
Operations Management Concepts and Applications


Added on  2020-01-16

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Management & Operations
Operations Management Concepts and Applications_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3P1. Duties and features of leader and manager in M&S........................................................3P2. Examination of the roles, functions leader and manager in conflict situation.................5P3. Different contemporary management and leadership theories.........................................6CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................7P4. Main concepts of operation management and identification of roles and responsibilities ofmanager and leaders...............................................................................................................7P5. Significance of management in operational activities.....................................................9P6. Elements impacts on management of operations and determining of decisions............10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................13
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INTRODUCTIONIt a process which arranges employees and business activities in a manner which canincrease the profitability of an organisation. Management operations is a part of the managementwhich emphasis on process of production to increase efficiency to deliver more satisfaction to it'susers (Ageron, Gunasekaran and Spalanzani, 2012). It has a large a significance to decrease thecost of production with managing customer's expectations and needs in it. This present report isbased on the Marks and Spencer Ltd. and it is defining manager and leaders with theircharacteristics which creates a difference in between them. Leadership theories e.g. situational,system, contingency leadership style helps them to perform their job in different kind ofsituations. TASK 1INTRODUCTIONMarks and Spencer is a multinational retailer company which deals in luxury clothings, home-ware and food products, it has their own retail stores in each and every country in the world.They are having tall management structure which help to them to manage their businessactivities and divide the responsibilities in the different management levels. Differentmanagement level provide a way to make proper communication.P1. Duties and features of leader and manager in M&SLeaders: They are ability to lead employees on the way of success, they are having leading andcontrolling power on over all organisation (Alderton and Saieva, 2013). Managers: A skilled person which is able to make their control on the human resource andadministrating on organisation. Manager and leaders are having characteristics which are described under here:Characteristics of managers: Most of the managers which are working in the Marks andSpencer which helps to take charge for the next task which motivates to their subordinate also.As well as they are having a proper knowledge about the hierarchy which helps them to makeproper control of their undertaken employees. Communication is an another quality whichmanager in them to spread out their thoughts and views to increase the productivity of theemployees (Baldwin, Allen and Ridgway, 2010). In the Marks and Spencer managers are using
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specific communication policy to analyse the problems of the employees and as well as toinstruct and guide them increase tehir work quality. Characteristics of leaders:Focus is a the significant element for leaders to make businesspolicies, in the Marks and Spencer leaders are open minded to analyse the condition of theorganisation to make changes in their business policies (Barratt, Choi and Li, 2011). Innovative,confidence and integration provides a strength to them to create better working policies and takeeffective decisions according to the organisation needs. Leaders and managers are having huge difference in between them on the basis of theirrole and responsibilities which are given under here: Managerial roles: According to the Mintezberg, managers are having ten different roles whichare divided in to these categories which are;Interpersonal:In the Marks and Spencer manager helps to their employees by providingtheir instruction as a leader and they helps to create liaison in between the members. Sothey are playing role of leader, figurehead and liaison in the organisation.Informational: Manager have to monitor their undertaken employees to manage andcontrol them, as well as they have to provide them guidance orally if they found mistakesin their acts. So they are having role of monitor, disseminator and spokesperson in thecompany. Role of leaders: Some role are here of the leaders in the organisation:Decision maker: Leaders are having the power to take decisions which are having impact on thewhole organisation to increase the effectiveness as per the needs of the Marks and Spencer.Policy maker: Leaders are having power to make policy as per the objectives and vision of them,in the Marks and Spencer leaders are having vision on their future objectives and they aremaking changes in their policies as per the needs of their objective to increase their profitability(Brandon and Mullan, 2013). Managerial functions and leadership roles are having huge difference according to theleadership theories and management concept which are used by the Marks and Spencer to besuccessful in the market, these are described under here:Management theories:Human relations theory: It helps to the managers which are working in the company to identifythe needs of the employees which can increase the productivity of the employees.
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