
Project Management Assignment - Stud farm


Added on  2020-12-10

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Project Management Assignment - Stud farm_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1PART 1: Measurable Organizational Value (MOV).......................................................................1Desired area of impact.................................................................................................................1Better and faster aspect of present project...................................................................................1Development of appropriate metrics...........................................................................................2Time frame for achieving MOV..................................................................................................2Concise statement of MOV.........................................................................................................2PART 2: Scope management plan...................................................................................................3Scope of the project and scope management plan.......................................................................3List of resources...........................................................................................................................3Details of resources through MS Projects...................................................................................3PART 3: Work breakdown structure...............................................................................................8PART 4..........................................................................................................................................14Project Risk Analysis.................................................................................................................14PART 5..........................................................................................................................................16Quality management plan..........................................................................................................16PART 6..........................................................................................................................................18Project Evaluation......................................................................................................................18REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................20
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INTRODUCTIONPresent study is based on Stud farm which is the leading farm that offers breathingservices in rural areas. Company is planning to develop online information system in the state farcommunity so that it can provide more effective services to mass audience (Chadli and et.al,2016). Recently it is taking support of manual process due to which it is unable to handleoperations well. The project of company is to develop online information system so that breederscan make online booking and can make payment easily. Current study will describe scopemanagement of the project and will develop schedule. Furthermore, risk management plan andquality management plan will be prepared (Pollack and Adler, 2015). PART 1: Measurable Organizational Value (MOV)Desired area of impactThe project discusses regarding development of online information system for state farmcommunity with the aim to provide better services to the breeders as they are responsible forproviding true parenting to thorough breeds. The project will be helpful in establishing onlineinformation system so that manual processes can be reduced to minimum. The main impact ofthis project will be ascertained on operational basis a majority of the same can be experienced onoperational aspects of Stud farms (Bresnen, 2016). Online information system will prove to bequite helpful for stud farms to manage the data effectively in such a manner that breeders will beallowed to make online bookings. Of the services and they will also be able to make onlinepayments against the services being adopted by them. Hence, it can be stated that maximumamount of impact will be present on operational aspect of the business. The main aim of thisproject management aspects are:To develop information system for stud farms so as to provide better services to breeders.To mitigate manual process of stud farm and to provide quick services to the breeders.Better and faster aspect of present projectThe two main aspects linked to aim and objectives of indulging online information systemis that it will help in making organization to provide services which are, faster as well as better.Since, it is important to improve overall quality of the business, on which emphasis can be givenon making majority of the business system automatic in such a manner that quality of servicescan be maintained to the maximum. Other important aspects that is linked to the business is thatit helps in making the business to function in an effective manner their quality services are1
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ultimately provided in a manner that best possible services can ultimately be transferred to thecustomers. Since, Stud farms is a leading business company, it becomes important for theorganization to ensure that the best possible services can be provided by the business in a well-defined manner. Using manual process, when company already belongs to a large scale, makes itdifficult to ensure that no important information is eliminated from its functions. In this scenario,it becomes important for the company to opt for online business system that is effective enoughto achieve all the important business aspects (Calvo-Mora, Navarro-García and Periañez-Cristobal, 2015). Development of appropriate metricsIt becomes important to assess various metrics that can help in addressing changes instrategic aspects of the business. In this scenario, timely checking out the functions and assessingwhether it is able to deliver its core aspects are business profits out of it or not. It helps inensuring that all the expectation of business is appropriately being fulfilled in a manner thatincrease or decrease in the overall profits of the business can be ascertained. It can be stated thatoverall impact of performance can directly be seen on overall revenue aspects of the business. Itis important for Stud farms to ascertain various metrics based on which measurement of thebusiness can be made. If any aspect is not able to generate appropriate results, corrective actionscan be taken immediately. Hence, certain metric aspects can be, time saved through adoption ofonline information system, feasibility of the project, convenience, training and development tothe employees, convenience to the users, number of users attracted towards it, number of usersserved through it and overall budget expectations from the project (Eskerod, Huemann andSavage, 2015).Time frame for achieving MOVThe overall expected time so as to achieve overall MOV for the business is 20 weeks.Since there are various aspects that are required to be achieved in the frame of MeasurableOrganizational Value. Hence, the overall time being allotted to complete the functions of MOVis 20 weeks.Concise statement of MOVMov is responsible to discuss regarding what are the aspects that are required to be achievedby the organization so as to fulfil the expectations of the laid down projects. In this scenario, theaim of project is to implement online information system in a manner that maximum can be2
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achieved by the business by effectively fulfilling the requirements of stakeholders attached to itin the form of customers, service users, employees, management, creditors, investors, etc.Further, MOV is also responsible to ascertain the time frame which will be required to achieveall the important aspects attached to the project, which has been identified to be 20 weeks. PART 2: Scope management planScope of the project and scope management planProject scope is considered to be an important aspect of planning which helps indetermining the activities and functions in such a manner that maximum deliverables can beattained. It becomes important for project managers to define the scope covered under onlineinformation system. It comprises mainly of calculation of cost, providing online paymentfacilities, elimination of manual process of budgeting to payment, easy and reliable access toinformation, etc. It will also be helpful in gathering reports and the same can be examined andanalysed for management decision making and functionality of the business. Moreover, it willalso be ensured that the online platform is adequately safe, secure in management of internaloperations of the organization to satisfy the requirements of service users (Ika, 2015). List of resourcesThere are various resources that will be required to be present with the management so thatultimately results related to Stud farms can appropriately be achieved. These resources are listedbelow:Equipment in the form of computerSoftware to install online systemHardware, smart touch screen, transmitter, advanced applicationsNetworking (Layton and Ostermiller, 2017)Human resources, that is, application and software developer, technical team, graphicdesigners and team leaders for technical departmentsAdequate amount of monetary investment for the project. Details of resources through MS ProjectsThe budget being prescribed for each activity has been 7280 for Human Resource and 7280for It material. It has been indicated that the amount of actually sufficient to make available allthe resources for Stu farm.3
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