
Performance Management Policy and Procedure for Desklib


Added on  2023-06-03

12 Pages3003 Words325 Views
Table of Contents
Documented policy and procedure for performance management............................................2
Performance Appraisal Templates.............................................................................................3
Goal setting templates for the next appraisal period..................................................................6
Training and Development Process...........................................................................................6
Arrangement of appraisal meeting.............................................................................................7
An agenda of appraisal meeting.................................................................................................7
Performance Appraisal meeting agenda.....................................................................................8
Welcoming employees to attend the performance appraisal meeting....................................8
Performance review against objectives..................................................................................8
Performance objectives review and accept suggestions.........................................................8
Discussion and agreement on development plans..................................................................8
Discussion on Job satisfaction...............................................................................................8
Meeting review and summarizing..........................................................................................9
Templates for reviews following poor performance..................................................................9
Reference List..........................................................................................................................11
Performance Management Policy and Procedure for Desklib_1

Documented policy and procedure for performance management
The employee’s performance review procedure is providing a formal assessment that
demonstrates the work performance of the employees during a specified period of time. They
help in identifying the needs of training and discussing the other support forms or
requirements of on-the-job developments1. They help in reaching an agreement regarding a
specified set of goals to be accomplished during the period after the assessment. The
procedures that are included here are supervision, performance review, review discussion,
documentation, managing poor performance, formal counselling, final warning, termination2.
The documentation includes the main discussions’ agreements and points which is written by
the manager at the meeting. It is kept confidential and stored in the HR department.
1 Rummler, G.A. and Brache, A.P., 2012. Improving performance: How to manage the white
space on the organization chart. New Jersey, USA: John Wiley & Sons.
2 Rummler, G.A. and Brache, A.P., 2012. Improving performance: How to manage the white
space on the organization chart. New Jersey, USA: John Wiley & Sons.
Performance Management Policy and Procedure for Desklib_2

Performance Appraisal Templates
performance appraisal form template
Part A Appraisee to complete before the interview and return to the appraiser by (date)
A2 Discussion points:
year or period covered:
name: ref:
location/based at:
time in present position: length of service:
A1 State your understanding of your main duties and responsibilities.
appraisal date & time: appraisal venue: appraiser:
1. Has the past year been good/bad/satisfactory or otherwise for you, and why?
2. What do you consider to be your most important achievements of the past year?
3. What do you like and dislike about working for this organisation?
4. What elements of your job do you find most difficult?
5. What elements of your job interest you the most, and least?
usage guide
Performance Management Policy and Procedure for Desklib_3

6. What do you consider to be your most important aims and tasks in the next year?
7. What action could be taken to improve your performance in your current position by you, and your boss?
8. What kind of work or job would you like to be doing in one/two/five years time?
9. What sort of training/experiences would benefit you in the next year? Not just job-skills - also your natural
strengths and personal passions you'd like to develop - you and your work can benefit from these.
A3 List the objectives you set out to achieve in the past 12 months (or the period covered by
this appraisal) with the measures or standards agreed - against each comment on achievement
or otherwise, with reasons where appropriate. Score the performance against each objective
(1-3 = poor, 4-6 = satisfactory, 7-9 = good, 10 = excellent):
objective measure/standard score comment
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