
Principles and Practices of Marketing


Added on  2022-12-28

10 Pages3504 Words82 Views
Principles and practices of
Principles and Practices of Marketing_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY ..................................................................................................................................1
Evaluation and understanding of effective promotional techniques...........................................1
Evaluation and execution of marketing theories.........................................................................5
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................7
Principles and Practices of Marketing_2

Marketing refers to collecting all activities undertaken by the company to promote the
selling and buying of products and services. Marketing is also defined as the systematic
procedure and prominent action through which a company can attract potential customers
towards its products and services to support high-quality messages and the utilization of several
tools and methods. To increase awareness about the brand, products, and services, an essential
aspect for the company is to formulate and implement specific strategies and approaches to
effectively reach to it desire goals and objectives. (Alqahtani and Uslay, 2020). The main aim of
marketing is to provide unique value to customers with the prominent help of content to improve
product value for the more extended period and strengthen brand loyalty and higher sales and
Moreover, this process was completed with the help of market research, evaluation, and proper
understanding of the audience demand and needs. Marketing has been associated with all the
factors of the company, such as product development, distribution methods along with sales and
advertisement. This report is based on Ford Motor, which is an American-based multinational
auto-maker with headquarter in Dearborn, Michigan, US. The company is specialized in selling
automobiles and commercial vehicles under the frond brand, and it sells most luxury cars under
the Lincoln brand. The below report consists of analysis and understanding of effective
marketing solutions with the usage of strategies and tactical plans and evaluation of the
effectiveness of marketing theories.
Evaluating and understanding, effective promotional techniques.
To set the brand or company apart from the competitors in a market place, the companies
use various strategies, and in which promotion is one of the significant factors that provides
support to create awareness within the marketplace. Promotion is described as any marketing
communication which the company undertakes to inform the customer about various benefits
and features of products and services (Bird, Westcott, and Thiesen, 2018). The promotion of
brand is crucial for the company as, without this, a company will not get customers. This is
referred to as one of the marketing tools that supports the audience to purchase goods and
services from the company. This is also used to develop an interest in customers' mindset
Principles and Practices of Marketing_3

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