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Professional Development Strategies


Added on  2020/07/22

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This assignment requires students to analyze and summarize various articles related to professional development. The articles cover topics such as participative approaches in medical education, the need for health information technology in physicians' education, and vocational training. Students are expected to extract key points from each article and provide a comprehensive summary of the strategies discussed. The assignment aims to help students understand the importance of ongoing learning and development in professional settings.

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Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Evaluating approaches to self- managed learning ...........................................................3
1.2 Ways in which learning in personal and professional contexts could be encouraged......4
1.3 Evaluating the benefits of self- managed learning to organisation and individuals.........5
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Evaluate own current skills and competencies against professional standards ...............5
2.2 Identify Own development needs and activities required to meet them..........................7
2.3 Identify own development needs and activities required to meet them ..........................8
2.4 Devise a personal and professional development plan based on identified needs ..........9
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................10
3.1 Discuss the process and activities required to implement the development plan...........10
3.2 Undertake and document development activities as planned ........................................11
3.3 Reflect critically on own learning against original aims and objectives set in the
development plan .................................................................................................................12
3.4 Update the development plan based on feedback and Evaluation ................................12
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................13
4.1: Covered in Poster..........................................................................................................13
4.2&4.3 Covered in PPT......................................................................................................13
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Personal and professional development refers to the process of enhancing knowledge and
skills of every employee so that they can able to achieve set targets and objectives effectively. It
is the duty of organisation to select prospective candidates into system so that they can be able to
follow all instructions and rules to accomplish final objectives or vision. The major aim is to
motivate employees so that they can desire to attain the correct and appropriate path in an
effective and efficient manner. This report includes Hotel Hilton which is a well-established
brand of hotel running in major parts of the UK and is performing well in hospitality sector. It
has more than 600 branches all over the world (Elliott and et., al., 2015). The report highlights
several approaches of self-managed learning and its respective benefits are enjoyed by all
individuals. Use of effective process that has to be conducted effectively and efficiently. There
are several development needs and activities that have to be met out in a proper time period.
These all are part of professional and personal development concept. There are numerous skills
that have to be inculcated in the person so that they can be able to attain the desired goals
1.1 Evaluating approaches to self- managed learning
It is necessary to perform learning process into the organisational system so that each
individual can increase his/her performance level at maximum level. Self-managed learning is
equally important as it only concentrates on attaining company's targets. Hotel Hilton have self-
managed learning is important concept that is implemented into the system for their employees
that are working over there. Work force are properly trained in order to increase their personality
and professional ability (Evans, 2015). There are number of approaches associated with it. Some
are discussed as below:
Conferences and Seminars
Learning process
Training and development process
Learning through observation process
Conduction of interviews
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More elaboration of learning approaches is given as below: Seminar and Discussion method: This is one of the major sources of learning approach
that has been adopted by company. In this type of method, seminars are conducted on
particular topics for the workers so that they can succeed in acquiring knowledge and
skills on particular aspects. It is the responsibility of manager to find out the needs on
which such process must be carried out. Observation: This is the basic method that has been adopted by workers in which they
learn by observing particular work process. They note down all the important processes
that will make them perform effectively and efficiently (Fiorentini, 2013).
Internet sources: There are several methods that are present on internet in the form of
videos, audio, information and many more. Persons can gain huge amount of information
from these and they are able to conduct their duties properly.
1.2 Ways in which learning in personal and professional contexts could be encouraged
Hotel Hilton always focus on continuously increasing the professional and personal
aspects and features. Its only objective is to make workers perform in the best of their efforts, so
that they can align their personal objectives with company' goals so that both can work together
in proper coordination (7 Essential Time Management Strategies, 2017). Several processes need
to be structured in to the system so that continuous motivation and development functions can be
done. There are certain ways in which these concepts could be encouraged in a correct and
proper manner. These are discussed as below: Fostering education: These procedures that are formulated in to the system aim in
making the system smooth and number of training processes can be conducted that
impart specific types of skills in employee's minds so that they can perform their actions
in accordance with the set targets. Aids in increasing the professional skills: This is indispensable to develop professional
skills in workers so that they can perform their assigned tasks in a constructive and
achievable mode (Fullan, 2014).
Evaluating the need of superior learning: In this approach, establishment has to
evaluate such areas that require proper attention and need to be properly focused. There
are number of sources through which training can be enforced like business journals,
magazines, books, etc.

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1.3 Evaluating the benefits of self- managed learning to organisation and individuals
Learning process provides several advantages to individuals as well as to organisation
where it has been carried out. Each and every worker make themselves prepared to move
towards right direction or path. There are number of rules and regulations that have to be
followed by the workers suitably (Gleeson, 2010).
Benefits of self-managed learning to individual is as follows:
This type of procedure aids in linking people of different nature together so that work
process can be done smoothly.
In this process, several concepts are learned by many people on their own and learn from
their personal experiences.
Individuals also learn from interaction that they perform with their clients and customers.
Advantages of self-managed learning to organisation:
They are benefited from the updated skills and knowledge of workers as they get their
work done properly and accurately.
Well- trained individuals contribute to their maximum level so that set outcomes can be
determined in specific time period (Graham-Jones and et., al, 2012).
There are several skills that need to be properly introduced in to the single person. These
include communication, leadership, working skills. Therefore, these have to be rightly
propagated into each worker in the organisational system.
It is required in today's world of innovation that proper system of training sessions will be
2.1 Evaluate own current skills and competencies against professional standards
Individual capacity or ability can be ascertained while assessing individual's skills
possessed by them. It is very necessary to evaluate own skills so that performance can be earned
properly and rightly ( Huffman and et., al 2014). Self Evaluation skills can be calculated with the
table that is framed below:
Professional or
Individual Skills
Present status
Examples Equipments that
need to be reinforced
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Communication skills 3 Organisational system
should always
introduce effective
system. This enable
them to carry out the
action in proper mode
so that no barriers can
come across.
Communication skills
is improving day by
day. Hence, leads to
proper interaction
between people.
Leadership Skills 4 This skills assists in
conducting work
process very
efficiently. This
concept developing
skills to influence the
behaviour of other
In order to increase the
leadership skills in an
individual, company
should provide proper
system of ideas and
Problem solving
2.5 This ability is
introduced to find out
the flaws that are
present and solve it so
that no problems can
be raised in future.
There are number of
obstacles that are
present and has to be
separate to reach the
final aim.
Proper tools has to be
framed so that
employee can learn to
solve the problems that
may occur in the
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2.2 Identify Own development needs and activities required to meet them
It is important for an individual to identify their strengths and weaknesses so that they
can focus on improving their weaknesses and build more strengths which further help them in
achieving personal as well as professional goals. Developing own quality and skills ensures that
they can perform any work in more effective and efficient manner that will bring positive
outcome to company in near future. To get knowledge about their own skills and capabilities, an
individual need to do SWOT analysis which are described as below:
Illustration 1: SWOT analysis
Source: SWOT Analysis, 2017
Strengths: It is essentially required for an individual to know their skills and capabilities
which builds self-confidence through which they can choose better direction in order to achieve
growth and success in their personal as well as professional career. It helps individual to identify
whether they have an effective skills, leadership quality, decision making skills etc. which help
them in perform further business activities (Lambert, Vero and Zimmermann, 2012).
Weaknesses: It is also important for an individual to identify their weaknesses as well
which restricts them to perform in an effective and efficient manner. Such weaknesses may
related with poor communication skills, lack of knowledge etc. which becomes barrier for them
to achieve growth and success in their professional career. Thus such weaknesses need to be
resolved as soon as possible so that they can achieve growth in their career (Mc Kee and Eraut,

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Opportunity: It is important for an individual to grab an opportunity which help their
career ahead within limited period of time. An individual need to prepare himself as competitive
through which they can easily adjust in complex working environment and contribute maximum
efforts in achieving desired goals and objectives (Sisk-Hilton, 2015).
Threat: Competitors are the main threat for an individual which brings difficulties and
problems in front of them. Thus an individual may put their maximum efforts to eliminate such
threat and compete with them in an effective and efficient manner. It is important for them to not
specify their weakness in front of any body otherwise it will damage their growth in more
adverse manner.
2.3 Identify own development needs and activities required to meet them
In order to grab competitive opportunities, an individual need to first identify their
weaknesses and capabilities which need to be develop to meet future needs. It is important for an
individual to improve the learning skills and working capabilities so that they can work in an
effective manner. There are some current and future needs which are specified as below:
Current needs
According to the self assessment, it is essentially required to remove all such weaknesses such
as poor communication skills, lack of knowledge about using advanced technologies, taking
more time in taking any decision etc. These all things will restrict them to achieve growth and
success in professional career. To overcome such issues, an individual need to work on
improving as soon as possible.
Time management ability
Decision making skills
Future needs
After evaluating and measuring weaknesses and abilities, an individual need to develop those
skills which restrict to perform well. There are certain activities which need to undertake to
convert weaknesses into strengths:
Aggressive to learn from workplace.
Deal with complex problems, challenges and risk.
Build self-confidence
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2.4 Devise a personal and professional development plan based on identified needs
Opportunities for
Time period
5 4 This skills play an
important role in
achieving growth
in their
career as it helps
an individual to
communicate and
interact with
others without
Through such
skills, an
individual can
maintaining good
relation with
others and get
support from
them easily.
1 months
Leadership Skills 5 4 This is important
skills which need
to have in an
through which
they can get work
done from others
without harming
2 months
Document Page
their interest and
Problem solving
5 3 Through having
such skills, an
individual can
able to take an
effective decision
in order to cope
up with complex
situation and
1.5 month
Listening skills 5 5 Through having
such skills, an
individual can
easily get new
ideas and
suggestions from
other which
builds confidence
and motivation
among them as
3.1 Discuss the process and activities required to implement the development plan
There are various activities and process which must be used in order to implement
business plans in more effective manner. Some of the used process are as follows:
Setting up time scale: While setting up target, it is important to set the time scale as well
which forces and motivate them to achieve desired target as early as possible.

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Learning strategies: It is essentially required to adopt an effective strategies, styles and
methods which improved the skills and knowledge of an individual. It help them in learning new
ways to complete given task (Zhao, Coombs and Zhou, 2010).
Knowledge, skill and ability assessment: It is important to asses and evaluate the skills
and knowledge of an individual in order to find out the problems if any, and make corrective
actions to overcome all such.
Resources: There are unlimited resources such as internet, guides, books, research
materials etc. through which an individual get sufficient knowledge and enhance their learning
Evaluation and feedback: It is important to conduct training program for an individual
and after that collecting feedbacks in order to find out whether the skills has been improved or
3.2 Undertake and document development activities as planned
It is important to make an effective and corrective plans and actions in order to develop
skills and capabilities of an individual so that they can perform given task in an effective and
efficient manner (Paterson and Chapman, 2013). There are some activities which need to
implemented as planned such as:
Communication skills: Such skills will be effective through engaging individual in
interacting with others which help them in eliminating hesitations while communicating with
Problem solving skills: It is important to engage an individual in discussion programs
which help them in getting new ideas and suggestion to resolve issues and problems arises at
Team building: Allocating employees and assign role and responsibilities to work in a
team so that they can feel pressure and put more efforts in achieving desired goals and objectives
(Saunders, 2012).
Proper preparation help in developing the skills and abilities so as to achieve best
possible outcomes. But before formulating plans, it is essentially required to know all factors and
impacts which restrict an individual to achieve growth in their professional career and
accordingly manage all such factors in an effective and efficient manner.
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3.3 Reflect critically on own learning against original aims and objectives set in the development
On the basis of assessment, there are different qualities need to be required to achieve
desired goals and objectives in an effective manner. There are some skills which need to be
worked on to bring positive result. There are different ways through which such skills are
Starting meeting and preparation: It is essentially required to to conduct with team
members on regular basis which helps in finding out the capabilities, competencies, skills of
employees and utilise them in an effective manner (Scales, Pickering and Senior, 2011).
Past experience and knowledge: An individual can deal with same situation occurred at
workplace with the help of past experiences due to which they can get appropriate actions to
resolve present issues.
Maintaining estimation and records: It is important to record and estimate related with
future needs in order to achieve desired goals and objectives of business and accordingly direct
the employees to perform in right ways so as to achieve within limited period of time.
3.4 Update the development plan based on feedback and Evaluation
Feedbacks refers to opinion and reaction of others towards the skills and abilities of an
individual which help them in developing their weaknesses and achieve desired objectives in an
effective and efficient manner. Feedback can be given after examining the skills and abilities of
an individual (Hudson, 2013).
Improved Making better
relation with
investors, other
employees to
work in a team.
training programs
in order to
interact with
Leadership skills Improved Arrange and
Providing an
opportunity to
Document Page
employees to
work in a team on
the basis of their
skills and
employees to
work with
unknown people
in order to
interact with them
in an effective
Problem solving
Not improved Dealing with
uncertainties and
through taking an
effective decision.
Gives an
authority to take
decision in case
of emergencies.
1 month
4.1: Covered in Poster
4.2&4.3 Covered in PPT
As per the above report, it has been concluded that it is important to prepare Personal and
professional development plan with a motive of improving skills and capabilities through
conducting training sessions and development programs. It is important fro an organisation to
recruit skilled and knowledgable candidate who have effective skills and abilities to manage and
control business activities in an effective and efficient manner. For an individual it is important
to identify their strengths and weakness so that they can focus on implementing correcting
actions to improve their weaknesses.

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Books and Journals
Elliott, M., and et., al., 2015. Professional Development: Designing Initiatives to Meet the Needs
of Online Faculty. Journal of Educators Online. 12(1). p.n1.
Evans, P., 2015. Open online spaces of professional learning: Context, personalisation and
facilitation. TechTrends, 59(1), pp.31-36.
Fiorentini, D., 2013. Learning and professional development of the mathematics teacher in
research communities. Sisyphus-Journal of Education. 1(3). pp.152-181.
Fullan, M., 2014. Leading in a culture of change personal action guide and workbook. John
Wiley & Sons.
Gleeson, C., 2010. Education beyond competencies: a participative approach to professional
development. Medical education. 44(4). pp.404-411.
Graham-Jones, P. and et., al, 2012. The need to incorporate health information technology into
physicians’ education and professional development. Health Affairs. 31(3). pp.481-487.
Huffman, J. B. and et., al 2014. Professional learning communities: Leadership, purposeful
decision making, and job-embedded staff development. Journal of School
Leadership. 11(5). pp.448-463.
Lambert, M., Vero, J. and Zimmermann, B., 2012. Vocational training and professional
development: a capability perspective. International Journal of Training and
Development. 16(3). pp.164-182.
Mc Kee, A. and Eraut, M. eds., 2011. Learning trajectories, innovation and identity for
professional development (Vol. 7). Springer Science & Business Media.
Paterson, C. and Chapman, J., 2013. Enhancing skills of critical reflection to evidence learning in
professional practice. Physical Therapy in Sport. 14(3). pp.133-138.
Saunders, R., 2012. Assessment of professional development for teachers in the vocational
education and training sector: An examination of the concerns based adoption
model. Australian Journal of Education. 56(2). pp.182-204.
Scales, P., Pickering, J. and Senior, L., 2011. Continuing professional development in the
lifelong learning sector. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
Scott, D. E., Scott, S., Lindberg, J.O. and Olofsson, A.D., 2010. Innovations in the use of
technology and teacher professional development.
Sisk-Hilton, S., 2015. Teaching and learning in public: Professional development through
shared inquiry. Teachers College Press.
Zhao, H., Coombs, S. and Zhou, X., 2010. Developing professional knowledge about teachers
through metaphor research: facilitating a process of change. Teacher Development. 14(3).
Sutherland, L., Howard, S. and Markauskaite, L., 2010. Professional identity creation:
Examining the development of beginning preservice teachers' understanding of their
work as teachers. Teaching and teacher education. 26(3). pp.455-465.
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Black, P. E. and Plowright, D., 2010. A multi‐dimensional model of reflective learning for
professional development. Reflective Practice. 11(2). pp.245-258.
Cooke, N. A., 2012. Professional development 2.0 for librarians: Developing an online personal
learning network (PLN). Library Hi Tech News. 29(3). pp.1-9.
7 Essential Time Management Strategies. 2017. [Online]. Available through
SWOT Analysis, 2017. [Online]. Available through: <
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