
Functions of HRM


Added on  2022-12-27

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Human resource management is a practice in which the manager is managing
the staff or the employees so as to get better performance (Almarzooqi, Khan
and Khalid., 2019). The human resource management is responsible for the
better performance of the company with the help of various function they are
able to make sure that all the employees in the organisation are working
together for th benefit of the organisation. Some of the major role and
function of HRM are as follows:
1. Recruitment and selection – the most basic function of HRM is to
recruit and select more people to work in the organisation. HRM is
responsible for getting the best candidate for working in the organisation. The
organisation creates post for new and fresh talent and the HRM is responsible
for selecting the new talent. In the recruitment process there are various
people who come up for the vacant position in the company but it is the
responsibility of HRM to select the best person who will be able to fill the
vacant post. (Barba-Aragón, and Jiménez-Jiménez., 2020). In the selection
process the HRM chalks out the candidate who are fit according to the job
2. Training and development – In TESCO as there are various
department and they are all fully employed so every time it is not possible for
the HR manager of the company to create vacancy in the market. Through
they will be able to reduce the cost that they will be investing in the new
talent (Guerci and et. al., 2019).
3. Rewards – this function of HRM is to motivate their employees so
that in future the employees will work more efficiently in order to gain the
rewards. These rewards can be in the form of appraisal or in the form of
bonus (Hauff and et.al., 2021). This is the best way through which HRM in
TESCO is able to motive the employees and along with that they also
motivate the other employees that they can also get appraisal if the work more
effectively and efficiently.
4. Human resource planning – with the help of human resource
planning the HRM of TESCO is able to make sure about what all kinds of
TESCO being the largest supermarket chain in United Kingdom is having more
than 6,000 store all over UK so it is very hard for the HRM to manage them all.
The most difficult function of them all is that the TESCO is having the employee
strength of more than 100,000 and there are a lot of area in which the people
employed are more than what is required by the task this is called over
employment. In this the organisation employees more staff than the one which is
needed for that particular task. This type of overemployment will always result
in the wastage of resources (Keegan and et .al., 2018). The main issue which is
faces by human resource management in many areas but major challenges is
faceoff in Training and Development part. This is one of main consideration
from HR manager to provide training unskilled employees. Issue that prevails is
to cope up with leaders as well as employees in terms of understanding and
evaluation time. In assessment time it is very difficult to analyze about
individual employee performance that creates more challenging part. HR
manager need to invest in training and development program with only having
objective to major improvement. Strategies which implement by the leader could
not favors of expectation that arises main problems. Every employees are
having different learning habits, lack of engagement can also decrease efficiency
of employees. Thus, these issues which discussed which is can faces by HR
manager of Tesco.
Functions of HRM
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HRM in sustaining positive organizational outcomes: An interactional
framework. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.
Barba-Aragón, M. I. and Jiménez-Jiménez, D., 2020. HRM and radical
innovation: A dual approach with exploration as a mediator. European
Management Journal. 38(5.) pp.791-803.
Guerci, M., and et. al., 2019. Moving beyond the link between HRM and
economic performance: A study on the individual reactions of HR managers and
professionals to sustainable HRM. Journal of Business Ethics. 160(3). pp.783-
Hauff, S., and et.al., 2021. Exploring necessary conditions in HRM research:
Fundamental issues and methodological implications. Human Resource
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Soret, B., Sarret, M.G., Kovacs, I.Z., Martin-Vega, F.J., Berardinelli, G. and
Mahmood, N.H., 2017, June. Radio resource management for V2V discovery. In
2017 IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring) (pp. 1-6).
Decuypere, A. and Schaufeli, W., 2020. Leadership and work engagement:
Exploring explanatory mechanisms. German Journal of Human Resource
Management, 34(1), pp.69-95.
Androniceanu, A., Sabie, O.M. and Pegulescu, A., 2020. An integrated approach
of the human resources motivation and the quality of health services. Theoretical
and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 15(1), pp.42-53
Popescu, G.H. and Ciurlau, F.C., 2017. The Skyrocketing Costs of US Higher
Education and the Student Debt Crisis. Psychosociological Issues in Human
Resource Management, 5(1), p.242.
Soret, B., Sarret, M.G., Kovacs, I.Z., Martin-Vega, F.J., Berardinelli, G. and
Mahmood, N.H., 2017, June. Radio resource management for V2V discovery. In
2017 IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring) (pp. 1-6).
Issues of HRM
Potential Solution
For overcoming these situation, the HRM of TESCO will have to have make
sure that they are employing the personal with a proper human resource plan.
With the help of human resource plan the HRM will be able to the requirements
that are needed to do the job and they also have to make sure that they are all
the resources are being used correctly or not. Through the help of human
resource planning they will be able to make the optimum utilisation of the
resource and this will help TESCO in having efficiency and effectiveness in
their working. With the help of proper human resource planning. With the help
of human resource plan TESCO will be able to make sure that all their existing
employees are having the skills that are needed to operate latest technology
(Stankevičiūtė and Savanevičienė., 2018). With the help of proper training and
development program they will also be able to make sure that the employees are
having the required skills and the required information in order to deal with the
customers. With the help of the human resource plan TESCO will also be able
make sure the people that are needed for employment and after recruiting them
they will make them pass through various trials to reach the selection process
and during various trial there are a lot of candidates that are going to be ruled
out of the selection due to their lack of skills. First the candidate applies for the
job and then they have to go through various procedures and various trials and
during these trials their skills and their competency is measured. The HRM is
responsible for picking up the best and the most qualified personal for the job.
The HR sees that all the vacancy regarding the task is being fulfilled or not.
Human resource planning during the situation of overemployment and
underemployment will make sure that the personal that are employed in that are
exactly what the task is needing. Through the help of training and development
also TESCO will be able to reduce the person needed for the task and in that
way they will employ them to different task this will lead the organization to
have profit in the future and they will also be able to gain competitive advantage
With the help of this they are also able to cut off the employees who are not
working as efficient as they are meant to do. This will help TESCO in reducing
the inefficient work force and change them with more efficient work force. This
will lead to more and more effective utilization of resources and this will lead to
higher profits and higher market share. Human resource is the term that is use to
describe the management and the people or the employees that are working in
the organization. With the help of human resource the managements is able to
employee more people and with the help of human resource the manager is able
to make sure that the employees that are working for them are motivated.
Human resource is that department in a company that is responsible for the
upliftment of the employees or that is responsible for the goodwill of the staff
that are working in the company. The firm taken for the completion of the
project is TESCO. , TESCO was able to make it to the top of their completion.
The Human resource manager of Tesco need to make strategic planning for
stable in systematic training and development program as per shortlisting of
major improvement need of employees. They need to make meet up with
employees and leader for better coordination where this will help in further
training and development practices. Moreover, Leader needs to create proper
training schedule by consulting with Human resource manager to reduce
Through the help of human resource planning TESCO is able to
train and develop their employees also, as they are various situation in which
the existing employees with their existing talent are not able to fulfil the
requirements that are in the job. Through the help of training and development
they are able to make sure that all the employees are well educated to operate
the latest technology that are available with them. The training and development
is a type of investment that the company is doing so that they can yield higher
results. TESCO provide regular training and development program to the
employees in their organisation son that they can provide their customers with
best product and service. this will also help them in gaining the competitive
advantage over its competitors. The HRM first trains and develops the
employees and after that they retain the high performing employees by giving
HRM Planning
Role of HR Matrix and Data Sources
Functions of HRM_1

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