interpret the realistic nature of the
subject matter that has been chosen by the investigator to carry out the present research work. With
reference to which, there exists two philosophical approaches that can be undertaken by the
surveyor and are entitled as interpretivism and positivism philosophy (Tracy, 2012). Herein, the
researcher in the current investigation has referred to undertake a study based on the theory
Research Project on Customer Satisfaction in Ryanair Airlines_5

interpretivism. This will hereby assist the surveyor to explore the subjective nature of the elected
research topic.
Research approach- It is yet another significant tact in which the researcher is hereby required to
opt from the two leading approaches for conducting the investigation in a directional manner. These
two methods are inductive and deductive approaches that in turn decide the overall range of the
study (Panneerselvam, 2014). Wherein, an inductive study is evident to extend the scope of the
current survey by transacting it from narrow to broader approach. It is where this survey footing
upon acknowledging the customer satisfaction level of Ryanair Airlines will initiate with a specific
context and can be later applied to wider context of other similar industrial sector.
Research technique- This is to discourse upon the undertaken technique of research that has been
undertaken by the investigator over here. In context to which, there exists two elementary tactics for
carrying out the study that are vitally known as qualitative and quantitative techniques of
investigation (Choosing appropriate research methodologies, 2015). A qualitative study is hereby
evident to conduct a thematic form of survey that in turn assists to interpret the subjective nature of
the research topic. It is however with a specific context of the elected subject matter where as per
the recent selection, another procedure of quantitative research is not evident to support the study.
Data collections- It is the most considerate determination of the surveyor while carrying out a study
in which they are hereby required to collect a liable set of data from the targeted respondents. There
exist two pivotal methods known as primary and secondary data collection with their distinct set of
resources (Mackey and Gass, 2015). It is where the primary collection of data necessitates the
researcher to directly approach the responders and interrogate them with the help of some defined
measures like a framed set of questionnaire and focus group interview, etc. However, the secondary
techniques of data collection postulate the investigator to refer to some pre-established set of
information gathered from online and offline publications, etc. Although, these sources are together
required to depict certain attested periodicals like some verified books, magazines, journals and
government reports, etc.
Sampling- This is to make a proportionate distribution of the targeted respondents that has been
selected by the surveyor. In context to which, the current study has designated a group of 20
scholars from UKCBC University in UK where they are referred to be the regular consumers of
Ryanair airline (Smith, 2015). There are two elementary techniques of sampling known as random
and purposive distribution. As a result to which, the undertaken tact of the researcher has hereby
represented a non-probable method of sampling where the students are purposively designated from
the stated University of UK.
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