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Impact of Poor Leadership on Financial Performance of LAND SECURITIES GROUP PLC London


Added on  2023/06/11

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This study analyzes the impact of poor leadership on the financial performance of LAND SECURITIES GROUP PLC London. It examines the challenges faced by the company and recommends strategies for improvement. The literature review highlights the significance of leadership for business growth and the negative impact of poor leadership on the overall performance of the company. The methodology involves qualitative research and thematic analysis. The findings suggest that financial performance, culture, and governance are majorly affected by poor leadership. The study recommends using good leadership styles like democratic style to improve overall performance.

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Finance and Management

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Poor leadership is concerned with inability to offer the corrective guidance to employees
which tend to impact the financial position of the firm. The poor leadership affects the working
efficiency and particularly the financial position of the company to a great extent. the
introduction chapter summarised that setting a clear aim is very important for the study to make
is successful. The aim set was the analyse the impact of poor leadership over the performance of
the company particularly the financial performance. also the literature review inferred that there
are different negative impact which is created by poor leadership over the performance of
company. these impact involves decrease in morale and motivation level of employees, lack of
vision, reduction in productivity, less transparency, decline in profits and many other different
impact. Also different challenges were also highlighted which company faces due to poor
leadership like reduction in profitability, high staff turnover, reduction in motivation level of
employees and others. Further the methodology part outlined that selection of qualitative study
was beneficial in developing good knowledge relating to the research aim and objectives. The
findings highlighted that financial performance is being affected majorly and along with this
culture and governance of the company is also affected. In the end it was analysed that by using
good set of leadership styles like democratic style the overall performance of the company can
be improved.
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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................1
Aim and objectives.................................................................................................................1
Scope and Importance............................................................................................................2
Overview of Dissertation........................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................6
CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHOLOGY..................................................................................16
CHAPTER 4- DATA ANALYSIS................................................................................................24
CHAPTER 5- DISCUSSION.......................................................................................................34
CHAPTER 6- CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................39
Evaluation of results.............................................................................................................40
Recommendations based on evaluation................................................................................41
Future Work..........................................................................................................................41
CHAPTTER 7- PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT..........................................................................43
1. Questionnaire....................................................................................................................48
2. Proposal............................................................................................................................50
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In the current era, real estate sector in UK is facing the growth and development which is
offering various employment opportunities. The particular sector is expected to grow at a CAGR
of greater than 5% which indicates the positive sign of rapid growth. Leadership is basically
concerned with offering the instructions and support to the members in turn assigned role and
responsibilities can be accomplished. It is important for the organization to possess reliable
leadership approach in turn accomplishing the objective in effectual pattern can become
possible. In order to be successful in the current era, it is highly important for the organizations
operating in the particular industry to pay attention on having reliable processing of leadership
technique in turn accomplishing the objective of gaining success can become possible. There are
various drawbacks of poor leadership which tend to affect the culture governance and financial
components of business. Culture is one of the major aspects of the success which is required to
be managed and motivated in positive manner that can be effectively done by having poor
leadership practices. Governance helps firm to get the disciplined and formalized employees in
turn optimization of resources to get greater financial benefits such as reduced cost, higher
productiveness, etc.
. For becoming successful in respect in order to get the greater market share in the real
estate sector it is important for the organization to give focus on building reliable & relevant
form of leadership approach in turn accomplishing the objectives such as higher profitability,
greater employee motivation for retention, etc. in turn overall performance of firm can be
uplifted. The current investigation is based on LAND SECURITIES GROUP PLC London
which is one of the successful firm operating in UK real estate industry. The present report will
emphasize on assessing impact of poor leadership over the culture, governance and financial
aspect of business. This will permit to gather the information regarding concept, significance,
impact of poor management, challenges in managing and strategies for improvement. Report
will pay attention on using qualitative research type and thematic analysis for deriving crucial
information to gain deeper insights.
Aim and objectives

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To evaluate the impact of poor leadership on the governance and financial condition of the
company. A study on LAND SECURITIES GROUP PLC London.
To articulate understanding relating to concept of leadership and its significance for
business growth.
To critically examine the impact of poor leadership on the overall performance of
company including financial, governance and cultural aspect.
To examine the different challenges which LAND SECURITIES GROUP PLC London
faces due to poor leadership over financial performance of company.
To recommend some of the strategies through which leadership can be improved and
challenges can be minimized.
Research question
1. What is the concept of leadership and its significance?
2. What is the impact of poor leadership on performance of company financially, culturally
and governance?
3. What are the challenges which are faced by company because of poor leadership on
financial performance?
Scope and Importance
Leadership is one of the crucial aspects that is considered to be highly effective
determinant of success. Poor management is related with inability in giving corrective direction,
support and controlling & eliminating irrelevant aspects in turn attaining success does not
become possible. The impact is found on the culture, governance and financial aspects such as
profitability, market worth, etc. these all have the adverse level of influence on the functioning
on the firm that is leads the firm towards failure in order to become successful it is important for
the organization to get the greater insights about the concept of the leadership and its
significance. This will permit the firm to get the effective outcome in respect to understand the
need of eliminating poor leadership so that productive results can be achieved. The current study
will help to get the information regarding the challenges which is experienced in respect to poor
leadership over the financial performance of the company. In addition to this, gaining the
reliable idea of strategies via firm can be improved the leadership and minimize prevailing
challenges. This will provide assistance in achieving the success through creating greater
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transparency and clarity among employees, ensuring effective communication, motivating staff,
etc. The particular study will be helpful for LAND SECURITIES GROUP PLC London so that
crucial information in respect to get the leadership potion & sustainability can be derived in the
real estate industry. The other similar firms can as well found eh particular research useful in
turn higher performance can be achieved. Scholars and learners conducting research on similar
topic can found the study useful. These three parties can find the particular research useful in
turn attaining the objectives to get the fair & reliable result in order to have proper ability to
improve poor leadership via eliminating negative impact on culture, governance and financial
aspects of the enterprise.
The main reason behind conducting the particular research is to get the crucial
information about impact of poor leadership on overall performance of firm. Having effective
leadership is highly important for the companies in respect to build good working culture of that
higher productive results in order to get the effective working scenarios can be derived. In
addition to this, there are distinct aspects which are required to be consideration for gaining the
higher productive results which can become possible by having effective leadership practices.
The current study provides assistance in meeting information regarding the impact of poor
leadership action that tend to offer the irrelevant results such as inappropriate culture, non-
significant governance, etc. that affect financial results that includes profitability, sustainability,
etc. These all can provide the assistance in gaining the reliable outcomes in turn accomplishing
the objective of firm such greater profitability, net worth, etc. On the basis of this, it can be
justified that specific research is helpful in achieving good performance of enterprise in turn
accomplishing the objective of particular study can be met. It can be specified that there are
different types of the benefits which can be effectively achieved by using this investigation.
Overview of Dissertation
The below presented information will help in gaining the reliable insights about the
overview of the dissertation.
Chapter 1: Introduction
The particular chapter is concerned with providing the information regarding the
background of the study, aims & objectives, research questions, rationale and significance of the
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research. It will be helpful in providing the overview of the reason behind conducting the
particular study in turn significant insights can be derived.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
This particular chapter is based on the formulating the three different themes such as
concept of leadership and its significance for the business growth. Impact of poor leadership on
the overall performance of company including financial, governance and cultural aspect and
different challenges which LAND SECURITIES GROUP PLC London faces. This will helpful
in gaining the information of the models, theories and approaches in turn greater reliable insights
of theoretical aspects of leadership will be obtained.
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
This will present the information regarding the methods or technique that will be
followed for completing the research project in effectual pattern. It will comprise information
regarding the research type, philosophies, purpose, process & design, methods of data collection,
sampling technique, ethics and limitations.
Chapter 4: Data Presentation and Analysis
It will emphasize on presenting the collected data in appropriate manner via using tables
graphs and interpreting the same. Results of questionnaire will be involved in this particular
chapter in turn greater reliable information can be obtained in fair pattern.
Chapter 5: Results and Discussions
It is associated with discussing the data obtained from the previous chapter and
supporting with literature review in turn better understanding of the highlighted subject matter
can be achieved. This will use thematic analysis for formulating themes based on collected data
of questionnaire.
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Recommendations
The overall findings in the form of conclusion will be provided by the researcher in this
particular chapter. The recommendations for the improvement areas will be included in respect
to provide assistance related with having information of crucial strategies that can allow getting
insights for the leadership improvements and mitigating challenges.
Chapter 7: Personal Development

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Skills before and after conducting the particular research study will be taken into the
consideration in this particular chapter. This will permit to get the understanding that how
effectively the significant research has helped in developing distinct skills.
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Theme 1: Concept of leadership and its significance for business growth
According to Ulla, Mirza and Hameed (2022) Leadership is basically the advantage of
an individual that play crucial role of influencing the guide followers and team members in turn
accomplishing the organizational objective can become possible. In the current era, having
effective leaderships crucial in turn accomplishing the organizational objective such as higher
profitability & sustainability can be derived via having reliable results in the financial terms.
There are different kinds of the benefits which can be accomplished by having effective
leadership that includes implemented vision and values, boosting morale, ensuring effective and
communicational procedure. Vision and values refers to the statement of information which is
provided by company that what is required to followed and in order to gain certain position.
Boosting morale via ensuring that proper level of motivation can be provided to employees so
that attaining business growth can be derived. Effective communication tends to offer the ability
to give surety that relevant flow of information to ensure greater productiveness can become
possible. In against to this, Afshan, Serrano-Archimi and Akram (2022) articulated that
leadership is the crucial strategy that has impact on the working of employees in negative
manner which comprises having the greater level of reliance on the individual body which
hampers the growth and development of firm. It has negative level of impact on the functioning
of organization as employees re found to be dependent which affects their performance level in
the negative manner. This basically arises due to the improper implication of the leadership
In the views of Al Derei and Musa (2022) leadership plays crucial role in effecting the
overall performance of members via adopting distinct factors that emphasize on achieving
success via ensuring that higher profitability & sustainability. Having the reliable results
significant level of leadership style is important in respect to gain the distinct level of benefits
which includes possessing greater coordination, executing change in effective manner and
optimum utilization of resources. In addition to this, having the appropriate coordination via
ensuring that reliable results to uplift the overall performance of company can be derived. This
can lead to give ability to optimize the resource of company and having reliable change
execution so that achieving the objective in effective manner can become possible. These can
enable in achieving the appropriate position to get the higher profitability via having relevant
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evaluation and implementing change in turn achieving success can become possible. In against
to this, Høgh and, (2021) depicted that there are various aspects which are required to be
taken into the consideration so that higher efficiency & effectiveness can be derived. It is highly
crucial to focus in having proper information on gaining the competitiveness but tend to offer
the negative impact which comprises burden on employees, inappropriate confusion creation in
turn attaining the organizational objectives, etc. These all tend to give the higher level of impact
on the functioning of firm.
According to Bhatti and, (2021) Culture of the firm plays crucial role in affecting
the performance of employees that has influence on organizational position. In order to achieve
desirable position in market firm require to focus on gaining the appropriate leadership
technique so that building positive culture via ensuring that staff understanding significance of
respectful and productive workings scenarios. This highly contribute in achieving the position in
positive manner so that financial performance can be inclined by having greater profitability and
giving the performance reward to the employees in respect to have quality results from staff. In
contrast to this, Bahadori and, (2021) leadership is related with different types of
approaches which has distinct level of influence. It is important for the firm to pay attention on
having autocratic, bureaucratic, coaching, democratic, laissez-faire, etc. each type of approach
has distinct level of influence on the working procedure in turn achieving the performance to
have good results. It is highly crucial for deriving information regarding pros and cons in turn
achieving organizational objective of profitability via positively affecting employees in reliable
In the views oSpencer-Scarr (2022) leadership is related with assuring that employees
are having effective availability of knowledge in clear manner in respect to accomplish the goals
which are predetermined for organizational growth and development. The main reason behind
having the appropriate leadership is to ensure that clear vision can be derived by the staff so that
they can understand significance of their productiveness for organizational growth. This aids the
firm to optimize resources in higher manner via ensuing that reducing cost can be exerted. This
can lead firm to get ability to comply with prevailing pricing level in respect to gain higher
profitability. On the contrast to this, Warnick and, (2021) it can be specified that for the
overall growth and development it is important to have precise form of leadership so that
providing motivation to subordinates to comply with governance aspects to get sustainability in

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industry. Motivation provides ability to subordinate to adhere the criteria of meeting
organizational objective in such as retaining subordinates by fulfilling their requirements.
Leadership is concerned with gaining the appropriate ability to give employees to reason for
continuing in firm via offering results that are helpful for enterprise to stable in firm by having
expertise and knowledge possessing staff. On the basis of this, it can be interpreted that
leadership is important to motivate & support employees by succeeding in attaining their
assigned task.
Theme 2: The impact of poor leadership on the overall performance of company including
financial, governance and cultural aspect
As per the views of Mehmood and, (2021) there are distinct factors that arise due
to the increase in poor management of the company by the leader. There are various aspects
which are required to be focused for having corrective effectualness in turn meeting the
objective of overall performance. There are various aspects that has been affected due to result
of poor management that includes having ineffective implementation on the functioning of
company. This required to be ensured that negative aspects affecting firm's performance can be
eliminated to get productiveness. The reason behind it includes having serious effect employee
morale and even cause the company's bottom line. The poor leadership tend to affect the
functioning in the negative manner by affecting the number of factors of organization. In against
to this, Xie (2020) depicted that poor leadership is concerned with inability to create the positive
working culture in turn accomplishing the organizational objectives does not become possible.
This affect the various aspects of firm in adverse pattern as leads to create disrespectful and
improper working scenario and diverts attention of people in inappropriate way. For this
purpose, having successful functioning does not become possible as the employees tend to avoid
crucial aspects that results in poor quality performance.
In the views of Demircioglu and Chowdhury (2021) there are distinct ways in which
poor leadership tend to affect the overall performance as loss of motivation to the work is
derived. Reduce of motivation occurs when employees are unable to get the precise details
regarding the actions taken in turn accomplishing organizational goal to get greater profitability
and sustainability achieving does not become possible. Lower level of motivation results in
ability to comply with the requirements of business due to the inappropriate support which
declines performance of organization. This creates minimal commitment possessing culture in
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firm and affect the management of organization and tend to affect financial position of the
enterprise. On the other side, Baldonado (2018) depicted that poor leadership is one of the
crucial reason that tend to result in lack of ownership and transparency that adversely affect the
working procedure of the organization and effect the working of firm. This results in building
the culture of not taking the accountability that leads to conflict and affect the overall financial
performance of enterprise. It creates issues as employees are unable to trust the procedure due to
poor leadership style that tend to indicate that firm needs to pay attention on eliminating such
impact to get corrective results.
In the views of de Araujo and, (2021) lack of effective leadership procedure is
highly taken into the practice as one of the crucial reason that results in miss management of the
company resources. There are various types of the resources which are basically taken into the
procedure by the firm for attaining its organizational objectives. From the evaluation it can be
specified that lower management is basically found when the leader is unable to provide the
instructions for optimizing resources. For becoming successful it is important for enterprise to
optimize resources in order to decline cost so that higher profitability via setting good margin.
Leadership is concerned with possessing crucial action which can allow to manage the overall
working in such precise pattern so that accomplishing goal of positive financial health can
become possible. In against to this, Sweeney, Clarke and Higgs (2019) there are various types of
the reasons for which firm is require focussing on having good leadership approach is
considered to be crucial. Stress level get increased due to inability manage the working though
poor leadership. Leaders are responsible for setting coordination employees so that adhering to
requirement of firm related with governance, culture and financial objectives. Leadership role is
responsible for giving the crucial instructions to the staff so that less stress and burden is found
in meeting the desire outcomes. This creates barrier in achieving the organizational objective of
getting higher efficiency & effectiveness in the overall processing.
The study of Legood and, (2021) also added that in an organization where there are
poor leadership the overall performance of the organization including the factors like
governance, finance and culture of the company. It has been found that the increase in the value
of ownership is considered to be the factor which helps the team members to have to value to the
ownership of the team members. Due to the poor leadership the ownership ability in the
organization decreases with a very high aspect of the organization and its reaction is able factor
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which bring the business the key consideration that is required. Financially taking good
ownership of the actions is very important for the leaders as the decision-making of the
organization is affected by the own roles within the company. Lack of leadership abilities is
considered to be the feature that affects the transparency of the employees that affect the
organizational performance. Purfarzad and, (2020) added that in an organization poor
transparency is considered factor which impacts the corporate governance activities in the
organization. It is also the study which is helpful for the business for the management of the
operations which creates a negative impact on to the way in which they are able to affect ethical
practices of the organization. This is also considered to be the reason which impacts the ways in
which the business and its ethical considerations are taken undertaken for the management of the
studies. With the help of better leadership organizations are easily able to manage the impacts
that are created in the organization with relation to these practices.
The study of Paais and Pattiruhu, (2020) also evaluated that the performance of the
organization more or less depends on the effectiveness of the ways in which it is able to manage
the ways in which the company functions. Leadership is considered to be the key factor which is
helpful for the organization in the management of its resources. Due to the management of the
key practices are known to be the effective resources of the organization which when is able to
combine with the different levels of importance are able to signify the impact they will have on
its operations. The human resources management is considered to be the key link which is
present between the management of the employee for the workforce. This is considered to be the
human resources which is helpful for the leader is the key link between management and the
employee workforce. It is also a factor which is helpful for resolving the difficult situation that is
helpful for the consideration and consultancy with managers on the problem with the employees.
Özer and, (2019) is explains how the management of resources is also considered to be the
key factor which is helpful for the problems with the employees. The role of leadership in the
management of the organization is considered to be he factor which is helpful for the business to
create new strategies which help the leaders to manage the different types of resources in the
organization. It is also the factor which helps the business to manage the new ways in which
existing structure of the leaders are able to develop on their focus. The management of the
resources is a very essential aspect of the leadership of the organization which helps the business
to reform its operations accordingly.

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According to the views of Syakur and (2020) poor leadership is associated with creation of
attitude to resist the acceptance of responsibility. The leaders tend to put the blame of their
wrong decisions and attitude on the other easily. It leads to creation of a culture in which the
employees and managers remain doubtful in expressing or initiating any opinion or change that
is innovative and can help the organization in solving its issue. Poor leadership makes a culture
within the organization in which the employees and manager are not able to contact with the
leader. The leader easily cut off themselves from the organizational human resource. This
impacts the financial aspect of the organization too. Managers are not aware regarding the areas
that are at priority in the organization. The managers and employees considers themselves apart
from the organization. This affects their sense of belongingness with the company.
According to Meng and Berger (2019) in the poor leadership leaders believe that they are
the sole entity with the company who is capable of doing the things with utmost perfection.
They have that belief that no one can do the things better than they can. As a result, they tend to
direct the business at each level of operation but in reality no single person is capable of being
excel at each and everything. So the team member often gets frustrated with their being the
perfect belief. Sometimes team members have better capability and ideas available that can
make the organization able in receiving the optimum output that the culture created is such that
the managers or employees are not asked for their suggestions or opinions and are expected to
do the things as per the desire of the company.
As per the views of the Chatterjee, Pereira and Bates (2018) poor leadership is associated
with lack of channels to communicate. Policies are created by the leaders and strategies are
developed but the vision behind the creation of policies and strategies are not shared with the
company. The strategies are announced but the lack of communication regarding the view
behind it results the assumptions being made up by the employees based on their guess work.
This inculcates the culture of secrecy at all the levels.
According to Nazir and (2018) poor leadership impacts the organizational cultural
aspect negatively. The balance between work and life of the employees is poor. Employee
wellbeing is completely neglected.
Theme 3: Challenges that create from poor leadership on financial performance
In the view of Javed and (2020) poor leadership practices within the organization
results in the loss of motivation to work in the employees. When the motivation of the
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employees to work is affected negatively they do not like to do the tasks that are assigned to
them. The assignment of jobs not preferred by the employees results in their involvement with
the job roles declining majorly. This results in creation of undesirable results for the company.
Any task is best performed only when the assigned personnel is capable and have utmost interest
in using their capabilities. The company faces challenge of low productivity because of this low
engagement of employee with the respective job roles. Financial performance of the company
gets affect due to poor productivity.
According to Tien, Anh and Ngoc (2020) poor leadership increases the challenge of high
employee turnover. Employees tend to stay longer in an organization only when they feel happy
and valued within the organization. The employees when remain less engaged with the job work
their satisfaction level declines. Satisfaction at the work place comes from the job roles and the
behaviour of the leader. Good leadership involves appraising the performance of the employees.
Work that is not liked and given to the employee due to pressure from the poor leadership style
adversely effects the perspective of the employees towards looking their job roles. The job feels
like burden to them. Thus in poor leadership being existent within the organization results in job
roles being imposed on the employees and with no appraise from the leaders. The satisfaction
that comes from the job reduces on the employee level. Low satisfaction increases their
potentiality towards leaving the organization.
There are a number of costs that comes to the company as a consequence of low
satisfaction levels in employees with the firm. When employees leave organization in high
number the cost of the company increases in the process of hiring new staff members. A number
of expenses are associated with hiring of new people in the company. Hiring people is a
complete process followed by the organization starting from identifying the need to appoint
employees with in company and ending at their effective assignment to the job roles.
First the company requires to attract the applicants that can apply to the jobs vacant
within the company. As per the views of Battilana (2018) poor leadership creates the image of
company being bad employer in the market. This leads creation of challenge company’s inability
to attract applicants for its job postings. This in turn creates the need for company to spend more
in various types of alternatives to attract the candidates to apply for working with the company.
Specialised personnel need to be appointed to help the company in the process, increasing the
cost. After recruitment the candidates require to be interviewed by the company. Interviews can
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be done by the existing staff member costing the company otherwise the work that the employee
could do if not given the task to interview the candidates. Selection process is followed by the
interview. That takes a lot of time and risk of selecting wrong candidate over the potential one
always exists. After selection company needs to spend on training the employee selected. Thus
high turnover rates are unfavourable for the financial performance of the company because of
the cost it involves in the hiring of new resource within the company.
The cost of high employee turn is not limited to the point the company hires new staff. It
continues after the hiring of the personnel. New people in the organization are not much aware
and attached with the objective of the company making it difficult for them to relate their goals
with the organizational goals. In accordance to the thoughts of Al Khajeh (2018) it is very
essential for the company that it employees can visualise the interests at the personal levels with
the interests of the organization. In the absence of this linkage between the organizational
interest and the employees’ interests the productivity of the employees get affected. This in turn
impacts the financial performance of the company.
The poor leadership practice in the company creates the challenge of toxic working
attitude within the employees. Low morale, unproductivity, workplace stress, burn out, poor
work life balance and high turnover are all the attributes of toxic working attitude. These
attributes penetrate inside the employees as a result of poor leadership. According to Oleribe and (2019) morale is the fuel that derives the employees of the company to be highly
productive. On the other hand, poor employee morale creates the feeling of discontentment in
the employee. This feeling is linked with the poor employee performance and high rates of
employee absenteeism. The low performing employees slow down the process of achievement
of financial objective of the organization. If the employee absenteeism rates are higher than the
cost of the organization increases. The company suffers the work that the absent employee does
in the organization within a day. Higher the rate of employee absenteeism with the company
higher the loss it suffers from the delayed works. Low morale of the employees costs the
company in the form of deflecting the resultant growth figures.
Poor leadership also includes the use of negative language. The words of leaders that
develops stress at workplace for employees are included in the negative language. The actions
and words of leaders plays an important role in the employee morale. Bad gestures and language
being used by the leaders effects the behaviour of employees negatively. It fills them with anger,

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discontentment, and poor vibes. The behaviour of employees reflects in their performance. Bad
behaviour is unfavourable for the performance of the company. The financial performance of the
company gets affected as the employees performs in undesirable manner as a result of bad
mood. They do the task just because it has to be done not because they feel it doing for the
company’s good performance. This increases the waste of other resources of the organization.
Thus increasing the expenses of the company. Both the effectivity and efficiency of the
company gets effected and financial performance becomes low.
From the perspective of Whelan and (2021) work culture of the company becomes
poor as a result of low employee morale and poor leadership. Poor leadership instils the
aggressiveness in working culture. Aggressiveness arises several other challenges like poor
mental health of workers, lack of employee attention, jealousy with co-workers. These factors
affect the productivity of employees. In a poor work culture people within the organization
enjoys gossiping and trolling their fellow workers. This creates mistrust among workers and
many baseless rumours arise distracting the employees from their work. Further poor leadership
discourages the people to work with a team. Workers lacks empathy and never leaves the
opportunity to take the advantage of other workers for their interests.
In the views of Tsai and (2019) inability to work in team creates the overlapping of
employee efforts wasting the time and efforts along with the other resources of the company.
Wastage causes over utilisation of funds within the organization. Poor leadership creates lack of
vision with the employees. Proper direction to the employees are not given creating the
confusion in the job roles. Poor leadership lacks transparency, employees are not aware about
the goals of the organisation and they also do not know how their job role fits with in the overall
organizational objective. They just work for the tasks imposed on them by their leader without
the clarity in the common goals.
The lack of synergy within the departments is a challenge faced in the existence of poor
leadership. Departments are fragmented. Employees within the fragmented departments
overlook the achievement of organizational objectives. The financial performance becomes low
as a result of fragmentation of departments and lack of organizational synergy.
In the opinion of Iqbal, Nawaz and Ehsan (2019) poor leadership is linked with the poor
sales performance. When employees are dissatisfied and possess low morale and lack in
motivation the outcomes reflect in the relationship they have during the sales activity with the
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customer. The customers do not get attract to purchase with the company as the quality of the
service it provides is of poor quality. Poor leadership is inefficient in maximizing the
contribution of the employees working within the company. Tasks when given according to the
proper evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of employees best suits the capabilities of the
employees and their performance increases positively effecting the financial performance of the
company. The unavailability of poor leadership to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of
individual working in the company results in assignment of tasks that are not liked, suitable and
not based on the interests of the employees. This leads to low productivity and less employee
Poor leadership has the element of emotional volatility. Leaders lack empathy towards
the employees working in the company. The emotions of the employees get ignored. Employee
belongingness with the organization is weakened or does not develop for which the employee
retention is poor in such a company.
In the opinion of Nave and Ferreira (2019) poor leadership fails to motivate the
employees. The employees are dissatisfied with their work. Organization fails to retain the
employees within the company. Poor leadership finds itself incapable of boosting the morale of
the employees. Employees are not inspired to work and give their best towards the
organizational goals. For the higher financial performance of the company employees need to be
stayed committed to the goals of the company but as the poor leadership is not transparent the
financial performance of the company is effected negatively.
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Research: Research methodology refers to the specific procedure or techniques that is
used in order to identify and analyze the detailed information regarding the research. With the
help of research methodology, scholar can critically evaluate the whole validity and reliability of
the study. RM encompasses the way in which the study should be conducted. It is necessary to
design the research methodology in order to find possible solution to the problem. With the help
of proper use of techniques and tools, researcher aims at gathering and collecting useful
information about the study (Bairagi, and Munot, 2019.). It also ensures that accurate and
relevant data is collected from the sources which helps to get effective results about the chosen
topic. It includes types of research, research philosophy, approaches, strategies, various data
collection methods, sampling techniques, ethical consideration, research limitation and validity
and reliability. IN order to collect the reliable data, it is important for the researcher to select the
most effective method which help in getting detailed information through reliable sources. The
key elements of RM areas mentioned below:
Research Philosophies-Research is detailed study into specific problem, issue or
concern by using scientific method in order to search for knowledge. This is also defining as
systematic search in order to pertinent information on specific topic. Research philosophy is
refers to the belief about way ins which data a phenomenon should be gathered, analysed and
used. This is also basis of research which is involving the selection of strategy, data collection
and strategy formation and related to analyse the data. This also help for dealing with the data of
scope nature and source in order to use the development of knowledge (Pandey and Pandey,
2021). There are two types of research such as interpretive and positivist research philosophies
or related to quantitative and qualitative research method which help to traditionally
representatives a major point of debate. Interpretation research philosophy is based on principle
that state researcher perform specific role in order to observe the knowledge. This is also
depended on what researcher interest in particular topic. Also, positivist research methodology
is based on factual knowledge that is gained through measurement also this is based on data
collection and interpretation in an objective way.
For present study researcher use interpretivism philosophy will be used to analyse
the impact of poor leadership over performance of company because this philosophy is much
suitable with qualitative study. This has been used for qualitative research which is necessary for

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reformulations of data in order to improve the understandings. Also, for the present research it
has been analysed that it help to identify the strategies which can be used by company in near
future (Sürücü and MASLAKÇI, 2020). Further, it has been used for examine different
challenges which is necessary for developing the idea as well as it help to evaluate the financial
performance of the company. Then data generation and data analysis has been help for interwind
ins interpretive research.
Purposes of research- The mains purposes of the research is to enhance the knowledge
ins order informing action and it should seek for conceptualize its finding for larger body of
research (Pallant, 2020). This is must be high quality in order to producing the knowledge which
helps for application. The primary and basic purpose is to develop the knowledge of
documentation, interpretation, discovery and research and development method and system for
advancement of human knowledge. By conducting research it has been help for fostering critical
thinking and analytical skills by which it can be improved for learning on hands. Also, it helps to
defining academic knowledge, personal interest and career development knowledge which help
for expanding understanding and knowledge for the specific topic. Then to develop the one-to-
one connection research help for distinguish the ideas of knowledge in order to build the
community with peers, organization and faculty (Chirkov and Anderson, 2018).
For the present research scholar will monitor the strategy of leadership that can be used
by company in order to improve or minimized the challenges. There are help for carry out the
systematic and logical pan in orders to resolve the research problem. This is also helped to give
clarity to other researcher as well ass scholar in order to enhance their knowledge also it has
been used by organizations to get deeper knowledge about how it can solve the different
challenges. Further, scholar has been get the opportunity of learn various aspect of research
process by framing useful research question, data collection,data analysis, writing and
presentation (Cr, 2020).
Type of research- The study is classified into two segments i.e. Qualitative and
quantitative methods, qualitative research deals with experience and concept on the other hand
quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics both are important to gaining knowledge.
Also, quantitative research is expressed in numbers and graphs in order to test and confirm
assumption and it is also helped to establish and generalize fact on topic. There are some
common quantitative method which are included with observation and experiments which can
Document Page
be recorded as numbers or surveys by close ended questions. On the other side, qualitative
research is expressed in words or concept in order to gain depth knowledge or experience that
can be enabled for specific topic (Armat and, 2018). This method is included with the
open-ended questions, observation described in words. Also, include with literature review
which is explored concept and theories. The current study qualitative research has been
used that will helps to evaluate the leadership challenges faced by company. Apart from this
various strategies related to employee motivation has been used in the study. For analyzing the
impact of poor leadership use of qualitative study will be undertaken so that theoretical
knowledge can be enhanced. Present research has been help scholar in order to gain and
understandings the knowledge which is based on human behavior or employee of company also
based on observation and interpretation of people. There are some feature of this research type
by which other scholar understand the personalities of company in better manner. This has been
used open-ended questions that is holistic in nature. Also, it is important for gaining deep
understanding for particular event or organization rather than large numbers of data. This is aim
with the explicit rendering of structure in order to found the pattern of knowledge (Melnikovas,
2018). For the present study this will helps to provide knowledge about challenges faced by
company and it helps to provide deep knowledge for how it can be improved in effective
manner. Also, research has been generated the suggestion which is help for potential areas of
news search in order to understand the strategy for supporting workers for long term that help
for claim by avoid any challenges. All the follow-up question are helped to clarify things that is
necessary for using the qualitative knowledge.
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Reserach processing Design
It refers to the framework of market research techniques and methods use by scholar in
order to find relevant data for the study. Along with this, design which has been chosen by the
researcher allows them to make use of the methods which are suitable for the study. This can
be in form of qualitative, mixed and quantitative. Moreover, the qualitative is know as study
that deals with theories related to topic (Sovacool, Axsen and Sorrell, 2018). Whereas,
quantitative is known as method of collecting numerical data for the research. There are three
types of methods that are available in research method such as experimental studies,
correlation , surveys, descriptive or quasi experimental review studies. Along with this, the
research design also include the elements of data collection, measure the data with respective
tool and analysis the information. Although the research design has been used to identify the
accurate purpose problem statement. It include various sampling method and tools for
gathering information for the research.
Along with this, for the present study researcher has made use of descriptive method as
it will allow the scholar to analysis the relation between two or more variables. Although the
main motive behind adopting this method as it helps in explaining the situation or case in details
that will helpful in maintaining the accuracy of the research. However, in the present research
the case study is based on LAND SECURITIES GROUP PLC thus this approach will be more
beneficial as compare to other as detail analysis need to be done (Abutabenjeh and Jaradat,
2018). In addition to this, this method has been chosen as descriptive design is theoretical in
nature so it will contribute in finding the relevant data and present in understandable nature.
Although in this method research do not have to make any changes in the variable instead it will
just observe the facts present in the case. However, this design form will go through the
qualitative research as both the approaches are related to theories and will contribute in
guarantee results.
Data collection
It is define as process of collecting information from various sources for making
decision in research and other purpose. Although it is a crucial part of data analytic in research
project as it helps in collecting the information that is needed to answer the questions as well as
predict the future outcomes. It is known as process of collecting data that enables the answer of
research question, outcomes and test hypotheses. Moreover, there are two types of method in

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data collection such as primary and secondary (Asenahabi, 2019). The Primary method is known
as process of collecting information through surveys, interviews and experiment. Whereas,
secondary method is known as gathering data through books, journals as well as online articles.
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For the present report the data has been selected through primary and secondary in order to find
relevant information for the research. Along with this, the main motive of finding the data
through primary is to accomplish the specific purpose of the research. For primary data the
researcher has adopted for interview approach so that it can as relevant question to the
participant. The interview approach has contributed in exploring the research topic as well
as better understanding the opinions and experience of candidates (Xu and, 2020). For
conducting the primary research investigator has adopted for 30 managers of Land Securities
Group. Thus, it has resulted in finding the original information for the present study and made it
more authentic. Moreover, the scholar has also chooses secondary data so that it can find
various theories related to concept of leadership and the view points of various authors on the
impact of poor leadership within organization. This main motive of scholar to adopt for this
method is to save the time and effort in collecting information (Roh, Heo and Whang, 2019).
Also the present study has adopted for qualitative research method so secondary data will be
useful and make the research file more genuine. Although for secondary method articles, blogs
, books and journal related to leadership has been for making the study more reliable and
Sampling techniques:Sampling is the technique of selecting individual members or people
form large population and is the process that is used in statistical analysis. In addition to this
while collecting the data , scholar simply cannot gather the information from an individual but
refers to the large group of population. The researcher collects the data bu using different
research methods in order to collect the required information. The benefit of using the sampling
technique as it is cost-effective and less time consuming. There are various sampling methods
i.e. probability sampling and non-probability sampling(Snyder, 2019). In probability sampling
the researcher sets a selection criteria and choose from the members in a population randomly.
In this method , the participant shave equal opportunity to be the part of the survey.
On the other hand in non-probability sampling , scholar choose the participant for
conducting the research at random. The difference is that in non-probability sampling there is no
or predefined selection process. Probability sampling is classified into simple random sampling,
cluster sampling systematic and stratified random sampling. In order to consider the research
effectively, relevant sampling method is used in order to find the accurate data(Dodds, and Hess,
2020). It is also observed that through sampling significant results are drawn but sometimes
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errors also occur so in order to reduce the errors it is necessary to use effective and relevant
method of sampling method. In the current study , random sampling method has been adopted
under the probabilistic approach. In this , 30 managers of the LAND SECURITIES GROUP
PLC have been selected in order to determine their opinions regarding the impact of poor
leadership on the company. Furthermore, this method has helped to determine the opinion of the
managers by gathering and collecting the data in order to get desirable results.
Research ethics:
It is known as set of rules that helps in governing the behavior of others involved in the
research. Along with this, it can be define as set of ethical guidelines which is used to guides
how the investigation need to be conducted. It is mainly used to examine the ethical issues that
are upraised when candidates are involved in the study. Although it is important part of the
research as it contributes in maintaining the standards of the study (Cascio, Weiss and Racine,
2021). Moreover, it helps in protecting dignity and their rights related to human participants. It
is also used to make sure that research is directed in a manner which deals with welfare of
person and group involved. The another objective of maintaining the research ethics is ti
investigate research events as well as schemes for their ethical reliability. As well as to control
the issues and risk related to protection of privacy and progression of informed consent.
The main motive adopting for research ethics by scholar is to maintain the authentic of
the study. Along with this, in he present study the researcher has signed the consent from the
candidates in order to represent the willing participation of participant. The consent form also
present that no candidates has been forced and they have given answer with bona fide reason. In
addition to this, it also present that investigator has been honest with the participant while
collecting the information ( Vlahou and, 2021). Although the researcher has maintained the
proper flow of communication with the participant as they were told about the motive of the
research before asking the question. Furthermore, the researcher has also maintain the
confidentiality of the participation through data protection act. The confidentiality data has
included information like purpose of discussion, use of research, aims and method which has
been used to protect anonymity of the participant. For presenting the validity and showing that
has not been copied references list has been added in the end of the study.
Research limitation: Every research has limitations and these limitations can happen due to
various constraints on the methodology or the research design. But these limitations can have

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negative impact on the overall study. The scholar can face various types of limitations which
enable the scholar to collect complete information about the study. Sometimes while consulting
the study, scholar faces the issues related to the limited access to the information and if the
research is based on the organization it becomes difficult to find much information about the
company. Apart form this the major limitation while carrying out the research is the time
limitation as for in order to complete the research time limit is specified. Due to time barrier it
become very difficult to find reliable information which results into incomplete information
about the organization. Furthermore due to lack of proper of financial resources it becomes
difficult for the investigator to gather relevant information about the topic which limit the
scholar to effectively carry out the study effectively. In order to complete the study by
gathering all the information correctly it is necessary to set the target and deadlines for
completion of the study.
Limitation occur in every research but it should depend upon the scholar how to divide
the work in order to collect the reliable and relevant information. In the present research study
the key limitations are time, money and availability or the required resources in order to conduct
the relevant study(Coleman, 2019). In order to eliminate and reduce the limitation and to
conduct the study effectively , scholar has been using the SPSS analysis in order to find relevant
data about the study. The study should also concentrate to identify the various strategies that is
related to the topic of the research. Apart form this the research must also focus on relevancy of
the whole research in order to find the results of the study.
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Theme 1- Yes, there is awareness present relating to concept of leadership.
Particular Respondent % of respondent
Yes 22 73.33
No 8 26.67
Total 30 100
Interpretation- with the help of the evaluation of the data gathered from the 30 respondent it is
clear that the majority of the people are having knowledge relating to the leadership. For the
companies to work in better manner it is very important for them to have good leadership. In
case the leadership will not be good then this will be affecting the working efficiency of the
business. This is pertaining to the fact that leadership guides the company and employees that
how they have to manage the work in better manner and attain the objectives of the business.
With the analysis it is clear that 73.33 % of the respondent states that they are having proper
knowledge relating to the concept of leadership. On the other hand, the remaining respondent
stated that they are not aware of the concept of leadership.
Theme 2- Strongly agree that poor leadership creates a negative impact over productivity of the
Particular Respondent % of respondent
Strongly agree 14 46.67
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Agree 4 13.33
Neutral 2 6.67
Disagree 5 16.67
Strongly disagree 5 16.67
Total 30 100
Interpretation- by evaluating the data it was clear that poor leadership is not good for the
company and it negatively affects the working of the business. This is pertaining to the fact that
when the leaders will not be good then they will not be in position to guide the other people
better. This is necessary for the reason that in case the leadership will not be good then this will
be affecting the efficiency of the company. In accordance to the response of 46.67 % of
participant it is clear that they strongly agree with the fact that leader guide the employees and
they work in better and effective manner. On the other hand, some of the respondent that is
16.67 % disagree and strongly disagree that they do not think that the poor leadership will be
having any impact over the productivity of the company.
Theme 3- Increase in profitability of the company is the major significance of having good
leadership practices within company.
Particular Respondent % of respondent
Motivates employees 5 16.67
Increases profitability of the
company 15 50
Effective implementation of change 5 16.67

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Improves productivity 5 16.67
Total 30 100
Interpretation- on the analysis of the primary data gathered with help of the questionnaire it is
clear that the use of leadership is very important for the effective working of the company. This
is agreed by the majority of the people that there are many of the different importance because
of which the leadership is important within the working of the company. In accordance with the
views of 50 % of the population it is clear that increase in profitability of the company is the
major importance of leadership. This is pertaining to the fact that when the working of the
company will be led by good leaders then this will be improving the working efficiency of the
company. Hence, ultimately this will be improving the profits of the company. On the other
hand, 17 % of the people stares that effective implementation of the change and the improving
of the productivity will be the importance which the company enjoys because of good leadership
style and practices being implemented. Moreover, the remaining respondents also states that
motivating the employees is another importance of using good and effective leadership within
the company.
Theme 4- Decline in profits is the major impact which poor leadership creates over the financial
performance of the company.
Particular Respondent % of respondent
Decline in profits 21 70
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Increase in profit 8 26.67
No impact 1 3.33
Total 30 100
Interpretation- with the analysis of the primary responses of 30 respondents it was clear that
there is huge impact of poor leadership over the financial position of the company. This is
pertaining to the fact that when the leadership will not be effective then this will be affecting the
working efficiency of the company. Ultimately this will be resulting in decline in the profits of
the company. This was agreed by 70 % of the respondent that the poor leadership results in
decline in the profits. The reason underlying this fact is that when the leader will not be guiding
the employees in better manner then they will not be performing better. In case the employees
will not be working in better manner then the objectives of the study will not be met. Hence, as a
result of this profits of the company will decline. However, some of the respondent states that
there will be increase in profit which is not possible in actual. On the other hand, some of the
respondent also states that there is not any impact being created by the poor leadership over the
working of the company.
Theme 5- Yes, the poor leadership also affects the culture of the company as well.
Particular Respondent % of respondent
Yes 28 93.33
No 2 6.67
Total 30 100
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Interpretation- with the analysis of the gathered data it is clear that poor leadership also affects
the culture of the company. this is pertaining to the fact that when the leadership of the company
is not good then the culture created within the company will also not be good. In the views of
93.33 % of the respondent it is clear that they agree with the fact that poor leadership affects the
culture of the company to a great extent. however, remaining people do not agree to this and
they state that poor leadership does not create any impact over the working of the company and
its culture as well.
Theme 6- Lack of coordination and lack of vision is the major impact which is created by poor
leadership over the culture of the company.
Particular Respondent % of respondent
Lack of coordination 10 33.33
Lack of vision 10 33.33
Low morale 6 20
Creating a culture of
mediocrity 4 13.33
Total 30 100

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Interpretation- on the evaluation of the data it is clear that there is different negative impact
being created by the poor leadership over the culture of the company. in the views of the
majority of people there are two most common negative impact of poor leadership over the
culture of the company. these two option involves lack of vision and the lack of coordination.
This is pertaining to the fact that when the leadership within the company will not be good then
this will be affecting the vision of the company and ultimately is will affect the coordination as
well. the reason underlying this fact is the when leadership will be poor then this will be
resulting in poor guidance and the vision of the company will not be clear. Hence, when the
vision of the company will not be clear then this will be affecting the culture of the company. on
the other hand, some of the respondent stated that low morale is the impact which poor
leadership will create over the culture of the company. in against of this, remaining participant
stated that the creation of culture of mediocrity is the negative impact which will be created.
Theme 7- Yes, the poor leadership is also associated with the governance within the company.
Particular Respondent % of respondent
Yes 23 76.67
No 7 23.33
Total 30 100
Document Page
Interpretation- with the help of the evaluation of the primary data being gathered with help of
questionnaire it is clear that poor leadership also affect the corporate governance as well. this is
pertaining to the fact that corporate governance involves the rules and practices which company
need to follow. Hence, in case the leadership will not be good then this will be affecting the
governance of the company as well. in accordance to the views of 76.67 % of the people it was
agreed that poor leadership creates a negative impact over the corporate governance as well.
However, the remaining people did not agree to it and were not in favour that poor leadership
affect corporate governance.
Theme 8- All of the above is the impact which poor leadership created over the corporate
governance of the company.
Particular Respondent % of respondent
Chances of more unethical
practices 4 13.33
Accountability issues might
increase 2 6.67
Conflict among employee 4 13.33
All of the above 20 66.67
Total 30 100
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Interpretation- also, by analysing the data gathered it is clear that there are many different impact
which is being created by the poor leadership over the corporate governance of company. with
the vies of majority of people that is 67 % assents that all of the above is the major impact which
the leadership creates over the corporate governance of the company. this all of the above
includes different option that is chance of more unethical practice, accountability issue and
conflict among employees. All these impacts are being created by the poor leadership with
respect to the corporate governance. This is pertaining to the fact that many a times then the
leadership is not efficient then proper monitoring will not take place and this can result in more
unethical practices. In case the unethical practices will be increased then this will be affecting
the corporate governance of the company to a great extent. also, the remaining respondent agrees
to all these options on individual basis.
Theme 9- Negative impact is being created by poor leadership on the overall performance of the
company with respect to financial performance.
Particular Respondent % of respondent
Positive impact 1 3.33
Negative impact 24 80
No impact 5 16.67
Total 30 100

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Interpretation- further with the analysis of the primary data it was analysed that overall the poor
leadership affects the financial performance of the company to a great extent. this is particularly
because of the reason that when the leader will not be efficient then this will be affecting the
working efficiency of the company. In accordance to the views of 80 % of respondent it is clear
that the negative impact is being created because of the poor leadership. The reason underlying
this fact is that when the working will not be guided properly then this will be affecting the level
of profit to a great extent. also, some of the respondent states that there will not be any impact
being created of the poor leadership over the financial performance of the company. But in
actual this is not possible as in case the leadership will be poor then this will be resulting in
decline in financial performance only. Also, some of the people also stated that poor leadership
will result in positive impact with respect to the financial performance. In this case as well this is
not true as in case the leadership will be poor then this will be affecting the working efficiency
of the business to a great extent.
Theme 10- Lower profit and high staff turnover is the major challenge which company faces due
to poor leader over financial performance of company.
Particular Respondent % of respondent
Lower profit 12 40
High staff turnover 12 40
Reduction in profit 4 13.33
Lack of motivation 2 6.67
Total 30 100
Document Page
Interpretation- with the analysis of the primary responses gathered from the 30 respondent with
help of questionnaire it was analyzed that there are different types of challenges which company
can face because of poor leadership. on the evaluation it is clear that majority of the respondent
agrees that major challenge faced is lower profit and high staff turnover. This is pertaining to the
fact that in case the leadership will not be good then proper strategies will not be prepared by the
leader. Hence, ultimately this will be resulting in the decline in the profit as when the strategies
prepared will not be good then employees will not work efficiently and this will reduce the
profit. Also in case the leader will not take care of the employees in proper manner then there
will be low employee morale and this will be resulting in the high employee turnover. On the
other hand, the remaining respondent stated that the major challenge faced is the lack of
motivation. This is particularly because of the reason that in case the leaders will not be
supportive then this will be negatively affecting the working efficiency of the employees. Hence,
this will result in the reduction in level of motivation of the employees and they will not perform
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Leadership is one of the crucial concept that is known by the managers. It can be
articulated by referring the opinion of Naidoo (2019) that leadership is one of the crucial concept
that is related with offering the reliable insights a to the subordinate to get the corrective results
in turn accomplishing objectives can become possible. Employees require significant
information so that accomplishing the organizational objectives with understanding
requirements of tools and technique by complying established rules & regulations can become
From the above evaluation it can be interpreted that their higher number of managers
have given focus on selecting the strongly agree option. This is helpful in indicating that poor
leadership is related with the negative impact on the productivity of the company. This can be
supported by Joseph and Carolissen (2022) that there are different types of the aspects which are
required to be taken into the consideration as impact the overall performance of firm. Poor
leadership is related with the inability to offer the crucial aspects which can offer the important
insights to boost employee’s performance. There are different types of the impact which are
basically obtained by the organization due to the possessing of ineffective and poor leadership
practices. The one of the significant drawback which is obtained due to the implication of poor
leadership practices is high employee turnover that has direct influence on band image of
company in adverse manner. This basically lead to the productivity which inclines cost of firm
tend to decline productivity. There is distinct form of the impact as well which comprise
inability to have collaborative environment and leads to affect the overall performance of
organization in the adverse manner.
From the assessment of findings, it is identified that there is different form of the
benefits which are taken into the process by the company by having the good leadership. The
one of the significant benefits which is derived from good leadership practice over working of
the company involves increases profitability of the company. This can be justified by referring
to the opinion of Gerashchenko (2022) that there are number of the significant benefit which can
be derived by applying the good leadership practice over the working company as helps in
increasing the profitability of the company become possible. For inclining the profitability of the
company it is important for the organization to get the appropriate ability to incline performance
of employees so that reducing cost, employee turnover, significant profitability margin, etc. can

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be exerted. Good leadership promotes good healthy working culture and possessing the
appropriate collaborative environment so that reducing irrelevant aspects which has influence on
the functioning of organization can be eliminated. This tends to promote supportive scenario
which aids in gaining the productive results that increases profitability.
From the assessment of the provided data it can be mentioned that decline in profit is the
influence of poor leadership created over financial performance of the company. This can be
supported by referring the views of Weston and Nnadi (2021) that in order to be successful in
the financial terms it is important for the enterprise to focus on having reliable information so
that accomplishing organizational goal of higher profits can become possible. Poor leadership is
concerned with possessing inappropriate approach which does not allow the firm to get
corrective guidance related with procedure and practices and hampers the overall functioning.
Poor leadership results in improper resource utilization, inappropriate allocation & controlling,
irrelevant activity regulations, etc. These all has the negative impact on the overall working of
the enterprise that hampers its working actions. On the basis of this, it can be mentioned that
decrease in profit has the negative level of impact on the organizational activities. The main
reason behind this is to eliminate non crucial aspects so that accomplishing better results via
having poor leadership cannot become possible. On the basis of this, it can be mentioned that
gaining competitive position in market is not possible due to poor leadership does not permit to
have good leadership.
It can be discussed that poor leadership affect the culture of the company as greater
number of managers have selected yes category. It can be validated by looking at the opinion of
Hilton, Arkorful and Martins, (2021) that culture is major success determinate of company assist
decides the way of behavior and attitude of employees so that greater level of productiveness
can be derived. It is important for the firm to get positive and effective working culture so that
accomplishing performance in the full potential can be achieved. Poor leadership is unable to
create the positive impact on the overall performance. Poor leadership is unable to formulate the
significant impact on the working of the organization. In addition to this, it can be specified that
poor leadership provides the number of the negative results which has direct impact on the
financial position of the enterprise. For being successful on the current working environment it
is important to focus on having favorable culture as employees get directly affected from this.
Document Page
From the evaluation, it can be interpreted that the major impact that is found to from the
poor leadership on culture of company is that lack of coordination and vision is found. This can
be supported be referring the opinion of Holmes Jr and, (2021) poor leadership is the
adverse situation for the organization which is required to be taken into the consideration as it
leads to lack of coordination and vision. Coordination is highly important for the enterprise as it
leads to affect the quality of work which tends to increase complications. Leadership activities
ensure that good level of respectful and supportive working scenario can be made. This
leadership actions are taken into the process so that complying with the prevailing requirements
can become possible. Lack of vision is found in the overall working criteria of the staff which
affects the working pattern of staff. Having vision in the clarity form is essential so that attaining
major aspects to build creative and directional based platform of working can be achieved.
Inappropriate information can affect the working scenario in the irrelevant manner as the lack of
coordination does not allow to establish the two-way communication process and affect the
working scenario of the business. On the basis of this, it can be identified that having the
appropriate level of organizational culture does not become possible as poor leadership is unable
to set aspects like effective coordination and vision among employees. In addition to this, it can
be justified that these are required to be taken into the process for gaining competitive position.
With help of the collected data it can be discussed that poor leadership is associated
with governance of the company as well. The main reason behind this result is that higher
number of managers from the selected sampling has chosen yes option. It can be validated by
looking at the views of Kyree and Ausloos (2021) that governance is associated with having the
effective approach which has certain rules and regulations that are required to be followed by all
the staff. For establishing the effective level of governance it is important for the management to
offer the clear instructions with disciple in turn good productive outcomes to uplift the overall
culture of productiveness can be maintained. There is various form of benefits which can be
derived by the organization through having effective implementation of governance into the
process that involves encouraging positive behavior reducing the cost of capital, improving top-
level decision-making, strategic planning and attracting talented directors. In the absence of the
good leadership, management of the firm is unable to have these kinds of benefits that affect the
working pattern of the organization. Reducing the potential risk cannot be effectively exerted by
the firm due to the poor leadership approach in company.
Document Page
From the evaluation of the given information it can be stated that there are several
ways in which poor leadership affects the corporate governance within company. With help of
the gathered data form the managers it can be mentioned that all the option is selected by the
managers which includes chances of more unethical practices, accountability issues increasing
and conflict among employees. This can be justified by referring the views of Chen and,
(2018) that there are various ways in which company get affected due to the poor leadership
creation over the corporate governance within company. Governance creates the disciple in the
firm which aids in gaining the competitive position by ensuring that all fair and ethical actions
are taken into consideration. Discipline might result in having the proper functioning through
enabling accountability among staff. Corporate governance tends to give respectful and fair
behavior possessing culture in the firm. On the basis of the provided information it can be
interpreted that if there is presence of poor leadership the achieving the main benefits of
corporate governance cannot become possible. This can be specified that poor leadership is
affecting the firm in the negative manner which needs organization to focus on mentioned
criteria so that meeting the goal of higher profitability & sustainability can be accomplished.
From the evaluation of the provided information it can be mentioned that poor
leadership affects in negative manner to the overall performance with respect to the financial
outcomes. It can be supported by looking at the opinion of Abarantyne, Naidoo and Rugimbana,
(2019) that poor leadership tend to give the negative level of impact on the overall functioning
which decreases its efficiency and effectiveness. The adverse level of influence from the poor
leadership is found that has the influence on the working action of firm. Financial performance
of the organization tends to get adversely affected due to the extent of poor leadership processes
in the business. In addition to this, it can be articulated that there is improper processing of
optimum utilization, having effectual employee engagement, innovative practice, etc. cannot be
derived. There are various aspects that has major influence on the working activities of the
organization and directly results in poor financial condition. The main reason behind this is to
have higher employee performance is to bring the significant outcomes such as higher h
profitability, reduced cots, sustainability, etc. can be achieved., the poor leadership tend to give
the irrelevant aspect that have negative impact with respect to h financial performance.
On the basis of the gathered information it can be mentioned that there is distinct form
of the leadership challenges that are faced by the organization due to the poor leadership. The

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major challenges that are faced by the enterprise is having the lower profit and high staff
turnover can be derived due to the poor leadership over financial performance of the company.
This can be supported by Holt, Hall and Gilley (2018) that Lower profit provides the major
impact on the overall performance of the organization that has the negative influence on the
processing of the financial aspects. Lower profitability leads to the shortage of funds which does
not permit to have significant approach to meet the requirements of enterprise as cots incurring
cannot be exerted properly. High staff turnover is needed to be emphasized as has the effect the
organizational performance which results in greater cost incurring as attracting, retaining and
controlling new employees get impacted adversely due to the poor leadership. In case of the
poor leadership cost inclines as major influence in negative manner can be derived due to the
lack of coordination and vision which leads to ineffective profit generating capacity has reduced.
On the basis of this, it can be mentioned that lower profitability and high staff turnover is
achieved by the organization because of poor leadership over the financial performance of
enterprise. It becomes essential to focus on this challenges as has the major level of impact on
the financial performance of the organization.
Document Page
From this research study it has been concluded that the importance of leadership in
LAND SECURITIES GROUP PLC London is considered to be the factor which is able to
develop new strategies for being successful in the operations. The aim of this research was to be
able analyse the different impacts of the poor leadership on the governance and financial
condition of the LAND SECURITIES GROUP PLC London. In this aim the following
objectives were given that were related to the articulation of the clear understanding of how it
has been considered to be related to the concept of the leadership and its significance for the
growth of the business. In order to critically examine the impact of the poor leadership of the
performance of the company the major inclusion of the financial governance and the cultural
aspect of the organization has been understood. This research is also considered to be the key
towards the examination of the different challenges that has been able to develop factors which
impact this organization over its financial performance. In this research one objective is to
recommend some strategies which will also help to improve the challenges.
In the research the secondary resources of the data have been used for drafting these that
has helped to recollect the information related to the concept of leadership and its impact over
the organizational performance. This literature review has discussed the findings of different
authors through which the study related to the leadership and significance over the organization
performance has been highlighted. In this part of the research why poor leadership is able to
affect the leadership and the overall performance of the company has been discussed talking
about the financial governance and cultural aspect of the organizational operations. Leadership
is able to develop the factor which brings the growth of the organization when it is able to
manage the business. In this research the qualitative research types have been selected as the
research methodology in which the inductive approach is going to be used along with the
interpretivism for this study to develop the results as per the requirement. In this research the
survey questionnaire is also prepared for collecting response from the different individuals.
These results of the responses were able to explain how effective has leadership been for an
organization like LAND SECURITIES GROUP PLC.
Document Page
Evaluation of results
There were different results from different types of resources which were gathered. In
this research the primary research was able to develop different themes that highlighted the
response of the sampling in the organization. These themes were able to analyse how many
people are considered to be aware of the concept of the leadership in the organization. It can be
said that the study of leadership is the factor which is responsible for the ways in which they
impact the employee productivity of the company. The results showed that most of the people
are aware of the concept of leadership. Theme of poor leadership and the negative impacts
which it creates over productivity of the company was strongly agreed by the majority of the
respondents. The significance of the good leadership was found to be the factor which helps the
organization in increasing the profitability of the company. The results of these questions also
explain that the poor leadership is the factor which affects the culture of the company.
Theme which asked the respondents about the impact of the poor leadership on the
culture of the company it was able to explain the lack of coordination and lack of vision. In these
results the impact of the poor leadership and how it is able to create the corporate governance in
the company has been said to be developing changes of more unethical practices, accountability
issues which might increase and might also give rise to the conflict management among the
people. From this research the different impacts of the poor leadership on the given overall
performance of the company has been specifically collected with respect to the financial
performance of their negative impact. It is also the impact of poor leadership on the given
overall performance of the company has been found to be the clear significance with respect to
the different financial performance. Lower profit and high staff turnover has been found as the
various level of challenges that the company would face because of the poor leadership over the
financial performance of the company.
The results of the secondary research were also very similar to that of the primary
research. Having said that the different authors had different opinion which explains how
effective they have been towards the ways in which the organization would be focusing on the
ways to develop new strategies for the better management. From the secondary sources of data,
the key concepts about the leadership and its importance regarding the performance of the
organization was evaluated. This study also explains the areas which can bring growth to factors
that are helpful for the organizational operations.

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Recommendations based on evaluation
Different respondents recommended the leadership of this organization to have
democratic style in order let the employee take responsibilities of their actions and
accountability. It can be said to be the key consideration of the factors which involve the
organization for improving their leadership practices. Utilization of the methods which are
related to the selection of leaders that are helpful for the formation of the strategies that can
bring growth to the business is considered to be the key way that will help the organization gain
the control of the strengths. It can be said that the business of this organization is also said to be
the factor which is responsible for the management of the factors. It is very important for this
organization to utilize the leadership practices in a way employee can be motivated in order to
provide better performance of their organization. Democratic leadership has been considered to
be the best style for this leadership to utilize because it helps the leadership to be able to share
responsibilities with the other individuals and also be able to gain the success in the operations.
The strategies which are present in the key strategies that can help the business grow is
considered to be the main strategies that affect the organization in the ways in which it explains
the importance of the organizations.
Other leadership strategies that are considered to be more effective because they are able
to manage the performance of their business and the role it plays for being able to create new
strategies that can bring growth. It has been said that the growth of the business can be
considered to be the factor which is able to develop a key understanding of the ways in which
the leadership is able to influence employees in the organization. Being able to gain new
strategies for the creation of effective leadership is going to allow the organization to bring new
strategies in the organization. This has been said that the growth of the business practices is
considered to be the factor which is able to the leadership of this organization. It has been able to
focus the business with the development of the employee engagement that is considered to be
the factor that is considered to be the key consideration for the growth of the employee
Future Work
Due to the limitations that were there in the time and money factor this project was
unable to use some of the more effective tools of research. Tools like SPSS can be used for this
study to bring better results in the form of quantitative research to develop the results for the
Document Page
importance of leadership in the organization. In the future work the use of this tool can be
considered to come in very handy in order to manage the work of this organization and also
bring much more accuracy towards the research. These factors could have come in very handy in
this research but due to the lack of resources unfortunately it couldn't have been used. The use of
qualitative study has been considered to be the factor which is able to bring growth to the
required set of factors that can be used for leadership significance on the performance research
and its operations which can help the organization to bring growth to the business.
Document Page
This project was a good learning experience for me as it included a wide range of skills
development. This is pertaining to the fact that the whole dissertation was big and was a good
learning and development experience. The reason underlying this fact is that there are many
different types of the activities which are being included within the completion of the
dissertation. All these activities help in developing good learning and this will be helping the
researcher in improving the working efficiency of the person. Before the dissertation I was not
able to communicate with others in better and confident manner. But after working on the
dissertation I was able to communicate with the people whom I don’t know. This is pertaining to
the fact that in the dissertation there were many different people being involved wherein some
were known and some were unknown. Hence, this study assisted me in developing myself better
and increase my level of confidence. This also assisted me in improving the communication
skills and this was helpful for my future growth and development as well.
Along with this before the study I was not having good team working skills as well. This
is pertaining to the fact that when since starting I liked to work alone but in the completion of
dissertation I cannot work in isolation and this improved my working efficiency. This is
pertaining to the fact that dissertation includes a wide range of activities and it is very important
for me and others to work as a good team so that all the objectives of the study can be attained.
Along with this the working in team provides much better result as more people are working on
the same project and because of this new idea can be developed. Hence, as a result of this more
creative and innovative ideas can be developed in order to complete the study in more successful
manner. In accordance to the working on this dissertation I was in condition to improve my team
working skills as well. this is because of the reason that I improved confidence and good
communication skill. Hence, this improved interaction with others as well. Hence, ultimately it
improved my team working and coordination skills as well.
This is pertaining to the fact that most of the time the working need to be completed on
time and in proper manner. Hence, for this there is requirement of good coordination skills as
well. with the good team working skills, my coordination skills were also developed after this
project. Another reason underlying this fact that every stage of the dissertation is interrelated. In
case any of the stage will not be completed in proper manner then this will be affecting the

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working efficiency of completion of study. hence, this study also improved my coordination
skill and I was in condition to work before time.
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Document Page
1. Questionnaire
Q1. Are you aware of the concept of leadership?
Q2. Does your company implement good leadership styles for improving the financial
performance of the company?
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Q3. What is the significance of having good leadership practices over working of the company?
Motivates employees
Increases profitability of the company
Effective implementation of change
Improves productivity
Q4. What impact does poor leadership create over the financial performance of the company?
Decline in profits
Increase in profit
No impact
Q5. Do poor leadership affect the culture of the company?
Q6. What are the impact of poor leadership on the culture of the company?
Lack of coordination
Lack of vision
Low morale
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Creating a culture of mediocrity
Q7. Is the poor leadership associated with the governance of the company as well?
Q8. What is impact which poor leadership creates over the corporate governance within the
Chances of more unethical practices
Accountability issues might increase
Conflict among employee
All of the above
Q9. What is the impact of poor leadership on the overall performance of the company
specifically with respect to financial performance?
Positive impact
Negative impact
No impact
Q10. What are the various challenges which the company faces because of poor leadership over
the financial performance of the company?
Lower profit
High staff turnover
Reduction in profit
Lack of motivation
Q11. What are some of the recommendation for improving the leadership practices within the

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2. Proposal
Title- To analyse the impact of poor leadership over the culture, governance and financial aspect
of business. a study on real estate sector.
For the success of the business it is very necessary for company to have effective
leadership within practice. This is necessary for the reason that when the leadership will be good
then it will provide better guidance to the employees and ultimately the profitability will
increase. The present study is based on LAND SECURITIES GROUP PLC London which is the
largest property development and investment company in UK. The current research will evaluate
that how the poor leadership impact the culture, governance and the financial situation of
Aim and objectives
To evaluate the impact of poor leadership on the governance and financial condition of the
company. A study on LAND SECURITIES GROUP PLC London.
To articulate understanding relating to concept of leadership and its significance for
business growth.
To critically examine the impact of poor leadership on the overall performance of
company including financial, governance and cultural aspect.
To examine the different challenges which LAND SECURITIES GROUP PLC London
faces due to poor leadership over financial performance of company.
To recommend some of the strategies through which leadership can be improved and
challenges can be minimised.
Research question
1. What is the concept of leadership and its significance?
2. What is the impact of poor leadership on performance of company financially, culturally
and governance?
3. What are the challenges which are faced by company because of poor leadership on
financial performance?
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4. What are some of the recommendation for improving the leadership and overall
The competition in the current environment is increasing and for this it is necessary for
businesses to have good leadership. hence, the rationale behind selection of this topic is to
increase the awareness relating to negative impact of poor leadership over financial performance
of company. along with this another reason is the personal and academic interest of the
Literature review
In accordance to the views of Al Khajeh, (2018) leadership is being defined as the act of
stimulating the employees or group of people in direction of attaining a single objective. For the
success of the business having good leadership is very important as it guides the employee on
how to work.
Further Ionascu and, (2018) stated that in case the leadership within business will
be poor then this will be affecting the financial performance of company. this is pertaining to the
fact that when the leadership will be poor then employees will not be satisfied and as a result of
this the employee turnover will also be high. ultimately this will result in reduction in profits of
the company as production will be less.
Moreover, Vu, Phan and Le, (2018) articulated that main challenge faced by poor
leadership is difficulty for the employee to work in coordinated manner. This is because of the
reason that when leader is not good then this affect the working efficiency of employees and
resultantly the sales and profits of company reduces.
Research methods
Element Description
Research type For analysing the impact of poor leadership
use of qualitative study will be undertaken so
that theoretical knowledge can be enhanced
(Snyder, 2019).
Research approach The inductive approach will be selected for the
reason that it is based on setting aim and
objectives for the study.
Document Page
Research philosophy Interpretivism philosophy will be used to
analyse the impact of poor leadership over
performance of company because this
philosophy is much suitable with qualitative
Data collection Data will be gathered from the combination of
primary and secondary sources. The primary
will include gathering data with help of
questionnaire and for secondary sources books,
articles, journal and other published data will
be used.
Sampling For gathering data, sample of 30 respondents
will be taken.
Data analysis For the analysis of the data the use of thematic
analysis will be undertaken as it includes use
of charts, tables and graphs which makes
analysis much clearer (Pandey and Pandey,
Activity 1th
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of research
relating to
of different
for the
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ire on basis
of research
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with help
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Books and Journals
Al Khajeh, E. H., 2018. Impact of leadership styles on organizational performance. Journal of
Human Resources Management Research. 2018. pp.1-10.
Ionascu, M. and, 2018. Women on boards and financial performance: Evidence from a
European emerging market. Sustainability. 10(5). p.1644.
Pandey, P. and Pandey, M.M., 2021. Research methodology tools and techniques. Bridge
Snyder, H., 2019. Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and
guidelines. Journal of business research. 104. pp.333-339.
Vu, M. C., Phan, T. T. and Le, N. T., 2018. Relationship between board ownership structure and
firm financial performance in transitional economy: The case of Vietnam. Research in
International Business and Finance. 45. pp.512-528.
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