
(PDF) Developing Individuals, Team and Organisation Assignment


Added on  2020-12-26

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityTeacher Development
Developing Individuals,Team and Organisation
(PDF) Developing Individuals, Team and Organisation Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1. Determination of Skills, Knowledge and Behaviour required by HR Professionals............1P2: Analyse personal skill audit..................................................................................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6P3. Difference between Individual and Organisation learning and Training and Development6P4: Need for continuous learning and professional development...............................................8P5: Importance of HPW contribute to employee engagement..................................................10P6. Evaluation of different approaches of Performance Management.....................................12CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................14REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................15
(PDF) Developing Individuals, Team and Organisation Assignment_2

INTRODUCTION Development of teams, individual and organisation is mainly depend on the role ofhuman resource management. HRM is the practices of hiring, recruiting managing anddeploying an organisation's employees. The responsibility and duty of a HR manager fall intothree main areas: staffing, employee benefits and compensation and designing work. Essentially,the aim of human resource management is to increase the productivity of an enterprise byoptimizing the performance or effectiveness of its workers (Berry, 2011). In this report, givenorganisation is Coca-Cola which is a carbonated soft drink company introduced in 1886. Mainpurpose of conducting this report is to analysis employee skills, behaviours and knowledgeneeded by HR Professionals. Need of continuous learning and training is also explained in thisreport. At last key approaches of performance management and its importance in context ofcompany also determined in this project. TASK 1P1. Determination of Skills, Knowledge and Behaviour required by HR ProfessionalsContinuous professional development: CPD is refer as an effective process of trackingand documenting the experience, knowledge and skills that human resource manager can gainboth informally and formally work beyond any initial training. This type of process is moreessential and significant because it ensure HR manager to competent in their profession. Inaddition, it is identify as one of the main and essential process which is follow by Coca-Cola toidentify knowledge, skills and behaviour required by HR professional. Skill: Every organisation needs HR manager with professional skills and abilities withinan organisation in order to achieve objectives in allotted time (Bolman and Deal, 2017). Incontext of Coca-Cola, the HR manger of company should have highly advanced skills so that itis helpful for employees to work under and can share all issues with them. In this context, someprofessional skills of HR manager needed by the organisation are as evaluated under thefollowing statement. There are some quality which are needed of human resource professional ofCoca-coal company. Knowledge: In business world, every company targets to attain high profit margins andmarket share value. For achievement of this, it is essential for an organisation to have efficient1
(PDF) Developing Individuals, Team and Organisation Assignment_3

and knowledgeable HR professionals which deals with every task in an appropriate way. Incontext to coca cola, it is important for manager to have an expertise knowledge. Behaviour: In this fast changing era the human resource function is developing graduallywith the speed of business and technology. Any HR professional, need behavioural competencyto be successful in their field (Chaskalson, 2011). Generally speaking, behavioural skills are theskills used for effective interaction in a workplace which are required by a HR professional toexcel in their field. For instance: Human resource professional should be assertive, compelling,communicative etc.Desired Professional Role KnowledgeSkillsBehaviourEmployment law: This areaincludes the laws thatgoverns and checks theemployer-worker relation. Itis the duty of HR managerto manage these lawseffectively. HR manager ofcoca cola should haveknowledge regarding theselaws to preventdiscrimination anddisruption in work due todisputes.Strong and appropriatecommunication skills:It isconsidered to be an importantskill of HR manger in everyorganisation, as it is theresponsibility of them to clearlyrely information to itsemployees. In addition to this,communication skills of HRmanager of Coca-cola shouldalso be strong and appropriate sothat there will no communicationgaps between the manager andemployees (Darling-Hammondand McLaughlin, 2011).Transparentandtrustworthiness: In the Coca-Cola an employees resort tothe HR managers for any issue.The HR managers are oftentake up the role of confidanteof employees as they discusstheir personal and professionalissues pertaining to theworkplace with them.Therefore, a human resourcemanager is expected to betransparent and trustworthy sothe employees could discusstheir issues freely.Employee engagement: It isa defined as emotionalcommitment of the workerstowards the businessorganisation and theirdesired goals. It enables aStrategic thinking: In this, thethinking of HR manager ofcompany should be creative andinnovate so that they can dealwith each and every issuewhether it is easy or complicated.Solution oriented: Thesuccessful HR professionals ina Coca-Cola should be havingsolution oriented attitude. Theyshould be solution focused andshould be able to come up with2
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