
Pinterest as well as Facebook


Added on  2022-08-14

24 Pages5563 Words23 Views
Information System Management
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Author Note
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Table of Contents
Response to question 1:...................................................................................................................2
Response to question 2:...................................................................................................................8
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Response to question 1:
Social networks refers towards the utilization of several kinds of sites of social media
which are based on the internet for the aim of staying connected with their family , friends,
clients, customers or colleagues (Kim 2014). In addition to this, social networks could possess
any kind of business purpose or social purpose or in several cases might be both via several
kinds of sites like that of LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest as well as Facebook to name a
On the other hand, what could be seen in today’s scenario is that the social networks
have come a long way and have become a notable base for several marketers who aim for
seeking opportunities solely for engaging with the customers (Issa, Isaias and Kommers 2016).
In addition to this, a tough competition among various kinds of sites of the social media could be
observed out of which Facebook still continues to remain one of the most popular social network
where majority of the population are mobile users.
This report aims to discuss the advantages of this kinds of social networks along with
focusing on the disadvantages which are linked with these particular social media. This report
also purposes to identify various kinds of ways with the help of which the problems or
disadvantages which are connected with the social media could be reduced to certain limits.
Advantages of social networks
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Several kinds of advantages are linked with the social networks. In certain scenarios,
social networks are utilized by several kinds of marketers for the aim of incrementing the
recognition of their respective brands. In addition to this, social networks are also utilized by
huge number of marketers for encouraging the loyalty of the brand. The utilization of social
networks equally helps the company in becoming more accessible with respect to their old
customers as well as their new customers (Wong and Boh 2014). A certain company or a certain
brand starts becoming more preferable and more recognizable by people. Not only the utilization
of social networks helps the company in becoming more available to the customers but it also
helps in the promotion of the content along with the voice of a certain organization or a certain
An example of Twitter could be mentioned in this scenario where any random user of
Twitter might get to know about any company from the news feed feature of Twitter which he
never heard before from anywhere and could decide to buy any kind of product or service. The
exposure of the brand of the company towards its target customers helps the company in building
greater possibilities of finding new customers as well as retaining all the ongoing customers who
are linked with it (Shi-Chun et al. 2014). In addition to this, the other advantage of social
network why it is utilized by the marketers is it is accountable for the improvement of the rates
of conversion.
In other words, social network is utilized for installing a customer base such that the
company could interact with all its customers be it recent, old or new customers (Wölfer and
Hewstone 2017). Sharing of several kinds of images, blog posts, comments or videos over
several sites of social media helps the followers in reacting, visiting the websites of several kinds
of brands. With the utilization of the social networks, the customers get the privilege of
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complementing the products which are offered by the companies (Tomše and Snoj 2014). In
addition to this, others get encouraged by those customers for buying those particular services or
In simple words, the more discussion occurs among the customers regarding any sort of
products offered by any sort of company over social networks, the more promotion of the value
of the brand authority takes place. Increment in the rates of sales of the brand takes place with
increment in the development and growth of any particular brand (Wang et al. 2015). On the
other hand, social network could act in the form of an effective tool for communication with the
utilization of which people could establish more and more contacts.
An example of LinkedIn could be considered which helps people in establishing
connects and searching for better carrier opportunities. These kinds of platforms could be utilized
for sending out of essential information regarding the new recruitments which are taking place.
In addition to this, social networks are also utilized by people for diffusing their social stigmas
(Bryan 2017). People can in turn express their individual views over several sites of social media
with respect to what they feel about a certain cause. Additionally, social networks could be
utilized for raising of funds for supporting certain causes.
Disadvantages of social network
Apart from several types of advantages linked with the social network, various kinds of
disadvantages also directly gets associated with the social networks. Several sites of social
networks are utilized by those who are still students. In this particular context, social media
becomes accountable for lowering the levels of the productivity of the students along with their
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individual academic performances (Cornwell 2015). The reason behind this is that the students
remain consumed by the utilization of the social networks most of the time.
This would further lead towards impacting their grades and the performances in their
respective academic field. In addition to this, confidential information is shared over several sites
of social network which could easily be accessed by several unknown people who could commit
unethical utilization of those information. In addition to this, social networks are accountable for
invading privacy (Bassett and Moore 2014). This becomes one of the major disadvantages of the
social networks. The disadvantages which are linked with the social media also comprises of
decrement in the levels of skills of face-to face communication. On the other hand, several kinds
of feelings are expressed in an inauthentic manner.
The conversations which takes place over several sites of the social networks comprises
are filled with several kinds of words which are very inauthentic in nature. Most interestingly,
the utilization of the social networks have been proven to be one of severe concerns of the
parents nowadays as majority of personal data is shared over various kinds of sites of social
networks. Sharing of personal and confidential data could also lead towards affecting privacy as
well as the safety of the children as these information is easily accessible to everybody.
In other words, the safety of the children gets hampered. Social networks are equally
accountable for affecting the mental health of the users which could even be the cause for the
occurrence of anxiety, depression along with loneliness. The levels of utilization of several sites
of social networks are going on increasing day by day which is not at all good. In addition to
this, among other part of the youth, Instagram is highly followed which is not always beneficial
for children as well as teenagers.
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