
Importance of Continuous Learning in Organizations


Added on  2020-10-22

15 Pages4413 Words171 Views
Personal & professionaldevelopment
Importance of Continuous Learning in Organizations_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSTable of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1Various approaches to self managed learning .......................................................................11.2 ways in which life long learning could be encouraged.........................................................21.3 Benefits of self managed learning to the individuals and organizations...............................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................42.1 Own current skills and competencies against professional standards...................................42.2 Own development and activities required to meet them.......................................................62.3 Development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs.................................62.4 Personal and professional development plan based on identified requirements...................7TASK 3............................................................................................................................................83.1 Process and activities required to implement the development plan....................................83.2 Document development activities as planned.......................................................................83.3 Reflection on own learning against aims and objectives set in development plan...............93.4 Transformation of development plan on the basis of Feedback...........................................9TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................104.1 Solution to work based problems........................................................................................104.2 Variety of styles and appropriate manner at various levels................................................104.3 Utilization of effective time management strategies...........................................................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
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INTRODUCTIONContinuous and self managed learning is rapidly attained its relevance in both personaland professional contexts. It is analysed as one of the most effective techniques of learningwhich has increased one's ability to gather more knowledge and skills. It helps individuals inworking in organizations to achieve their short term and long term objectives. It is considered aslikewise about setting objectives through the assessment of reason for getting knowledge andidentification of ways through which the such objectives can be accomplished (Moon, 2013).Present report is based on analysis of different approaches which can be used for self managedlearning (Blandford, 2012). As an employee of Thomas cook which is a travel and tourismsector organization operating at international level, various important ways are identified throughwhich I will be able to encourage life long learning are discussed. Further, I have also evaluatedmy own skills and capabilities against professional standards and personal development plan isformulated to improvement those competencies and skills. In addition, various appropriatelearning style and use effective time management strategies have been covered in this report.TASK 11.1Various approaches to self managed learning Continuous and self managed learning is the process which helps the individuals toidentify and learn various important things and gaining essential experience which is importantfor career development (Hadar and Brody, 2013). In this context, technology plays an importantrole in self managed learning which force the employees in organisation to adopt technicalchanges that occurs due to implementation of new technologies. It also provides opportunities forpeople to come with new ideas and business strategy of continuous learning. While working asemployees in Thomas cook, I have also used various approaches to promote self managedlearning in professional life.Some important approaches which I have used are mentioned below: Seminars: These are analysed as most important tools which I have used to learn differentthings about personality. Workshops and group discussion has help me to end up withmore specific about taking openly and will additionally build up my presentation skills,transferable aptitudes which can be valuable in a scope of hierarchical settings.Social networks: In order to be socialize in respect of self managed learning whether itwill be in local communities or social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter etc.1
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By having assess on social networking sites, I have achieved knowledge aboutcommunication skills which has provided support in development of personality andmaking networks with customers on social networking sites which helps in increasingtechnological skills through communication and sharing of information (Zuber-Skerritt,2013). Internet: There various sources of internet which helps in getting various informationabout hospitality industry and assess various important articles. In Thomas cook, I havealso used internet as tool for increasing my knowledge and skills so that I can manage thework effectively.Kola's learning style: Experimental theory of learning which involves various learning stylewhich could be used by organisations to increase potential of employees at workplace (Trede,Macklin, and Bridges, 2012). In this, learner will achieve knowledge by going through fourdifferent stage of self managed learning. Such as concrete experience, reflective observation,conceptualization and experimentation etc. Honey and Mumford learning style: It is also important learning model which is has beenmade after analysis of Kola's learning theories. In this, manager in Thomas cook will utilizerequirements of employees by using questionnaire and development appropriates strategies toincrease their growth and development at workplace.1.2 ways in which life long learning could be encouraged.Life long learning involves learning of individuals for improvement of strengths andhelps in personal perspective. It involves two important aspects such as personal capabilities andusage of professional context (Reeves, 2012). In this context, I have also analysed variousimportant ways through which I have been able to understand new and effective learning methodthrough which I have able to achieve self managed learning. Following are the ways throughwhich individuals will be able to encourage life long learning. Self evaluation: It involves analysis of personal skills and attributes which providesupport in development of career in industry. It involves personal SWOT analysisbecause by evaluating strengths I will get ability for evaluating the professional learningwith the help of professional learning tool and especially the self managed learning andcontinuous professional development (Hudson, 2013).Strengths Weaknesses2
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