
Project Management: Riverina Agriculture and Lifetime Shows (RALS)


Added on  2020-03-16

25 Pages3618 Words35 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Running head: PROJECT MANAGEMENTProject Management: Riverina Agriculture and Lifetime Shows (RALS) Virtucon and GlobexScenarioName of the student:Name of the university:
Project Management: Riverina Agriculture and Lifetime Shows (RALS)_1

1PROJECT MANAGEMENTTable of ContentsPart 1: Measurable Organizational Value (MOV)...........................................................................31.1 Identified desired area of impact...............................................................................................41.2 Identification of different types of values..................................................................................61.3 Appropriate metrics development..............................................................................................61.4 Development of the timeframe for RALS project.....................................................................71.5 Summary of MOV project.......................................................................................................112. Part 2: Scope management of RALS project.............................................................................112.1 Developing project scope........................................................................................................112.2 List of project resources...........................................................................................................112.3 The details of resources...........................................................................................................133. Part 3..........................................................................................................................................143.1 Development of Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)..............................................................143.2 Identification of project activities............................................................................................153.3 Identification of project resources...........................................................................................173.4 Cost estimation for the tasks....................................................................................................173.5 Estimation of time for RALS project.......................................................................................214. Part 4: Risk analysis and project plan........................................................................................234.1 Project risk management plan..................................................................................................235. Part 5: Quality Management Plan..............................................................................................265.1 Philosophy of the project team................................................................................................265.2 Quality assurance for RALS project........................................................................................266. Part 6: Closure plan and evaluation...........................................................................................276.1 Development of closure checklist............................................................................................276.2 Development of project checklist outline................................................................................27Bibliography..................................................................................................................................28
Project Management: Riverina Agriculture and Lifetime Shows (RALS)_2

2PROJECT MANAGEMENTPart 1: Measurable Organizational Value (MOV)Analyzing the Virtucon and Globex scenario it has been defined that the company iswilling to arrange a 3 days event named as Riverina Agriculture and Lifetime Shows (RALS) fortheir consumers. The show mainly deals with the local businesses, suppliers of the agriculturalequipment suppliers and other lifetime products. The most important components those arestrictly required to be followed by the project developers include co –ordination for show stand,live program display, catering and volunteers. The volunteers have thought about this planning inthe year of 2000 and the show is organizing by the organizers from 2000. With the number ofpassing days the numbers of participants are also increasing accordingly thus the queue for ticketbooking is also increasing and the participants are losing their patients for this long queue. Inorder to reduce these issues the organizers have decided to develop an online ticket bookingwebsite for their consumers.This report depicts the scope of the project including the project resources, allotted timeand estimated cost as well. In addition to this, for reducing the work pressure from the consumersa work Breakdown structure is also developed by the program organizers. In order to implementthe RALS project successfully it is necessary for the project manager to allot proper time andcost for the project. Apart from the time and cost management a quality management and riskmanagement plan is also developed in this report. Even team philosophy must be set properly forthe successful execution of the RALS project.1.1 Identified desired area of impactDesired areasRankingImpactStrategies 2Proper business and projectdevelopment strategies willhelp the project manager to
Project Management: Riverina Agriculture and Lifetime Shows (RALS)_3

3PROJECT MANAGEMENTgain measurable businesssuccess and even huge numberof consumers throughout(Pemsel & Wiewiora,2013).Customers 3Customers are referred to asthe most important asset forany business thus they areneeded to be satisfied properlyby the services and productsof any business. With userfriendly online ticket bookingwebsite the number ofparticipants will be increasedaccordingly. Operational 4With the help of functionaland operational excellence theconsumers will be able to gethandle the online ticketbooking system properly(Schwalbe, 2015).Financial 1Financial support is the mostimportant thing for thedevelopment of RALS project.With the help of this capitalinvested the additionalresources could be added tothe system including thesecurity and user friendlymechanism as well (Sanchez,2015)Social 5The communication approachof between the projectmanager and the other projectteam members and even withthe sponsors as well could beimproved for adopting socialcomponents.1.2 Identification of different types of valuesBetter: The online ticket booking system will help the project manager to serve betterquality and user friendly service to their participants.
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4PROJECT MANAGEMENTFaster: In the online ticket booking system the participants need not to wait in the queuefor getting the tickets rather the entire system will become faster that the manual ticket bookingsystem.Cheaper: The number of manpower will get reduced after the implementation of onlineticket booking system because computerized system does not required human power.1.3 Appropriate metrics developmentIn order to implement the RALS project successfully, it is necessary for the projectmanager to contract with proper project stakeholders. For this project the identified projectstakeholders are as follows:Name of the stakeholdersExpectationProject managerTo complete the project on time withinestimated budgetFinance manager Expect to complete the project within theestimated budget even if additional resourcesare required.Operation managerTo provide proper operational and functionalexcellence to the consumers Application programming managerProvide appreciable application of the website HR managerTo manage the issues of the manpower and allproject team members Project team members To complete the project on time 1.4 Development of the timeframe for RALS projectWBSTask NameDurationStartFinishPredecessorsResource NamesCostVariance
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5PROJECT MANAGEMENT0RALStimeframedevelopment 163daysFri10/6/17Tue5/22/18$28,624.001 Projectinitiation phase 51 daysFri10/6/17Fri12/15/17$9,664.001.1 Conceptualizing the details ofRALS project 5 daysFri10/6/17Thu10/12/17Project manager$800.001.2 Developingproject charter 18 daysFri10/13/17Tue11/7/17$3,744.001.2.1 Identification of businessrequirements 6 daysFri10/13/17Fri10/20/172businessanalyst,projectsponsor$1,584.001.2.2 Understanding projectspecification 5 daysMon10/23/17Fri10/27/174businessanalyst,projectsponsor$1,320.001.2.3 Arrangement of meetingbetween theproject managerand project teammembers 7 daysMon10/30/17Tue11/7/175business analyst$840.001.3 Vendor10 daysWedTue$1,440.00
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