
Personal and Professional Development - Assignment


Added on  2020-07-23

13 Pages4330 Words81 Views
Personal and ProfessionalDevelopment
Personal and Professional Development - Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Analysis of different approaches to self-managed learning.............................................11.2 Process through which lifelong learning in personal and professional scenario could beentertained..............................................................................................................................21.3 Advantages of self-managed learning to a person and firm.............................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................32.1 Analyse own current skills and competencies against professional standards andorganisational objectives........................................................................................................32.2 Operations which are required for meeting own development needs..............................42.3 Knowing the development opportunities to meet current and future objectives..............5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................63.1 Processes required to implement the development plan...................................................63.2 Handle and document development operations as planned..............................................73.3 Learning against original aims and objectives set in the development plan....................73.4 Modification in the development plan based on reviews and evaluation.........................8TASK 4............................................................................................................................................84.1Select solution to work-based problems............................................................................84.2 Communication in different styles and in appropriate manner at various levels.............94.3 Analyse and use effective time management strategies...................................................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
Personal and Professional Development - Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONPersonal and Professional development is the learning procedure through which a personcan achieve objectives which he has desired for. It is related to the progress of an individual inhis behaviour and skills. This assessment is not only confined to a single person but alsohighlights the growth of an organisation. Every skills learned through experience will help aperson to grow in life. It is the process of improving and increasing personal abilities througheducation and training opportunities in the workplace, outside the company or through watchingothers perform the tasks (McNiff, 2010). It helps them in building and maintaining morale of theworkers and brings a quality in them. Every enterprise follows this concept because they know,productivity can only be achieved through managing and creating a professional people. Selflearning brings a development in an individual where he learns and manages his life routine.Personal evaluation is very important and has a great significance in professional developmentbecause it gives an idea about the areas which has to be improved. This report will be dealingwith own current skills and competencies (Moon, 2013). A development plan will be sketcheddepicting current and future needs. TASK 11.1 Analysis of different approaches to self-managed learning.By conducting research a person can manage its skills. Following are the variousapproaches to self-managed learning:- Seminars and conferencesIt can be considered as an effective tool to learn new things because it gives opportunity to putforward their knowledge to other people. They can change their living standards and other thingsaccording to what they have learned in seminars. If someone wants to be imporve theircommunication skills and generate confidence, they can use public speaking platforms likeconferences. Social Networking Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and other, have transformed our life. Almosteverybody uses these platforms for different purpose like chatting, sharing posts and etc. This isthe easiest way to learn new things from others information (Elliott, 2011). There are lots ofentrepreneur who is using this method to run their business and make it success. 1
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InternetA lot of data is available on internet and students can take help of various sites which gives themfree access to useful data. For example; a student wants to write an essay on a specific topic sohe can refer to different articles written by various authors. They can also access journals fromGoogle Scholar for their assignment. By analysing and reading the data they can gain success inthe work place because they have gained knowledge about it on internet. 1.2 Process through which lifelong learning in personal and professional scenario could beentertained.By self evaluating the strengths and weakness through SWOT analysis it was found that Iam able to use professional learning techniques (Olsen, 2015). I posses some qualities which Iconsider them as my strengths like friendly in nature and effective leaning. I easily get frustratedwhen things does not go according to my plans and this is my weakness which as been affectingme from long time. I am facing financial breakdown which is thread and still I am continuing myeducation because this is an opportunity. Through examining SWOT, this will help me inlearning professional skills using tools which are self reflective learning and continuing. Self reflective learning deals with inspecting different views, better knowing himself and takingright decisions in a disciplined way. Such activities helps in linking practical factors which Ihave experienced in my life either socially and academically. Every organisation wants that theiremployee should have certain skills related to time management, leadership and IT skills. Thiswould assist me in developing my personal skills through having work task and responsibilityassigned to me. 1.3 Advantages of self-managed learning to a person and firm.Self learning is all about a person trying his best to manage their learning and it hasvarious benefits to an individual and an organisation. Those students who will be passing fromthe college has degree of different professional skills which they have learnt in university. Thiswill help them in applying that to the organisation in which they will be working. They havelearned the concept of working in team because they have done projects and assignments inuniversity (Zepeda, 2012). By the use of projectors they learn how to prepare a presentation andwill improves their confidence among people. Through self learning they can improve theircommunication skills which is the main aim of any organisation. An organisation needs a rightperson with professional skills already developed in him. So scholars already have some2
Personal and Professional Development - Assignment_4

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