
Personal & Professional Development (pdf)


Added on  2021-02-20

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Personal and ProfessionalDevelopment
Personal & Professional Development (pdf)_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................31.1 Evaluate various approaches to self-managed learning....................................................31.2 Propose ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional could encouraged41.3 Benefits of self-managed learning to Assistant Manager and organisation.....................5TASK 2............................................................................................................................................62.1 Own current skills and competence against professional standards and organisationalobjectives................................................................................................................................62.2 Own development needs and activities required to meet them........................................72.3 Development opportunities to meet current and future needs..........................................92.4- Devise a personal and professional development plan based on identified needs........10TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................113.1- Discuss the processes and activities required to implement the development plan......113.2- Undertake and document development activities as planned.......................................123.3- Reflect critically on own learning against original aims and objectives set in thedevelopment plan..................................................................................................................133.4- Update the development plan based on feedback and evaluation.................................14TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................154.1- Select solutions to work-based problems......................................................................154.2- Communicate in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at various levels.............174.3- Evaluate and use effective time-management strategies...............................................18CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................19REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................20
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INTRODUCTIONFor achieving growth and development in the career, every individual is required todevelop personal as well as professional skills. Also, it very important for a person to learn newthings and develop skills on a continuous basis, so that they can achieve higher success in thenear future in both professional and personal life. Personal development consider variousactivities which can enhance the identity and awareness of an individual, develop potential,capabilities, skills and talents, enhancing quality of life and so on (Cooke, 2012). Professionaldevelopment refers to a method of learning in order to develop skills, capabilities and knowledgein reference to the profession of a person. Both professional and personal development is veryessential for the overall development of a person as well as for the company in order to producepositive outcomes. The present report is based on Travelodge Hotels Limited established in theyear 1985 in England which deals in hospitality industry. It is one of the second largest companyin context of budget and third in reference of bedroom. In the present report it will be discussedthat how self-managed learning improves the lifelong development of an individual. Along withthis, various responsibilities and its implementation for the overall personal as well asprofessional development. TASK 11.1 Evaluate various approaches to self-managed learningSelf-managed learning – It is the method which is commonly used, through whichindividuals can develop and manage their own learning skills. Itis a type of technique with thehelp of which individuals will be able to learn different things from their environment, societyand surrounding whichis related with specific purpose, goal andobjective. As a result they willbe able to achieve their targets effectively. There are some approaches for self-managed learningwhichare as follows:Learning through research- Accordingto this, an individual will be able to learn newthings with the help of research, journal, literature review. Incontext of Travelodge managersand top level authority should provide suchkind of opportunities to their employeesto learn newthings with the aid of research works so that they will be able to apply effectively in theirpractical work.
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Learning from others-Asper this approach, a person can learn through differentsources which are explained in detail: MentoringandCoaching- Mentoring is aprocess where experienced person provideguidance to less experienced individualwith the help of conducting coachingclasses. In thepresent context of Travelodge, managers should provide such classes, with required andnecessary information. As a result individuals will learning new things whichis related withfirm, market and so on. Travelodge has a large number of mentors within their organization sothat they will guide their employees in order to enhance their performance.Conferences- Along with the above mentioned, one of the major approach includesconferencing and seminars. With the help of this individualscan enhance their skills and gainknowledge as well as aid them to build self confidence. In reference to Travelodge, managerconduct seminars and conference for their employees which provide them latest knowledgerelated to their work, current trends and market condition. As a result, this will aid them toperform their task in an effective manner. In context of Travelodge, it has been analysed that managers adopt mentoring andcoaching approaches within their enterprise. Reasonbehind this is that it is one of the easiestmethod to enhance the learning. In addition to this mentors guide their employees and improvetheir skills, capabilities and knowledge. Along with all this, various platforms are used byorganization which includes newsgroup, social network, internet and many more. This will aidthem in developing awareness about marketsituations and their competitors.1.2 Propose ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional could encouragedLifelong learning- It refersto the ongoing, voluntary and self-motivated knowledge forboth professionally or personally. Withthis, individuals can enhances personal development,maintain self-sustainability, social inclusions, competitiveness andmany more. Incase ofTravelodge it is essential to provide learning and training to their employees. Self-Directed Learning- Under this elements, individuals takes allthe responsibility forthe occurrence of events.It refers to the manner through which individuals itself manage, selectas well as assess their own learning activities. In context of Travelodge, employee of thecompany take all the authority on their own and develop their skills effectively.Continuing Professional Development- It is a process whereindividualstrack theirknowledge, learning, skills and experience which is developed formally and informally withthe
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help of training and coaching. It is mainly developedfor managing individuals own developmentona regular basis.For the growth of an individual lifelong learning playsvery important role where theychose to develop and entrance their personal as well as professional skill. Some of the waysthrough which personal and professional skills and knowledge can be encouraged whichisdescribed as follows:Higher Education- With the help of higher education individual cantake better decisionsin their personal and professional life. Education is continues process which help inaccomplishing life goals and enhancingone’s own behaviour and attitude.Therefore, highereducation helps Travelodge 's staff members to learn somethingnew which will aid them fortheir survival in the competitive marketplace. Apprenticeships- It is a kind of on the job training provided by management team to theirstaff members inorder to accomplishthe predetermine goals of the company. In reference toTravelodge, managers provide training sessions to their employees for their overall development.It is a kind of lifelong learning withthe help of which individualsmotivatefor personal aswellprofessional development. 1.3 Benefits of self-managed learning to Assistant Manager and organisationIn order to improve the learning process on their own, self-managed learning playsbeneficial role. It is a method or technique where objectives and targets are developed by anindividual itself. Self-managed learning is beneficial for both individual as well as fororganization which is as follows: Some of the benefits of Self-managed learning to Assistant ManagerAssistant manager is an individual who gets succeed in managing one self, can easilyadapt any kind of adverse situations within the company. Some of its advantages are as follows: Improved ability with the help of personal learning – Manager of a company can easilyenhance their capabilities in an effective manner(Lumpe and et. al., 2012). It will aid themanager by increasing their self confidence to do various activities within the companyeffectively. For instance, assistant manager of Travelodge's need to modify themselves accordingto the dynamic working culture. Therefore, it will be helpful for them to adopt changeseffectively, so that they can accomplish their goals.
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Rising the levels of skills– In case of Travelodge, assistant manager of the companyneed to enhance their skills effectively which they gain with the aid of self-managed learning. Asa result, they will be able to improve their knowledge by learning skills as well as by puttingthem in practice. For instance, if the assistant manager of a company learn something new whichis related with the upgraded technology, then it is their role to conduct seminars or conferences,to share their learning with others. As a result, they can accomplish the goals effectively (Moon,2013).Key Benefits of Self-managed Learning to OrganizationBetter Individual with better performance- One of the main advantage for Travel Lodgecompany is they get highly skilled, educated, dedicated and responsible employees in theirorganisation with the help of self-managed learning. As a result it will increase the performanceas well as efficiency of staff members. For example, if the employees of an organisation has self-learned that how they manage activities within the company, they can easily achieve their predetermined task. Increasing motivation and confidence levels of individuals- The staff members ofTravelodge with the aid of self-managed learning will be able to improve the brand image of thecompany at the competitive marketplace. Along with this, they can act as a role model for otheremployees working in the same organisation by encouraging and motivating them for selfdevelopment with the aid of self-managed learning approach (Mwalongo, 2012).TASK 22.1 Own current skills and competence against professional standards and organisationalobjectivesProfessional standards are referred to as set of principles which comprises of legal andethical code of practices which are concerned with profession against set criteria to perform rolesand responsibilities. Every business organisation should establish standards in order to workeffectively. In context of present report, Travelodge Hotel has set their standards for theirmanager so that their objectives are accomplished effectively. Some of professional standardscomprises to talk politely, proper dress code. Organisational objectives of Travelodge Hotel are listed below:-to minimize customers complaints from 100 to 50.
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