
Alcohol Consumption in UK: Trends, Consequences, and Implications


Added on  2023-01-19

1 Pages745 Words48 ViewsType: 48
Statistics and Probability
Consumption of Alcohol in UK
Alcohol consumption relates to a habit of consuming beverages that contain
ethyl alcohol. These drinks when consumed on a larger scale carries an impact
on physiological and psychological aspects of human being in a negative
manner. In context of United Kingdom, alcohol consumption has become a
crucial problem as there are approximately 7.8 million who are known to be
the heavy drinkers. There are various risks which are associated with binge
drinking such as cancers, stroke, suicide and other serious injuries. The major
drinks which were consumed by men in United Kingdom is beer and for
women it is wine. Consumption of Alcohol has risen in UK between the year
1995 – 2004. As it has reached just double from the previous years. After that
it has fallen slightly between the year 2004 – 2018 with a slowdown of 16%.
Major reason behind this is awareness programs and several governmental
policies. As a decline of pubs has been seen with 17%in UK. Thus, there has
been a decrease in the consumption of alcohol in the recent years which shows
a positive result.
Alcohol Consumption Per
The consumption of alcohol has reduced over the past few years. Mostly all
the age groups said they do not consume alcohol, age groups like 16 below
and above. There has been a shift to beer and wine consumption the most
though beer is still consumed the most with a percentage of 35.8 in UK. 'On
trade' sold 32% of pure volume of alcohol. In terms of other countries, Alcohol
consumption per capita in UK is 11.4%.
Proportion of Gender
Howe, L.J. and et.al., 2019. Alcohol consumption and mate choice in UK
Biobank: comparing observational and Mendelian randomization estimates.
BioRxiv. p.418269.
Tarrant, M. and et.al., 2019. Alcohol consumption among university students
in the night-time economy in the UK: A three-wave longitudinal study. Drug
and alcohol dependence.204.p.107522.
From the above tabular representation it has been identified that
average death of individual’s in UK due to consumption of alcohol is
11.59 which is based on data of last 10 years. Maximum death ratio
in these years are 12.6 whereas minimum death ratio is 10.5. It
determines range and inter quartile range in death rate of individual is
2.1 due to frequent uses of alcohol. These estimates suggest that in
the period between 2015-2017, major reason of death is liver disease
which is a most common cause of frequent alcohol consumption.
As per the above graphical representation and correlation statistic it has been
identified that correlation between female and male death as per the
consumption of alcohol is 0.265. It denotes significant difference of alcohol
consumption between women and men.
On the basis of above regression statistics it has been analyzed that proportion
of men who were frequent drinkers are more than women. As its result, death
rate of male are higher over females who uses alcohol more frequently. Results
of regression statistic determine standard error which is 2.39 as in the favor of
male death rate.
From the above presentation it has been analyzed that consumption of
alcohol is fluctuate in last decades. Major reason behind this is
numerous awareness programs as well as identified results which
represents issues that are arise due to frequent consumption of
Deaths per 100,000 people
Mean 11.58824
Standard Error 0.122139
Median 11.5
Mode 11.1
Standard Deviation 0.50359
Sample Variance 0.253603
Kurtosis 0.428289
Skewness -0.02483
Range 2.1
Minimum 10.5
Maximum 12.6
Sum 197
Female Deaths per 100,000
Male Deaths per 100,000
Female Deaths per 100,000
people 1
Male Deaths per 100,000
people 0.265652276 1
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.98801114
R Square 0.976166014
Adjusted R Square 0.913666014
Standard Error 2.391270698
Observations 17
5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5
Female Deaths per 100,000 people
Line Fit Plot
Male Deaths per
100,000 people
Predicted Male Deaths
per 100,000 people
Female Deaths per 100,000 people
Male Deaths per 100,000 people
10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13
Deaths per 100,000 people
Residual Plot
Deaths per 100,000 people
Alcohol Consumption in UK: Trends, Consequences, and Implications_1

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