Table of Contents TASK...............................................................................................................................................3 1. What primary research will you conduct? Why?...............................................................3 2. What secondary research will you conduct? Why?............................................................3 3. What quantitative research will you conduct? Why?.........................................................3 4. What qualitative research will you conduct? Why?...........................................................3 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................4
TASK 1.What primary research will you conduct? Why? In context with Marks and Spencer, the investigator has chosen the questionnaire method of primary research for collecting and gathering the data. This method of questionnaire is chosen by the researcher because from this, the investigator can be able to collect information and data on the specific topic of research, and the respondents have to answer only from the options given by the researcher, they can't answer other than that four options, they have to tell their opinion from that options only so that authenticate information can be gathered by the researcher (Brannen, 2017) . 2. What secondary research will you conduct? Why? In respect of M&S, the researcher has chosen the public source such as online sites type of secondary research as by this they saves a lot of time and also the analysis of existing data is very cost-efficient as in this type of research the data is already collected to address potentially (Davies and Francis, 2018) . 3. What quantitative research will you conduct? Why? In regard with Marks and Spencer, the investigator has chosen the numerical quantitative research, to quantify the problem of mathematical data which can be transformed into usable statistics (Johnston, 2017). This research is used to make graph and implement the mathematical formulas, so that the numerical data is systematically delivered to the user. 4.What qualitative research will you conduct? Why? In the similar way, for the M&S organisation, the researcher has used the theoretical qualitativeresearchso that secondary researchcanbe conductedinorder to gatherthe
information which is already investigated by any individual on the similar topic of research, qualitative research then collect the data from the thesis of the information which is already collected (Silverman, 2016). This is used to gain the motivation and deep understanding on the particular subject. REFERENCES Books and Journals Brannen, J., 2017.Mixing methods: Qualitative and quantitative research. Routledge. Davies, P. and Francis, P., 2018.Doing criminological research. SAGE Publications Limited. Johnston, M. P., 2017. Secondary data analysis: A method of which the time has come. Qualitative and quantitative methods inlibraries.3(3).pp.619-626. Silverman, D. ed., 2016.Qualitative research. Sage.